In #Hollywood In addition to #racism, there is a lot of SEXUAL ABUSE.
Just to remember, there is also a lot of human sacrifice and a lot of pedophilia. #Oscars#Oscar2020
Biden is in favor of #abortion, he is #racist, Biden finances #chaos.
Joe Biden was Obama's accomplice in the creation of the #ISIS, in the destruction of 7 countries.
Joe is a #pedophile, a #Satanist and a #globalist.
The Democrats' logo says it all.
The truth has always been before your eyes, but you insist on not wanting to see it.
It wasn't just about oil, the media didn't talk about opium and also lied about Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons. #NeverForget!
Part 2 #Bush, #McCain and other globalist #puppets started a non-existent war in which they started an enemy that also did not exist leading chaos, death and destruction to various nations with support from the #globalist media.