Bernie Sanders, 8,761 - 28 percent
Pete Buttigieg, 7,076 - 23 percent
Amy Klobuchar, 6,255 - 20 percent
Elizabeth Warren, 3,804 - 12 percent
Joe Biden, 2,521 - 8 percent
+ Sanders leading, Buttigieg second
+ Klobuchar running a strong third
+ Warren back in fourth below delegate cutoff
+ Biden in single digits in fifth, already in South Carolina
+ Sanders leads over Buttigieg and Klobuchar
+ Both Warren and Biden in single digits, won't get delegates
+ Warren has already spoken to supporters. A major setback for her in a state that's in her back yard.
Sanders - 9
Buttigieg - 9
Klobuchar - 6
That could well be the final result no matter what the vote numbers turn out to be tonight.
"That's the opening bell not the closing bell....the fight to end Donald Trump's presidency is just beginning"
+ Still waiting for Sanders & Buttigieg to speak
+ Sanders leads but seems like there's room for Buttigieg to edge closer
+ Delegates will likely be 9-9 with 6 for Klobuchar
+ Warren & Biden in single digits with no delegates
Sanders won all three of those in 2016 by 53-47 type margins.
Sanders - 9
Buttigieg - 9
Klobuchar - 6
That would leave the overall delegate total after Iowa & NH:
Buttigieg - 23
Sanders - 21
Warren - 8
Klobuchar - 7
Biden - 6
"We are going to unite together and defeat the most dangerous President in the modern history of this country"