I recognise this same behaviour in #Brexit. #Brexiters needed an enemy so #Remainers became the enemy.
And the more ridiculous and divorced from 2016 Brexit that their ideas became so the more Remainers pointed that out...
...and the more #Brexiters dug into even worse outcomes driving further lies.
A mutual assured destruction of UK plc.
Could it have been resolved differently?
Well, I can think of many ways that #Brexit could have been an objective project managed on its merits. But...
I think three things could have saved us.
1. Leadership.
a) a good PM would have kicked Brexit into review
b) a good opposition would have built a strong case against.
2. Free Press
If we had one Brexit would have been buried.
3. A formal constitution.
A whole series of abuses of our constitution enabled brexit - from advisory votes to no super majorities, vote rigging, lack of manifesto, lies about where sovereignty resides, a coup et al.
My question: 1 is dead, 2 is corrupt. So how do we do 3?