Study of existing data biased to indicate prescription driven crisis.
Age-adjusted totals make it easier to blame rx.
But age-specific data tells a different story. Rx primarily elderly, disabled with few OD, while youth without Rx are majority OD.
Medical advancements increased need for pain care by the MILLIONS. People that should be DEAD or bedbound, walking, working, LIVING.
And opioids helped..
This thread breaks that down, showing that NEED amounted to TENS OF BILLIONS of doses.
Yet, that leaves increases in drug overdoses dangling without a source.
I'm getting to that..
Chase Bolling, son of Eric Bolling.
CDC Director Robert Redfield Jr. son.
Tom Petty.
They were not addicts, and...
...they overdosed on illicit fentanyl.
Two were party boyz.
The other two?
Treating PAIN.…
Its part of the death stats, under 'synthetic opioid'. Written off as rx opioid, because coroners didn't waste time in the 2000's testing for it.
But they did test for it in a crisis, a NEW twist in Ongoing Opioid Epidemic.
No, that language was used in 1991.
For a FENTANYL epidemic dating to 1988.…
From heroin coming back in from Vietnam, to China White, Mexi brown, Afganistan, etc, there's ALWAYS been an illegal drug overdose problem.…
..its not stopping after every prescription opioid is gone, and all our disabled, elderly, wounded, and suffering have died in miserable pain.
So, why are we destroying pain care, and lives??