ATT: @NGRSenate @HouseNGR @DrAhmadLawan @femigbaja @SenatorAbaribe @iamekweremadu @stellaoduah @SenUcheEkwunife @HQNigerianArmy

Having chronicled where Nigerians are coming from, and having explained how census counts gave the NORTH, its POLITICAL & ECONOMIC PERKS, till date, e.g., 19 States, more seats in @NGRSenate & @HouseNGR, more LGAs, one may ask, WHAT DOES THE NORTH WANT?

The latest deal @WhiteHouse signed with the Taliban is aimed at drawing down its military presence & ending its 18-year war in Afghanistan. The long-anticipated deal comes after a year and a half of negotiations and following a week-long partial truce.