And who can been considered the "Godfather" Trumpism politics?
D(JT) = The merging of #Q and John Titor (JT)
Mercer and a former colleague from IBM, Peter Brown, became co-CEOs of Renaissance in 2009.……
As of 2014, Renaissance managed $25 billion in assets.…

It was reportedly Rebekah who connected Trump with Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Bannon.
Game Theory: Machine Learning President…
Among these efforts was public-opinion research, showing that political conditions were increasingly ripe for an outsider candidate to take the White House.
The plot supposedly operated out of an airport in Mena, Arkansas.
Two other sources told me that, in recent years, they had heard Mercer claim that the Clintons have had opponents murdered.
“He thinks that the leaders are corrupt crooks, and that they’ve ruined the country.”…
In the 2016 campaign, Mercer gave $22.5 million in disclosed donations to Republican candidates and PACs.
Bannon noticed when Trump spoke to crowds, people were electrified and began to think that Trump might be “the one” to shake up American politics.
Mercer and his daughter Rebekah introduced Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to Trump which resulted in senior roles in the Trump campaign.
He suspects Mercer used the brilliant computational probability models he designed for the finance market and redesigned probability models of how people vote.
Together, Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah were as responsible for Trump’s victory more than anyone else, besides Trump himself.…
He also is not a proponent of endless and needless war overseas.…
He is a big proponent of Arthur B. Robinson who holds a PhD in biochemistry.
Mercer has helped to fund Robinson's newsletter, Congress runs and research at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.…
The institute also publishes material relating to civil defense and disaster preparedness
They believe it will provide a novel way to diagnose disease and then, perhaps, to extend the human lifespan.……
John Titor’s (JT) primary objective was to go back in time to the 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100 that had the unique and secret ability to translate various CPU languages.……
Mercer joined IBM in 1972 and helped develop a statistical machine translation technique as part of a speech recognition and translation research program
1. Computational probability models (Game theory)
2. Funding Republican candidates and political action committees
4. Introducing key players into senior roles in the Trump campaign…
Robert Mercer is JT’s “Grandfather and DJT’s “Godfather”
This was part 2 in my theory of #D(JT)
Donald John Trump (DJT) + John Titor (JT) = D(JT)……