#IKnowAGuy Ssn II [Finale]
Ep 4 of 4.
This chic, tumwite Caro. For obvious reasons. She’s twenny wan. Fly AF. Sura, shepu na tabia. Skin that Luo men risk it all for. Ako colle.
Bad things do happen to good people. Depending on your perspective.

She says she can’t date anyone within a Luanda Magere pantone. And she cannot date anyone still in campus. Also, you must be serving the Lord.
She's looking for work. Meanwhile she does promotion jobs. Her looks bring those jobs on a regular.
She is diligent and promising. She talks to promo boss, she could get permanent.
This specific promo, she is posted to a Langata Hyper. When that Langata Hyper was the real Hyper.
He is dressed sharply, and has those pilot shirts you can buy off any stall in Toi. He has a carry case he is pulling on the floor. He also smells expensive. He speaks Coasterian Swahili & some random English.
An obvious front.
She is used to it by now, already, the guys flirting flirting. But this one is bold, flirting within an earshot of the wife. Caro is nervous. Because.
He says he is a pilot, has been for a while. He has his own plane, and does chartered flights, strictly VIP flights only.
Some guy once boxed her saying he is paying his second mortgage, only to find out the guy had defaulted rent for 4 months.
They broke up.
The man asks her name, what she does, how much she is paid etc. She plays it safe, even lies about her name.
He asks her how long the promo would last, and if she wants a small contract, for a weekend.
Mr. Pilot sizes her & compliments her a bit, alafu he moves back and whispers to the other woman, and then they come at Caro.
She's scared.
The Woman: Sasa? Nimesikia unajiskia na kajob kadogo?
Caro: (Puzzled but nods.)
The Woman: Hujui kuongea?
Caro: Ndio.
In her head, all possible scenarios are playing.
BTW she's hit on daily. Once by a chic who wanted to make out, then a couple that wanted threesome.
The Woman: We have a very exclusive high end party in Mombasa, and are looking for beautiful models like you to work as ushers. Unaweza fanya hiyo kazi?
Caro: Yes. Naweza.
Caro: Naweza kuja na beste yangu?
The Woman: (Hands a business card.) If she fits the bill & can work. Mtaenda Mombasa, mtalipiwa air tickets & hotel plus mtapata pocket money na bado mtalipwa.
Caro: OK. Aki ahsante.
Caro rocks into interview with Irene. A few other chics are there with CVs in brown envelops. They go in one by one, and then they come out. The woman occasionally paces in & out of the office, smiling at Caro every time.
The ‘Pilot’ also appears just once and leaves.
Caro is called in. Her interviewed is 20 mins +; Where is your shags, who is your mum? Can you seen with other people? Do you have a boyfriend? A child.
Alafu she is told she has the job, they just need one more person.
Courage makes Caro speak for Irene. She begs to be paired with her.
The Woman: Huyu beshte yako, is she professional, is she reliable, can she keep company information secret?
Caro answers for Irene.
The Woman: She is your responsibility. Is she messes up, it is you.
Irene is called in. The woman also tells them, it is KE 20,000 a day. For 3 days. Plus KE 1,500 for breakfast and KE 2,000 for lunch. For all the 3 Days.
They'll have to leave Thursday with earliest morning flight, to work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. If they want, they can stay at the hotel free of charge for an extra day, but will only get money for meals.
Then fly back.
They hear the figures & almost susu. 60,000, plus another 10,500. Per Person. With a extra day stay at the hotel. Without having to sleep with anyone?
Too good to be true, si ndio?
She says they can't tell anyone about the job, and find a way to explain absence.
They just have to behave themselves, doing exactly as are told. Their work is to welcome people and walk them in and assist them in anyway they can.
Irene and Caro agree they can take the extra day. They agree that they say Irene got a job interview and Caro is taking her.
They are scott free.
Or they can stay a couple of days. Irene's boyfriend is game.
But she doesn't tell Caro who assumes everything is still chini ya maji.
The lady is in a hurry, but says ‘Here is your down payment.’ 25K kila mtu.
She says the tailor delayed with the uniforms. They'll get them at the airport in the morning with everything else pending. She says, don’t be late. 5:30 sharp.
No contracts.
After coffee, she says she's going to find out about the flight.
The flight has been cancelled, and nobody told her. They now need to use a bus because the ushers can't be late.
But yeye, because of her back, she will just fly in the next day.
The girls are rushed to downtown Nairobi CBD.
They 'find' a bus. It has a set of two seats remaining. Surprisingly, the seats are right in the middle. They take them.
In their heads, nothing has clicked yet. Everything is happening because everything is really happening.
He promises to get watch them.
He looks like he is just muscle and nothing more.
Caro is captured by fear. Fully. She is wondering, why she didn't ask the driver or the conductor to watch over them. Why a stranger.
Irene sees the fear in Caro and panics properly.
Each gets the other. They are loosely wrapped in a cardboard box & black masking tape. They are told, they have to carry them for the event.
Anywhere they go, even to the toilet, they have to have the packages on them.
Under their clothes.
At all times.
The longest journey of their lives. Calls from the Woman and the Pilot every 30 minutes.
The ugly guy keeps reminding them he is there.
It takes them to the fanciest hotel they have ever seen, but their is too much pressure and fear to take it all in.
Immediately the woman calls and tells them to put the packages inside refrigerator in the hotel room, and then go to the restaurant for juice or a meal. But not to leave hotel.
They take 1 hour and wish for more. They are scared stiff. But their options are gone. Literally.
After an hour or so, the woman calls them and tells them they can now go and relax in the room.
Also, there is something for them in the fridge, they can take it with them.
She thanks them for the diligence.
Their phones are there too. Chilling. They check to make sure their bags have nothing. They take a hotel cab to the bus park.
As they leave the hotel, the ugly guy and Mr. Pilot wave goodbye.
They take the night bus and head back straight for Nairobi. The bus breaks down a few times, which really scares them, but they get home in peace.
A bit richer & wiser.
In the courtroom, also, is the ugly guy, seated quietly, following the proceeding.
Season III Coming Soon.