- David Krakauer
on #Complexity #Economics
- @EricBeinhocker
"Homo economicus is #pseudoscience. It isn't scientifically valid. They had no #evidence, no empirical work."
- @EricBeinhocker on fixing #economics
#greed vs #reciprocity & #sociality
#individualism vs #multiscale selection
#price as #value vs #endogenous ground truths and limited models
"How does the #economy coevolve with the biophysical system in which it exists? In traditional economics, the #environment is an externality..."
- @EricBeinhocker
@patrickc of @stripe at @TheAtlantic
on the importance of a #science of #progress (how humankind doesn't really have one, and needs to).
- @EricBeinhocker on how radically different a science-based moral economics looks - and works
- @EricBeinhocker
@AKStanger on the increasingly porous line between #business and #government (because of both #privatization & #globalization) in the early 21st Century...
@AKStanger speaking on #complexity #economics
@AKStanger on New #Complexity #Economics
- @AKStanger on tech's disruption of governance & New #Complexity #Economics
"When platforms appear to undermine human values, brands are tarnished, sometimes irreparably."
@AKStanger on how @facebook's doing a subpar job of aligning with its own survival
@AKStanger on the eruption of #okboomer & the importance of careful study & cogent arguments to politics, not just the parroting distorted & ideological histories.
i.e., the USA *should not* look like this, @jim_rutt
@AKStanger on #bigbusiness vs #government & #justice
Slides from @ole_b_peters' talk at New #Complexity #Economics today
#decisionmaking #economy #time
SFI'S @JacksonmMatt (@Stanford) on #Complexity #Economics
#complexsystems #ecomomics
SFI's @JacksonmMatt speaking at New #Complexity #Economics:
SFI External Prof @jacksonmmatt (@Stanford) on the #unforeseen/#externalities in even well-designed initiatives:
Learn more & join:
@cmoncap on what it takes to organize #protests (or more generally agree on a #consensus reality in which to act).
Turns out "@replyall" is a crucial play:
@cmoncap at our ACtioN Network meeting today:
- W. Brian Arthur
W. Brian Arthur extolls the aesthetic virtues and empirical failings of standard economics:
- W. Brian Arthur on the origins of #nonequilibrium thinking in the theory of #economics as a #complexsystem at SFI in 1988.
W. Brian Arthur on accepting the fundamental #uncertainty required of honest and effective #economics models:
"Well, it turns out that people DO act under conditions of #uncertainty all the time. They get married, they become Buddhists..."
W. Brian Arthur on the origins of #complexsystems #economics
"#Complexity #Economics is seeing the world not as a machine, but as an #ecology...you find perpetually novel behavior."
W. Brian Arthur:
W. Brian Arthur:
W. Brian Arthur wraps his keynote at our annual ACtioN #Network meeting.
More info about joining is for future events: santafe.edu/action
- W. Brian Arthur
- W. Brian Arthur on the disproportionate importance of the ~2% standard #economics fails to model