Season II
Episode 2 (A) of 4.
This lady, Makena*, she gets a call. It's her friend, Joy*, same Chama.
She's calling with udaku, but the udaku just the first step. By the time they are done with her, they will have her 7 Million Shillings.

Followed by pleasantries, tiny gossip and the vain praise you love to hear about yourself. About how good you are, or how much you have been missed or how much you have helped them.
Joy is a fixer. Her role in the scam is to bring you to a planned meeting. Thazit.
And since our ears always want to be told things, Makena automatically says yes.
The meeting is held at a high end restaurant in Valley Arcade. Just Joy and Makena. Time is agreed and kept.
Aki umelost. Ehe? Niambie. Aki wewe. And the fake ‘Hahaha! Angalia hiki!’
She says, 'We are managing.'
And then Joy switches to the main game. The real game. Please note, Makena has known Joy for a long time and would vouch for her.
Joy tells her there is a high level networking group for people in a certain league of professionals. She explains what they do, when they meet etc.
'If you ask me, this is for you.'
Joy engages gear two: 'I know you are not there yet but si we are working with faith. Imagine utafika hapo soon by faith. Me the way you have helped me, I just want the best for you.
She hesitates a bit.
She isn’t sure but that’s a better option. Alafu Joy seals it, ‘It is 2,500pp, but I'll pay for you. You'd do the same for me.
Soon a guy goes on stage and sells the vision. They are a professionals working to better themselves and their families.
And then…
They believe in the Kingdom Business Mentality.
In fact, they are peers, and unlike in other parts of the world where people pay to join such clubs, they will not charge a dime.
They also bring up a few guys who 'missed' being on the Top 100 Business by a ‘whisker’, but have every intention of getting there next year, if the support of this networking group does not stop.
The role of the group is to look out for, and seek opportunities for members. Period. Oh, and where possible, to support members with resources to secure the business.
Si ndio?
Her and others, are not here by choice. It’s by design. Her group has 3 extractors. Everyone who spoke at the dinner is in the scam.
The extractors are also in all the other groups.
It's Game On.
Makena is put in a chapter with these 3 guys, who are mandated to clean her out a good one.
First meeting is a business breakfast, 7:00am sharp. Everyone does detailed introductions.
And then people start bringing their problems to the table.
They always cab or are dropped. They dine in 5 stars, with high and mighty, and have the same circle of friends.
Harry starts. He is chasing payments from ati sijui ministry of what.
Enter James, the main extractor assigned to Makena. James comes with a whole sermon about how Harry should talk to Gibson. Because he supplied sijui what cars and tractors for sijui which project and they delayed with their payments.
Gibson asks for details and Harry says quite a bit of words and drops IMF & World Bank & UN into the story. Gibson says he will make a call. He also explains how gava works etc. He assures him he will have his cash within a week.
It's the game, my peoples.
The meeting ends with people asking if anyone has any work they can sukumia the group. Of course the 3 sukumia each other business in 10 or 20k.
They share numbers then disbands.
A couple of days go, James calls asking if Makena's agency can work on a tender his boy has.
They do dinner. The guy pays. Perfect gentleman. They get to know each other.
Ze boss sends people to work. And people work on the brief a good one.
Then comes the cleaning. James borrows KE 10,000.00, to pay in a week. Boss lady is wary but she is too emotionally involved.
The guy pays back. The same day. Akatuma mpaka ya kutoa. He says some work he did paid and he didn’t even know the cash had hit the account.
Dating continues. And small small business for people to stand at doors during events, T Shirt branding etc.
He borrows another KE 20,00.00, to be paid in a week. It is paid in 2 days. And it is paid with dinner, or drinks, or just a solid hangout. Next time he borrows KE 20,000.00, KE 50,000.00, KE 10,000.00 and KE 15,000.00 .
He never defaults payment.
Meanwhile a chic is missing all the red flags.
The guy keeps changing cars & moving houses. She even once tells him stuff like, the house is too big you can stay here. Which he quickly declined.
Also all these monies he's being paid is tied up somewhere, or it was a deal between me & nani, or he's waiting for his cut. He has no actual business.
All he does is borrow, pay, buy dinner & drinks.
His mortgage is giving him shidas but he'll sort it out himself, and besides, his dad wants him to sell that for another project.
Finally, like 8 months into it, after just refunding 50K, and dining on Mombasa road overlooking the National Park, the guy comes with two sets of documents.
It's the final play.
The second one, he says, 'I need a huge favor. I just need a guarantor.' The work needs accounts statements with 15 Million at least. But he only has 2M. Can she okolea him with documents pekee.
Monday, James brings account details from the bank on Kenyatta Avenue and boss lady brings hers. But she only has 5M. Which is ok. The guy says he will look for someone with 7M.
He tafutas the whole day, nothing.
Then he proceeds to defend his recent thesis on ‘THIS IS THE ONE DEAL I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR TO FINALLY SETTLE DOWN… WITH YOU!’
He even drops a brochure of wedding rings in her presence and picks it up after she’d seen it.
James accepts and rewards her with a lovely dinner and other things. She actually believes that’s the night she could have caught him.
So homeboy is grateful, but is wondering, where is this extra 3.5M from?
Anyway, he brings her 2 more businesses’ bank statements from Harry, 2,500,000.00 and Gibson, KE 2,000,000.00.
By weekend, he has a signed ‘PO.’
Also note, she is not the only target.
So the week of the cleaning comes.
The guy comes and says, he is chasing some cash. KE 7M to be precise.
Chic is like me I don’t have 7M.
But si you remember she had been conditioned by the payments.
‘How much can you saidia me with? Aki all my cash is held up elsewhere.’
She says she only has savings of about 2M, and maybe an overdraft of 1M but from the business. But that’s all she has. Master is like, ‘Sawa. Wewe leta hiyo.’
‘Babe, pls saidia me with the cash & logbook. Aki before gava closes accounts.'
She thinks about it for a few hours. Finally she brings the logbook, and transfers the money, topping it up from the agency. Please, people's saloz about to delay.
He goes back to her, and somehow convinces her. Shortly the car is at the Shylocks garage.
The Shylock insists, Makena must sign off the loan to her name. It's her car, anyway.
She is game.
James buys Makena dinner. Makena's has lost her appetite. She just stares at him. He thinks he's been caught. He takes her home. They go to sleep.
The next day, the guy disappears.
For good.
10 days later nothing.
On the fourteenth day, she wakes up in the middle of the night. Anxiety attack. Sweating and all. It’s a nightmare. She is screaming but no sound is coming out. It’s hit her real hard.
‘Oh crap. I’ve been conned.‘
She breaks down.
Early next morning, she dashes to report to the police station and reports.
The it's confirmed that they have been conned a good one. And they are not the first. These cases are many, everyday.
Please remember, she is a high flyer from a very highflying family. The risk for them is, 'So this is how your family has been doing business?'
Everything he told her was fake. They even went to the places he said he hanged out. Nobody knows any James last name.
The Shylock, insists he doesn't know James, and that he did LEGIT business with Makena.
She keeps going to authorities. Her family is trying to help.
They get P.I.s who are making leads but she has to wait.
Her hands are tied, coz she runs an agency but gave cash for a bribe to facilitate payments.
Makena's dad offers to get the car back for her because the debt is accruing, and he asks her to forget the money, and let the cops do their job.
It is better, at least. Things settle.
She goes away for two weeks, then comes back focused on the business.
Another two months, she embarrassingly tells a friend what cut, and the friend says, 'Ai. Anyway, #IKnowAGuy.'
She isn't sure whether to pursue anymore, but what more can she lose. She agrees and her pal calls the guy and arranges the meeting.
They meet at a coffee shop on Lenana Road. She explains the whole drama and why it is critical that the story never gets out.
Although, she has the car, she's convinced that the Shylock knows James, and he may have taken advantage and ripped her family off.
The guy says he is specifically trained to find these kinds of guys. They agree a price. He says he can find the guy, but once he finds him, she has to go to the cops so that they arrest him. She can then charge him in court.
Makena agrees.
And although the courts released them, 3 weeks later, she had all the money from James & Shylock back.
Season II
The Cleaners.
Episode 2 (B) of 4, sometime next week.
Remember to follow. Donge?
Season II
The Cleaners.
Episode 2 (B) of 4, sometime next week.