1/ @Lancet paper out yesterday examining patients from Wuhan admitted to the hospital who met endpoint of either making it to discharge or dying. Some thoughts.
For new followers, I like data. Opinions are cool too, but data is better.

137 survived (72%), 54 died (28%)
Remember- these are people sick enough to need a hospital, but still. Wow.
I've worked in wards in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, & Central America.
I've seen patients die on the floor w/o making it to a bed.
These numbers concern me.
It concerns me that 26% required an ICU.
In this @JAMA_current study from last month (138 patients), 26% required the ICU as well.
Still, rmr that needing the ICU is different depending on where you are.
@BrighamWomens needing the ICU likely more severe than needing it in the community.
But needing a ventilator is usually not that different.
Any other disease in which 17% of the people you admit will end up on a ventilator is something that any doctor would take very seriously.
Still, these numbers are still quite small; n just in the 100s.
Where the 15% severe/5% critical #s came from. Those were from TOTAL pts, not just hospitalized
If we guesstimated only the severe/critical were hospitalized, & only severe were ICU--> 5/20-->25%
#Socialdistancing is our shot to #FlattenTheCurve
To buy ourselves more time.
To make sure we have hospital/ICU/ventilator capacity if we get pushed to that.
Become experts in it.
They reorganized their entire society.
We have the benefit of learning from other countries.
We must unite, and do this right.
It's because prevention was real. #FlattenTheCurve
This is my 14th straight hour of work and I actually thought maybe I imagined some of these.
But they are real. All of this shit is real.