It's not going to be the "brilliance of experts" that truly makes a difference right now to slow #COVID19.
It is going to be the actions of "regular" every day people becoming "experts" in the things we need most.
We focused on #Ebola, but ended up covering so many topics #journalism #anthropology #law #biosecurity #mentalhealth #epi etc
Not only do epidemics require working together across so many academic sectors; they require it across societies at all levels.
Everyone matters.
In my opinion, we are wasting energy trying to put others down, and not enough lifting people up & creating expertise.
China turned a gov receptionist into an infection control expert. She was teaching people how to don/doff gowns effectively.
Expertise was created, not hoarded.
But, I have to say: I don't care who you are or what degrees you have at this point.
What I care about is that you become an expert in the following:
-Isolating if sick w/ symptoms
-calling your doctor/clinic/hospital first before flooding the ED
-washing hands regularly
-cleaning surfaces regularly
-minimizing unneeded contact w/ others
-avoiding large gatherings
-not being racist
-supporting vulnerable neighbors
It was the brilliance of the "regular" person who took this situation into their own hands (w/ hand sanitizer please).
Don't wait around for an expert to tell you those basic things. You know them now.
In @TheLancet two days ago:
"Individual behaviour will be crucial to control the spread of #COVID19. Personal, rather than government action, in western democracies might be the most important issue."

She brilliantly said, "What we need is communicators."
If you're an expert in something #COVID19 related, great! If you can't communicate that to a layperson, it doesn't matter right now.
Explaining medical concepts; delivering bad news; leading hospital teams; writing effective op-eds.
Whatever it may be- the glue is communication
Epidemics show us that we are only as strong as each person in our society.
From all of the reading/listening I have been doing from people in various sectors etc, this is the one message I really wanted to get out there today.