Picking up from yesterday's thread
I saw the sheer horror that #COVID19 causes, while rest of the world were complacent and assuming all this was in lands so far away.
What I had was a twitter account with 1409 followers, mostly focusing on AI and tech.
Fear, sadly, I do not think I managed to raise enough.
And this is 2 weeks ago:
Farideh Davoodi, Education Deputy in Qom Seminary has died of #COVID
Here she is seen when she as not well but could not go home due to shortage of staff with IV in her hand.
Turns out 68 ATMs in Lorestan province (1.7M) stopped working as a result.
He says fever does not stop due to #COVID19 and he is on 3-medicine cocktail (Tamiflu, Chloroquine, etc) - he feels better but not quite good.
He passed away a few days later.
5 ex-ministers and 17 doctors in a letter have pleased with President Rouhani to enter the complete lockdown.
- In Gilan (2.5M) so far 7K #COVID19 suspects admitted and 50% of the medical staff ill
- Jahrom (142K) in Fars (4.9M) now is in red
- An official declared 50% ICU death rate for cases (earlier 70-80% reported)
- China Army's PPE donations arrived in Iran
All I can say is that, this might make people feel good about themselves but without oversee, there is very little evidence the money will be used for easing #COVID19.
Give equipments. If you give money, ensure it is used for #COVID19.
This person looking for masks for personal use while no drugstores have it, ends up buying from black market, finds out they are donations from Russian Army abd Pavlov University.
Cases: 18407 (+1046)
Deaths: 1284 (+149)
This is 11th consecutive increase on daily deaths.
First admission by gov was on 19th Feb.

If you are interested in deeper understanding of #COVID19 feel free to listen to a special edition of Exponential View dedicated to an interview with @AdamJKucharski, key modeller of the epidemic in UK.