Despite the acknowledgement that underhoused and homeless folks are disproportionately at risk.
- reduce spread
- contain spread
- prepare for influx
This includes: no elective surgeries, change to visitor policies, screening of all staff, and more!
2 assessment centres opened within 6 days.
A 3rd will be ready to open in hours.
A 4th will be ready to go in days if necessary.
Outpatient clinics: they have 700k visits per year. Carefully reducing, not wanting to create unintended consequences.
They have completed almost 1000 tests through the assessments.
Peel has the 2 busiest hospitals in Ontario. Need: make inpatient capacity possible for COVID-19.
200+ beds empty + available now
Gentle reminder that there are 720k+ residents here.
Watch the video later (I'll find the time stamp for you later) so you know what I mean)
Important note that transit reductions (by 1/3) coming, starting March 23. This is due to reduction in usage AND transit operators.
Everything but essential services has been scaled back.
Answer: city had 8 public washrooms still open. Monitoring. Cleaned 1x a day. Looking to increase. Want to close them
So far the answer has been to, imho, pass the buck to the regional level.
Councillor Dasko asks about showers. Answer: none, and no plans.
I'm not someone who desires fake niceness.
She misunderstood @DaskoWard1's comment about @CompassFoodBank
Councillor Parrish chides them, saying Mississauga Food Bank is sending truckloads.
We've known that things are going to be closed for days, why is there still no action?
This is the first financial conversation, one of many. There's a slide deck that accompanies his remarks, with good detail.
Revenue reduction from transit fares (remember that cash fares are $4 here. Yep, you read that right).

What is the responsibility of @citymississauga to its residents?
What is the point of having "belong" as one of the pillars in the strategic plan? "Encouraging youth, older adults, and new immigrants thrive."
Saying that poor folks don't pay taxes is a HARMFUL LIE, but classic for #Mississauga
Council needs to make a decision about changes to pay parking.
Yellow or gold, the colour of hope.
Staffer suggests it is easier just to defer all.
Sure we can try to "take it easy" but festival organizers are making decisions NOW
Locally, theatre group in Meadowvale is "in the hole" approx $20k. They would need support.
The City does have a reserve fund for festivals, arts & culture orgs.
Commissioner Kent knows about this - but City has no mechanism to monitor, or enforce.
Not a word about renters (other than business owners who rent).
The well-articulated statement from CareMongering Peel is read so quickly that the heart of what we asked is lost. How disappointing. We aren't even named, unlike @MBOTOntario whose requests have been discussed at length today
4:45pm meeting ends.
[End live tweeting!]