Many of us are going to have trouble coping in one way or another during this pandemic.
Further along in the thread, I’ll list some strategies that are useful for getting through a #ShelterInPlace order that’ll soon be coming to a city or town near you.
Or should be!

We have this amazing tool at our finger tips called... the internet!
Studies show that seeing friends faces and facial expressions online is more helpful in maintaining our human connections than texts or phone calls.
🔹A new bird chirping? Cheerful!
🔹A tree in bud? Hopeful!
🔹A torrential downpour? Mesmerizing!
🔹A child’s laughter from next door? Joyous!
🔹A new recipe? Delightful!
🔹Pull out your old board games.
🔹Have a blindfolded pillow fight. (Gentle now)
🔹Watch comedy! Find ways to laugh and distract.
🔹It’s way more fun to limit your screen time! Careful about not watching too much news. How about 2x/day?

Your central nervous system will notice the difference... less stress means a healthier immune system... which we ALL need right now!