✅ $4 billion in Emergency Solutions Grants to assist homeless shelters and outreach workers keep people who are homeless safer from coronavirus.
✅ $5B in CDBG, can be used for rental assistance
✅ Public Housing: $685M
✅ $1B in PBRA
✅ $300m in tribal housing grants
✅ $120m for 202, 811, HOPWA
✅ $2.5m for fair housing.
Many more important details - on waivers, funding flexibility, etc, to come. Stay tuned.
Not for every renter (yet) - but for many.
Covered renters: subsidized tenants (including LIHTC) & renters in properties (single or MF) backed by fed loans (Fannie/Freddie/USDA/FHA/VA)
Let’s get this enacted ASAP!
60 day moratorium on foreclosures for federally-backed mortgages by HUD, USDA, FHA, VA, Fannie, Freddie.
$4 billion to help prevent a coronavirus outbreak among sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness. Funds can also be used for eviction prevention assistance, including rapid rehousing.
$5B in CDBG funds. $2B will be allocated to states/locals under the FY20 formula. Another $1B will go to states & areas based on public health needs, risk of transmission, # of cases, economic/housing market disruptions.
Vote in Senate tonight, House tomorrow, could be signed by POTUS tomorrow or Friday.
Then we get to work getting $$ out quickly to communities in need.