The financialization of nature, global in scale.
#COVID19 is the omni-solution for the implementation of all ruling class "solutions" & desires. The further consolidation of power. The theft of nature.
#GND #GGND #ecofascism #biofascism…

— Christiana Figueres, #UNFCC Executive Secretary, February 3, 2015 Press Conference, Brussels

The EU Green Deal - the Growth Strategy for the "4IR", #CarbonMarkets, & Increased #Militarism
Jane #Goodall, #Attenborough & #Thunberg serve as the top 3 influencers for the WEF campaign to monetize nature - for corporate capture.


Bees do it. Some wild animals too. "#SocialDistancing is not a novel concept in nature."
Embrace the new #biofascism. Be a good citizen.

The new world of #BioFascism

Those with money - will buy nature.



#NewDealForNature #TheyMeanBusiness

A future where the faux left - aligns with the most powerful & ruthless corporations & institutions - to #monetize #nature.

A future where the rich get richer, #AI replaces humans, the dispossessed languish on #UBI (or starve), & #nature is monetized - secured for the ruling class & rich.
#Blockchain #NewDealForNature #4IR

board. Allies & advisors include #Nature4Climate, Natural Climate Solutions (Monbiot), #IUCN, etc. July 2-9: #NBS is hosting a virtual event w/ keynote Christiana Figueres.