No longer is it necessary to pay attention to my 2019-2020 ramblings/warnings of a global economic reset. Instead, as of June 3, 2020, you can now hear it directly from the source: the World Economic Forum (#WEF).


"The Great Reset" - "A better #capitalism and a better world—to help shape the recovery from COVID-19, the Forum has launched the Great Reset Initiative"




"The imagination & will of humanity will need to be captured."


The same system & same corporate entities that have brought us to the precipice - will now magically save us.

Q: How to achieve?
A: With "purpose".
#SmartCities (increased/ normalized #surveillance via fear/ contact tracing)
Increased #militarization

"The Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being."
#Storytelling that serves both #capitalism & #oppression.

#Everyone has a role to play.
We need #everyone.
#Erasure of #ClassAnalysis

#WWF (financialization of #nature)

"Schwab said the event, [], will recognize the need for a “new social contract” that calls for more inclusive & sustainable economies.
#Davos #Storytelling

This same day, #WHO declared #COVID19 a pandemic.


#WEF - #Storytelling with #Purpose


A: Controlling information
May 22, 2020, Purpose: "The biggest team the world has ever seen: Combating misinformation: Launching Verified in collaboration with the #UN"

Reality: #Storytelling that aligns w/, protects & expands #capital.

Here we can add that both Purpose & #Greenpeace assisted in the creation of We Mean Business which operates at the side/behest of WEF/UN - & whose key players overlap.

#SuperYear: a campaign for the coming financialization of nature under guise of climate mitigation & #biodiversity (which they continue to destroy by the minute).

She joins Goodall & Attenborough in marketing/branding the financialization of nature for the WEF, #WWF/UN et al.
#VoiceForThePlanet campaign - is the sister campaign of the #NewDealForNature.

[2:03 min. in]
In the bottom right image - Goodall holds hands w/ Marc Benioff - founder/CEO of #Salesforce, inaugural Chair of WEF's Forum Center for the #4IR.