The very corporations that have brought us to the precipice of #ecological #collapse - will now be appointed as the new stewards of nature. This has been dubbed (#XR Business - Elkington/Volans) as the new biosphere economy.


Nov 4 2019: "World Economic Forum Founder Suggests Natural Capital Could Replace #GDP as Measure of a Countries Wealth"…

Commodification of #nature & $$$ grab - under guise of virus, climate & #biodiversity.

Meaning: societies can/will be forced to adapt to global transformation of economic capitalist system: financialization of #nature coupled w/ #fourthindustrialrevolution #digital currency.

Club of Rome (w/ We Mean Business): "Emerging From the #emergency: Harnessing the momentum"
"New Power" – "The ability to harness the connected crowd to get what you want" - Jeremy Heimans, co-founder Purpose/Avaaz, Verified (UN)…

Tagged: The #WorldBank (Connect4Climate), Mike Hudema, #1 lobbyist for "clean" energy, #Greenpeace, Carbon Trust, "Lord" Stern (Carbon Capture Storage), etc.
#CarbonMarkets #CCS

Already done. Waiting in the wings.
Listen to the #science - but only if the science supports ruling class aspirations & desires - & markets.

"Thank you Greta"
Tagged: Tony Juniper & Ben Goldsmith, financier Founder /CEO of investment firm Menhaden, which focuses on energy.
$$ #WEF #WWF #VoiceForThePlanet $$

TNC: "With the global economy worth more US$80 trillion in 2017, the several hundred billion we need to ensure a healthy planet is a relatively small price to pay."
#NatureForSale - "change agents" required

Hope is futile. Only the eradication of capitalism & global industrialization can mitigate our ecological crisis.
Tagged: Jed Emerson #impactinvesting

Tagged: #Business for #Nature

For more on this brief yet inaccurate portrayal, follow @StephenCorrySvl & @OgadaMordecai.

Inadvertently evokes 2010 Rockefeller scenario:…

May 5 2020: Pollination announced John Morton will lead US operations. Morton: architect of #Climate #Finance Partnership, Senior Fellow at the EU Climate Found. & #Atlantic Council.
#BlackLives #EmergingMarkets

Signatories include CEOs from L’Oreal, IKEA, Danone, Unilever, etc.
"By doing so, we will only be stronger #together."
All signatures:…


Clarity: Those with money will own nature - to be bought, sold, & traded.
An absolute: "The gulf between what markets value & what people value will close."


"He expects increased poaching by villagers for bushmeat..."
Loisaba Lodo Springs is an ultra-private luxury #safari camps serving celebrities & "royals". 1 of only 3 boutique camps located in the entire 57,000 acre Loisaba #Conservancy.

Tagged: "Johnny Ecology": Jonathan Hughes, CEO of WCMC. Global Councillor for #IUCN, founder of the World Forum on Natural Capital.

Project Syndicate, Feb 3, 2009: A Global Green New Deal:…
#EUGreenDeal #GreenNewDeal #Nature4Sale #4IR

Feb 14, 2019: The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Green New Deal is the Trojan Horse for the Financialization of Nature [ACT V]…
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