⭐️Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath & EFFICACY OF FACE MASKS?
This #Tweetorial, @BUMedicine classmates/future @BIDMC_IM coresidents @RahulAggarwalMD and I review:
🔷@NatureMedicine (hot-off-press 🔥04/03)
#MedTwitter #MedEd #COVID19 @MedTweetorials

First off: a question to test understanding of the size difference between RESPIRATORY DROPLETS and FINE-PARTICLE AEROSOLS:
What is the diameter cutoff for a droplet to be considered a FINE-PARTICLE AEROSOL?
5 micrometers is the traditional cutoff for defining FINE-PARTICLE AEROSOLS.
So, when public health officials refer to a virus as airborne, they mean transported in virus-laden aerosols smaller than 5 micrometres in diameter.
Back to the objective of this study…
Viruses spread b/w humans through director/indirect contact, RESPIRATORY DROPLETS & FINE-PARTICLE AEROSOLS. Little is known about efficacy of masks in filtering infectious respiratory virus droplets.
🔷Quantify AMOUNT of respiratory virus in EXHALED BREATH of pts w/ respiratory viral illnesses
🔷Determine the EFFICACY of SURGICAL FACE MASKS in preventing transmission of human coronaviruses and influenza from symptomatic individuals.
VIRAL SHEDDING in terms of viral copies per sample (TOTAL VIRUS by PCR) in:
🔷Nasal swabs
🔷Throat swabs
⭐️Respiratory droplet samples
⭐️Aerosol samples
For the two ⭐️ samples, VIRAL SHEDDING was compared between samples collected WITH vs. W/OUT FACE MASK
VIRAL RNA identified from both RESPIRATORY AND VIRAL DROPLETS for all 3 viruses while NOT WEARING A FACE MASK:
Coronavirus: 30%
Influenza: 26%
Rhinovirus: 28%
Coronavirus: 40%
Influenza: 35%
Rhinovirus: 56%
"AEROSOL TRANSMISSION is a potential mode of transmission for CORONAVIRUSES as well as influenza and rhinoviruses."
"SURGICAL FACE MASKS could prevent transmission of human CORONAVIRUSES and INFLUENZA viruses from SYMPTOMATIC individuals."
"This has important implications for control of COVID-19, suggesting that surgical face masks could be used by ILL PEOPLE to REDUCE ONWARD TRANSMISSION."
-Large proportion of pts w; undetectable viral shedding exhaled breaths (obtained in 30 min sampling durations)
-Study does not confirm infectivity of coronavirus or rhinovirus from exhaled breath
Congrats to authors!
Nancy H. L. Leung et al.
#MedTwitter Q:
What are clinicians' thoughts on the study's implications for the use of masks in the clinical setting & considerations for the public? @bencowling88
#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 @CPSolvers @thecurbsiders @MedTweetorials