We're clearly going to be hearing a lot about #LegitimateInterests, as well as #commercial and #public ones. The real question being, how do this Government's interests actually align with YOURS?
140+ pages on a Friday is a lot to digest, but @lilianedwards' "penumbra of often futile determinedly populist ideas largely not evidence-based" seems entirely consistent with @DCMS's Drunkard's Walk through #data and #ID this past year...
But... but... it's all about #innovation, don'tcha know?
OF COURSE their plan is baldly profit centric. What else is Government for? (I'm also not entirely sure that at this point they'd recognise a #principle, even if they happened to read one...)
Prompted in large part by those ever-expanding (and ever-expandable) #LegitimateInterests...
(a) doesn't seem *too* contentious - though a person's "#concerns" aren't the same as criminal #acts.
While delivering #statutory public comms *may* make sense, who decides what is & what isn't a "public health & safety message" for (b) - plus, #AllYourMailingListsAreBelongToUs?
Not sure (g) does anything at all - though it clearly intends to give that impression. You'll still be #processing#PersonalData, so people's DP rights should apply.
I suspect the real intent here is more to do with "#CompatibleUses", which hasn't played out so well for #GPdata!
When the @FT calls Government's so-called 'business-friendly' #data proposals "#foolhardy", its recent data initiatives "#lamentable" and an "#assault on rights", and its policies even more #extreme than China's, then you know you're in trouble...
...with whose assessment I also agree, on @DCMS having put in some self-evidently batshit suggestions to "draw fire".
I might be more convinced by mention of "Privacy Management Program(mes)" if the Government...
...showed any sign of #accountability itself & wasn't so obviously hell-bent on tearing up #governance across the board (cf. 'extract once, use many times').
Entirely as predicted, its 'bonfire of the #regulations' looks more like the systematic dismantling of citizens' #rights.
...especially if you don't have a GENERAL #DataProtection Law that covers *all* data processing. Canada's #PIPEDA covers mostly private sector #commercial activities, not all #federal entities...
...which might go some way towards explaining why the UK Government seems so attracted to the notion.
A carefully #balanced view from @Pinsent_Masons, who spotted the Government's interest in #DataTrusts - in particular "what predefined criteria would have to be met to #remove the need for recourse to #consent"(!):
Nah. This is another puff piece on the #WaitingList pilot, details of which @NHSEngland published - without daring to mention @PalantirTech - over ten months ago...
To be clear, 30 individual NHS Trusts* are using #Palantir#Foundry to manage elective care waiting lists, not patients' entire medical histories - largely by what Ministers have called "cleansing" the data:
Why is this so important? Because #SharedCareRecords - which every new #ICS* is supposed to have - include your #GPdata, which @NHSEngland has been trying to get hold of for years (most recently last summer)...
So let’s talk about where things got up to with your #HealthData, before Rishi Sunak started talking about the need to generate trust in Government with “#integrity” and “#accountability”…
N.B. The chair of NHS Digital announced today’s meeting would be the last public meeting of the Board...
With the news that the Government is rushing through @NHSEngland’s takeover of the statutory safe haven (@NHSDigital) with about the level of planning that went into the 'fiscal event', where exactly *are* things as the former/new Sec State starts work?
First, beginning on page 158, are some Directions that @NHSEngland must know will be HIGHLY controversial - given they are telling @NHSDigital to use @PalantirTech's #Foundry to collect *patient level identifiable data* from hospitals...
I'll tweet as I do a read-through, but even these first two paragraphs are incoherent, e.g. "...in a way that will enable." Enable what?
And if @NHSEngland Directs NHSD to use #Palantir, NHSE is *determining the purposes and means of processing* - i.e. it is a #DataController...