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Feb 27th 2023
Confused by what #SingularityNET is, and how all the Ecosystem projects fit together to build a whole?

The ecosystem leads recently collaborated on an article to give a full overview:…
2/ The article discusses Artificial Intelligence and how the SingularityNET Ecosystem and its projects are creating a network of narrow #AIs that all interconnect using #blockchain technology to create a #decentralized and benevolent Artificial General Intelligence.
3/ Comment from @bengoertzel

"The emergence of true #AGI... will be in many ways the most complex achievement...of the human species — as well as presumably the last ...since once AGIs exist they will be more adept at science and technology than human beings."
Read 19 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
1. #China has been involved in illegal fishing in #EEZ of over 80 countries with over 10 million hrs of fishing.

This is a mega report and tweet thread on #Chinese illegal fishing in world's oceans and its impacts.

Read/download the complete report:…
2. The #Chinese fleet is often found guilty of #overfishing,
killing protected species,
falsifying licenses and docs,
seizing territories &
producing tons of sea #waste.

Read/download the complete report:…

3. IUU: #China has been consistently ranked num. 1 on various parameters of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU) rankings.

According to the IUU rankings report 2021, over 60% of its vessels are involved in IUU fishing worldwide.

Read 24 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Seria „kosmiczna” – część 2

Cz.1 tutaj:
Obok wiodących zastosowań militarnych należy uznać, że zobrazowania satelitarne, a zwłaszcza #SAR, mają gigantyczny pozytywny wpływ na cywilne bezpieczeństwo państw z takimi możliwościami 1/n
Zobrazowania SAR są trudniejsze do interpretacji niż zdjęcia optyczne, ale pozwalają dostarczyć unikalnych danych np. w obszarach takich jak zwalczanie kłusownictwa morskiego oraz…piractwa, monitorowanie szkód górniczych, katastrof naturalnych, wyrębu lasów,
A nawet w zakresie nawigacji morskiej pokrytych krą lodową. Zastosowań jest wiele. W kontekście Polski za bardzo ciekawe można uznać monitorowanie szkód górniczych na terenach wydobycia. Z takich usług korzystało już np. @JastrzebieZdr
Read 12 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
Live from #GartnerSEC | Opening Keynote | Cybersecurity 2032: Accelerating the Evolution of #Cybersecurity with Andrew Walls, Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst, and Katell Thielemann, Gartner GVP Analyst.

Follow along for highlights.
About this session: Gartner analysts will deliver a repeatable methodology, grounded in sci-fi prototyping, that will allow you to identify the threats, vulnerabilities, and risks that organizations will face and develop the tools to fight them.
We will map the evolution of the new cybersecurity leader over a 10-year period illustrating practical implementations of the methodology as it impacts with inventible barriers, fails, evolves, and re-emerges. #GartnerSEC
Read 15 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
Watch here TOMORROW for a new accredited, #tweetorial by neurointensivist @stephanamayer on optimizing DAPT and other interventions for secondary stroke prevention after #AIS or #TIA. Earn 0.5 CE/#CME credits: #physicians, #nurses, #pharmacists! #NoMercyOnStroke @svinsociety
1) Welcome to a #tweetorial on how to optimize therapy for secondary #stroke prevention. Accredited for 0.50 credits! I am your host @stephanamayer. Be sure to see prior tweetorials in the broader cardiometabolic space and earn more CE/#CME credit at Image
Read 54 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
"#Data: a new direction" - a public consultation by @DCMS on "reforms to the UK’s #DataProtection regime":…

The consultation ends on 19 Nov 2021, and you can respond by e-mail to or online here:… Image
A quick sample of initial reactions...

We're clearly going to be hearing a lot about #LegitimateInterests, as well as #commercial and #public ones. The real question being, how do this Government's interests actually align with YOURS?

140+ pages on a Friday is a lot to digest, but @lilianedwards' "penumbra of often futile determinedly populist ideas largely not evidence-based" seems entirely consistent with @DCMS's Drunkard's Walk through #data and #ID this past year...

Read 28 tweets
Aug 16th 2021 Read 14 tweets
Mar 24th 2021
Quand #Panama bloque #Suez : le porte-conteneurs #EVERGIVEN bloqué au sud du Canal de Suez, vu par le satellite #Sentinel2 le 24 mars. Première leçon : faire demi-tour dans un canal de 300m de large n'est pas l'idée du siècle quand on mesure 400m... #Copernicus #EarthObservation Image
Mise en service en 2018, #EVERGIVEN est un gros navire, un des plus gros porte-conteneurs : 400 mètres de longueur et 220000 GT (drôle d'unité) de tonnage. Il appartient à la société taïwanaise Evergreen Marine et bat pavillon panaméen. Photo Kees Torn #Suez Image
L'accident du porte-conteneurs #EVERGIVEN s'est produit le 23 mars au matin, bloquant la totalité du trafic du canal de #Suez. Les données #AIS montrent que ça se bouscule au portillon. Pour fixer les idées, une vue globale du canal de Suez. Image #Sentinel2 du 24/03 #Copernicus ImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Feb 26th 2020
Listening to @RobWortham, University of Bath on:

#AI #Robotics #Anthropomorphism and #Ethics

“We can now build robots that look as though they care - but it’s a synthetic version of caring and it may well be manipulating us”

// HT Luke P @RadleyKSocial
“We have Palaeolithic #Emotions, Medieval #Institutions and god-like #Technology

And it is terrifically dangerous”

- EO Wilson
Asimov Rules of Robotics

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.…
Read 20 tweets
Dec 23rd 2018
The Caribbean is where all the beautiful people go in the winter, and their yachts predictably show up near their business associates and friends (other Billionaires).

You'll notice they don't hide, they have their transponders on 24x7, AIS-T and AIS-S.

The start of a recap:
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 113m (~370') yacht Le Grand Bleu (IMO:1006829|MMSI:310380000|CS:ZCDF7) owned by Eugene Shvidler

#EugeneShvidler #LeGrandBleu #AIS…
🇧🇲 Bermuda-flagged 163m (~530') yacht Eclipse (IMO:1009613|MMSI:310593000|CS:ZCDX4) owned by Roman Abramovich

#RomanAbramovich #Eclipse #AIS…
Read 17 tweets
Nov 16th 2018
Voici donc mon #Thread concernant l’accident du #HelgeIngstad, cette frégate que la Norvège a perdu sans combattre il y a une semaine.
Je précise que je n’ai comme source que ce qui est écrit et montré sur internet, et que mon analyse comme mon avis n’engagent que moi et ne représentent pas une position officielle.
Ces réflexions proviennent de l’analyse des faits connus et de mon expérience de navigation, y compris dans les fjords de la région, que je sais être particulièrement exigeants.
Read 61 tweets
Jan 16th 2018
I've been trying to figure out what the "Intelligence-Gathering Vessel" was that the @RoyalNavy (infuriatingly) wouldn't name or post pictures of that crossed the English Channel on Christmas Eve. Because of the timing, I strongly suspected it was the Viktor Leonov AGI. #SpyShip
I can now say, with a high degree of confidence, a Russian Navy AGI stopped in Trinidad & Tabago 2018-01-11 to restock, and they have likely left by now. I suspect, but cannot yet confirm, that AGI is the Viktor Leonov|Виктор Леонов, the Vishnya-class intelligence ship. #SpyShip
You may remember the collective freak-out when there was a Russian Navy intelligence gathering vessel off the US East Coast last Feb-Mar. That info was Secret(or higher)-classified Navy intelligence, leaked by the Pentagon, but there was no investigation or pursuit of the leaker.
Read 115 tweets

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