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Jul 5th 2022
#Mythread on #Ukraine & #Africa from a #GlobalGateway perspective! Good news from @EU_Commission, #Ukraine’s recovery will cost $750 billion. Probably a lot will come from from seized #Russian assets! @vonderleyen said #EU already raised €6.2 billion for #Ukraine #MyPhoto 1/1
More to be done via a new special platform to be co-chaired by #Kyiv and #EuropeanCommission! Good initiative, but it will probably not automatically scale up private finance & create conditions for companies to think long-term! 1/2
Many questions still need to be answered: How will #EU support #Ukraine's neighboring countries affected? What are the #privatesector priority sectors: #digital solutions, #green transition, #water and #sanitation, and in which countries? 1/3
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Jun 9th 2022
"Getting up and doing even ten minutes of light to moderate physical activity a few times [per] day is an effective strategy in reducing the likelihood of having a stroke. For overall heart and brain health, move more ... and sit less." Steven P. Hooker…
First microplastics found in Antarctic snow…
#MicroplasticsDiscovery, #AntarcticSnow
Read 13 tweets
Jun 8th 2022
What factors to look for to understand which direction are #interestrates headed:

1. Total Credit in the system
2. Which gets divided into External and Internal
3. External focuses on #CAD
4. Internal: Private & Govt
5. Private - #CreditOfftake
6. Govt - #FiscalDeficit
3. External :
#CAD (Current Account Deficit - difference between country's #Imports & #Exports) goes up, #imports become expensive, rupee depreciates, bringing in imported #inflation

- interest rate tend to go up
4. Internal Credit
5. #PrivateSector - #Creditofftake goes up interest rates rise
6. Govt - #FiscalDeficit goes up interest rates rise
Read 4 tweets
Dec 18th 2021
🤶Dear Santa: Please, we need some Public Private Partnerships in ##Westchester for Christmas and the Covid Surge! Can you transfer some #privatesector elves to help @westchestergov provide free, accessible (by mass-transit and by drive through) rapid #PCR #testing Also, 1/6
🎅for stocking stuffers, how about enough seven-piece packages of rapid #antigen #testing for home use, available by mail or at local #health departments or local houses of worship or even by #reindeer for every #Westchester resident, free, upon request? Also, 2/6
🎅maybe Mrs. Claus can come on down to speed up our county health department to get #TestToStay rolling in our 40 #publicschool districts? It's been too much talk and no action. Finally, just want you to know, 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
"#Data: a new direction" - a public consultation by @DCMS on "reforms to the UK’s #DataProtection regime":…

The consultation ends on 19 Nov 2021, and you can respond by e-mail to or online here:… Image
A quick sample of initial reactions...

We're clearly going to be hearing a lot about #LegitimateInterests, as well as #commercial and #public ones. The real question being, how do this Government's interests actually align with YOURS?

140+ pages on a Friday is a lot to digest, but @lilianedwards' "penumbra of often futile determinedly populist ideas largely not evidence-based" seems entirely consistent with @DCMS's Drunkard's Walk through #data and #ID this past year...

Read 28 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
#Interesting #DefenseIndustry nexus here - #Iraq and #UAE. #Iraq's @Nina_news_1 reports that the head of the Military Industrialization Authority, Muhammad Sahib Al-Daraji, received the Ambassador of the #UAE (Salem Issa Al-Zaabi) to Baghdad yesterday:…
"A statement by the Authority stated that during the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and ways to strengthen them, as well as the issue of the UAE's investment in industrial cities in Iraq...
"which will contribute to strengthening the bonds of cooperation in the #defense #industries between the two countries and benefiting from the #UAE #PrivateSector to supplement industrial investment in #Iraq on both sides, the #civil and #military."
Read 7 tweets
May 27th 2021
Will we EVER learn about #PublicHealth?
3rd wave “expert” committee is nearly-ALL #Pediatricians (to keep Devi Shetty’s non-#evidence-based assertion on #children will be entirely affected), #AllMale #Manel, nearly-all #clinicians headed by #PrivateSector #Cardiologist
I request this committee members:
- Please QUESTION Devi Shetty’s credentials to lead this
- Please hold to account #Manel #AllMale membership
- Please include #RuralHealth #CommunityHealth #PublicHealth
- Expertise is NOT only CLINICAL; also social; include grounded voices
Unfortunately no time & bandwidth; but putting this out there
We need:
- campaign for a DIVERSE expert committee including #Citizen #CommunityEngagement #Dalit #Adivasi voices
- Devi Shetty’s position as Chair is NOT tenable; appoint a #PublicHealth expert in his place
Read 6 tweets
May 4th 2021
Critical thread on "Self-Spreading #Vaccines"

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for #Health Security: Technologies to Address - Global Catastrophic Biological Risks, Oct 9, 2018

#biosurveillance "biological disruption" "bioterrorism events #bioengineering
"As a subset of infectious #disease emergencies, global catastrophic biological risk (#GCBR) is a special category of risk involving #biological #agents—whether naturally emerging or reemerging, deliberately created & released, or #laboratory engineered & escaped—..."

This "could lead to sudden, extraordinary, widespread disaster beyond the collective capability of national & int. orgs & the #privatesector to control."

"Global catastrophic biological risk", "transformational surveillance technologies"

#Foundations #CorporateConsolidation
Read 16 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
We are LIVE tweeting the discussion ‘Capial’ Conviction: The Road to Glasgow with @lordstern1 @jayantsinha and @AnnapurnaMitra. Join us live for an engaging session! #Raisina2021
.@AnnapurnaMitra: Since Paris, climate commitments have tilted more towards domestic growth strategies and unilateral targets rather than cooperation. This seems to be changing recently. But, there is a lot that needs to be done to enhance climate capital flows across borders.
.@lordstern1: The next two decades will be crucial for India’s development journey. India will face the most important economic, environmental and social transitions in history. #Raisina2021
Read 15 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
Aims of the #GreatReset #American #Bankers #Oligarchy ... "We will promote social justice policies to reduce inequalities including through support to tax redistributive & domestic resource optimization approaches social safety nets & or insurance schemes"
Newly Unsealed Docs in 2018 showed top #FDIC Officials Running Operation #ChokePoint* under 2013 #ObamaAdministration to form public/private oligarchy

* to freeze politically disfavored #businesses deemed not PC / high risk out of the financial system…
Read 39 tweets
Feb 22nd 2021
There is so much of discussion going on around that #private sector should be involved in #COVID #vaccination drive. #PrivateSector is already involved.

This thread is to discuss some of these aspects. (1/n)

@Milan_reports @snehamordani @epigiri @sujakrao @oommen @amitabhk87
Of total existing 10k vaccination centres, 2k are already in private sector.

There is plan to and would need more to come up in private sector when needed 50k are set up.

So, private sector is involved. 2/n
The discussion is happening as if involvement of pvt sector facilities will change everything.

The current challenge is not the shortage of facilities or vaccination centres but ‘hesitancy’ of people to come forward to get vaccination.

The challenge is different.
Read 16 tweets
Jan 20th 2021
6/cps >90% of the Cos/corporates within this 60% are part of the #PartySector run by #PartyCapitalists (party members, their family, friends & special agents) who owe allegiance to party and follow its directives on all policy matters(or get jailed for corruption or worse)
7/cps Beyond what China experts label #SOEs, lies a vast a shadowy, grey #PartySector run by #PartyCapitalists who were funded by #SOEs, provincial parties, #TVEs and State owned, controlled, run, banks and which foreigners were persuaded is the #PrivateSector :
Read 17 tweets
Jan 16th 2021
Apr.2020 #Pandemic At Center of #Globalist & #Psychological
#Warfare Against #Freedom.

📽 #UN #WEF Globalist admit Coronavirus is at the centre of the wheel for #Global #Governance…

#ClimateTax > #ClimateHoax
#COVID > #Agenda2030 ImageImage
Apr.2020 #US #CoronavirusReliefBill had 'Digital Dollar' in it but was stripped out. On #DigitalDollar* website (Digital Dollar Project states it is partnering with Accenture) led by David Treat

* was going to create a federal reserve digital dollar

/1 #BiteSizeChunks
Digital Dollar: David Treat Snr MD & co-lead of blockchain / NY Fintech Innovation at Accenture, also serves on board for #ID2020 alliance, #WEF #4IR Global #Blockchain Council member, program advisor Chamber of digital commerce, & WEF digital ID

/2 #BiteSizeChunks
Read 25 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020

The sought future of "#healthcare" - "The #WEF, the int. org. for public-private cooperation, hosts the #PrivateSector Constituency of #UHC2030 & provides a platform for interaction for all UHC2030 partners & health systems networks."

#GreatReset #UBI #WorldBank #WHO
When universal basic income (#UBI) begins to be rolled out globally, expect #public #healthcare to disappear. Further, payments will be linked to benefits via the #blockchain - ensuring full spectrum #compliance & #servitude of whole societies.

#Covid19 as catalyst #greatreset
The UHC2030 hosted by the #WorldBank Group & the #WHO. "#UHC does not mean #healthcare is free. It means that personal (out-of-pocket) payments do not deter people from using services & that people are protected from "catastrophic #health expenditures"...…
Read 13 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
For a virus that presents "few to no symptoms" for the majority, "U.S. Orders Up to 600 Million Doses of #Pfizer, BioNTech Covid #Vaccine" (Bloomberg).…

So let's take a look at Pfizer.
"Pfizer is a publicly-traded global pharma corp.headquartered in NYC. Its revenues reached $52.5 billion in 2017. #Pfizer makes Advil, Xanax, #DepoProvera, Neosporin, #Lyrica & Dimetapp. Pfizer manufacturers more than 350 different pharmaceuticals & operates in 180 countries.
Pfizer's Lyrica, the new vallium, linked to depression, anxiety & suicide, now top pain medication on PBS. #Pregabalin #Addiction. Addicts of #hydromorphone (#Opioid) (Pfizer) have found a new addiction w/ #Lyrica. Capsules are opened, crushed & snorted.…
Read 20 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
#CCP controls the #Commanding #Heights of the economy directly and all the other heights of the economy through the #PartySector. Genuine #PrivateSector is allowed only in the valleys where they cannot ever threaten the #Party's absolute control.
Read 3 tweets
May 29th 2020
4QFY20 GDP is 3.1%,Vs market expectations of between 2.2%-2.4%

Overall FY20 GDP is 4.2%,in line with consensus

Positives in 4Q20 are👇
#Agriculture grew 5.9%,Vs 1.6% in 4Q19

#Mining grew 5.2%,Vs minus 4.8% in 4Q19

Power&Gas grew 4.5%,Vs minus

#GDP #Economy
A moot point worth noting is,govt spending continues to be robust

#PublicAdministration grew 10.1% in 4Q20,Vs 10.9% QoQ and 11.6% YoY

#AchillesHeel is #Manufacturing, which de-grew by 1.4% in 4Q20,Vs minus 0.8% QoQ and minus 2.1%, YoY

#Services held up@4.4% in 4Q20,Vs 5.7% QoQ
#PrivateSector needs to revv up capex,now

That gov has put #Growth over all else&rightfully so,is evident from #FiscalDeficit of Rs 9.36 lakhCr,Vs 7.67 lakhCr,YoY

9.36 lakhCr is #fd of 4.59%,Vs estimate of 3.8%

Good bit is,#CapitalExpenditure by govt was steady@Rs 3.37 lakhCr
Read 4 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
20 Mar 2020, Our President @MichaelDDavisJr submitted a letter on behalf of American Chamber of Commerce of Uganda members to @OPMUganda regarding clarifications on some of @KagutaMuseveni 's speech points. Specifically - See thread
1.Import of Goods & Raw Materials: Clarification on procedures for import & export Kenya, TZ, RW, DRC, and SoSud not Cat 1 Should be free movement across the border. Need to smooth logistics & transportation process to avoid delays in supply chain, deliveries, and production
2.Support for #BUBU initiatives: AmCham believes @GovUganda should focus current laws & policies on ensuring BUBU initiatives are implemented. Many companies could use juice puree from local fruit but are unable to due to interpretation of the law
Read 8 tweets
Aug 3rd 2019
There was a super insightful fireside chat with @vkhosla and @NandanNilekani, moderated by @sharads, yesterday in Bangalore. My notes. Long thread.
@vkhosla: I have this fear that you can grow old when you retire, not retire when you grow old. So I hope I never retire. As long as you have interesting problems to work on, there's nothing more exciting to do than work on that.
Read 60 tweets
Jun 15th 2019
🇶NBC announces lineup of #Democrats for each night of first 2020 #debate?
#FourDozenDesultories alphabetically
🤍Highlighted, 2 debates, 10 participants each:
💜Wed. 26 June
💗Thur. 27 June
💚omitted Image
🇶NBC announces lineup of #Democrats for each night of first 2020 #debate?
#FourDozenDesultories by age seniority
🤍Highlighted, 2 debates, 10 participants each:
💜Wed. 26 June
💗Thur. 27 June
💚omitted Image
Snarlwell is out. #TomSteyer is [not quite] in?
#FourDozenDesultories march onward...#Democrats alphabetically. Image
Read 73 tweets
Oct 29th 2018
I was born & raised in #Medellin Colombia, an amazing & vibrant city in the middle of the mountains.

Please do not mention #Narcos or #Escobar when you hear Medellin!

Medellin is much more than that #eternalspring #innovation #Entrepreneurship #mountains #coffee #greatpeople
I was born & raised in #Medellin Colombia, an amazing & vibrant city in the middle of the mountains.

Please do not mention #Narcos or #Escobar when you hear Medellin!

Medellin is much more than that #eternalspring #innovation #Entrepreneurship #mountains #coffee #greatpeople
Went to a great school in #medellin & at 17 started #medicine not because I wanted to be a clinician but because I liked the #science & my family and #mentors told me #medicine was broader and could open more doors for me #VoicesIWS #Thread☝️@IWS_Network
Read 21 tweets

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