#Patria-#WZM Ahmoilla ryssien kimppuun?
”Novorossijan kronikka | 11.02.15”, Sevastopol. #Niinistö'n #Puola'n-valtiovierailulla 30.3.–1.4.2015
– "Sokka on irti ja kaikki variaatiot kolmannesta maailmansodasta, #WW3 on käyty vaalien alla", hän totesi. vastavalkea.fi/2015/06/28/sok…
Death Toll Up To 13,000 In #Ukraine Conflict, Says #UN Rights Office | Feb 26, 2019
- Some 13,000 people have been killed, a quarter of them civilians, and as many as 30,000 wounded in the war in eastern Ukraine since it broke out in April 2014; the #UN. rferl.org/a/death-toll-u…
The #OSCE staff in #Mariupol abandoned their archive. All OSCE #fieldreports since 2014 were found, with reportedly thousands of Ukrainian #warcrimes that were documented, but which were NOT REPORTED by the OSCE (#ETYJ) in their official documents.
#NATO is funding #OSCE and controls all #elections in #Finland.
Bad things happen in heavily corrupted #Finland.
- The OSCE has not been able to verify the votes since 2007, when #GoldmanSachs acquired 20.02% of Tieto Co., votes became a #BusinesSecret.
2007 #Finnish campaign finance #scandal
- According to #TransparencyInternational the lack of #transparency in Finnish political financing is remarkable even on an international stage.
- The organization compared the Finnish system to that of #BELARUS.
Mäntyniemen sotakeisari yritti saada #NATO -sotarikollisten syytesuojan, eroamaan joutuvalta @BorisJohnson'lta.
- Todennäköisesti #Patria '#SokkaOnIrti' -vehkeilijä, valejuristi ja EMU- sekä vaalipetoskonna saa istua lopun osa surkeasta elämästään.
The last mistake that EU zionist bitches are forcing #Finland to make, is only to absurdly #provoke its neighbor Russia.
- Russia will #occupy Finland this spring.
The economic attack of the #NATO-#CIA regime against #Finland has been going on for yrs, driving the poor into bread lines. The elections has been falsified since 10/2007, when #GoldmanSachs acquired 20.02% of the election result service company (Tieto Co) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_c…
Kun Suomesta loppuu ruoka ja polttoaine, mRNA myrkytetty kansa nousee kapinaan, rakettitiedeiden opiskelijat aseistetaan.
- #WEF-militian tehtävä on ryöstää pankkeja, elintarvikekauppoja ja polttoaineita, sekä toimia eliitin henkivartijoina.
@ir_rkp Hienoa, täytyykin viestittää @ZelenskyyUaaa'lle että kieltää Suomen vale oppositiopuolueet, siionistien @persut ja Kremlin @kokoomus laittomina.
@ir_rkp@ZelenskyyUaaa@persut@kokoomus Voi kysyä lupaa myrkyttää Suomessakin, epämiellyttäviä kansanryhmiä.
- Esim. Candida albicans on tuottoisin 'sairaus' 100 vuoteen. #BigPharma sanoo sitä 'syöväksi'. #Candidiasis ei parane 'syöpä'hoidoilla, vaan potilaat menehtyvät tuskallisesti n. 5 vssa.
#Shanghai Extends #Lockdown Amid ‘Extremely Grim’ COVID Outbreak | Mar 5
- Shanghai has reported more than 73,000 positive COVID-19 infections since the resurgence of the highly contagious 'Omicron variant' in March. thediplomat.com/2022/04/shangh…
'#Covid' deaths in #England and #Wales at highest level for two months in 14% surge | Apr 5
- A total of 780 deaths registered in the seven days to 25 March mentioned Covid-19 on the death certificate, according to the Office for National Statistics (#ONS) techregister.co.uk/covid-deaths-i…