When I explained what it was for he said “Your games must be *fascinating*.” And outed himself as gamer.

I’ve seen hundreds of copies in used bookstores since. I wonder how many people actually read it. It’s an interesting history.

Get me on the horn, HBO. @vrunt can do this.

Well, this was one of my favorite shows as a kid. It may just come to me naturally.

Which is why I took care of it and still have it all these years later.

And their major memetic technological innovation: gods

(guest starring Law & Order Special Beverage Unit by @Brandon_Bird)

He wasn’t wrong. @cstross has been keeping me entertained and thinking for 15 years now.

Moral Of The Story: do what @l_c_black tells you to do

Wraith is almost unplayable but their books are an absolute delight to read, though some like this one will hit like a ton of bricks on the ol’ feels.

The variety of mammal weirdness in the last 65Ma is an eternal delight.

I got a B- and the professor told me that my outlook is more historian than philosopher. He wasn’t wrong.

Been *SORELY* tempted, though.

Playing a specter tho? Hell no. Those are NPCs

Now there’s 4chan...

There’s an atomic promethean. C’mon.

Read Shelley’s Frankenstein and then this back to back.

At least that was my experience in Italy.

Sorry...Nevada National Security Site. Call it whatever you like.

Which reminds me, @pablohidalgo we do need to figure out a way to make a Fiasco night happen.

“Fungus-effigy of Yourself Sex Garden” is definitely a scene I’ll remember forever.

They didn’t have a vault type room as such but for a local bookstore their security to protect customer purchasing habits was surprising. Sadly, they’ve long since closed.

He signed Angleton’s statement as “That’s only thing in this book I *actually* wrote.”

Got ya covered.

When I shared this with @neilhimself, he got a weird smile and said “I like the idea that my books lurk, waiting for people in Antarctica.”

As @Diraccone said, statistical and error analysis is *SO* important.

I have some regrets I got rid of my Time Machine CYOA book series.