To get the conversation started on the front-end experience of Dapps
TL;DR; tweetsummary ahead…
#Web3 #Design #Blockchain #UX

Distributed applications (Dapp) today still look much like web apps
and they should strongly convey the powerful principles enabled by the Blockchain: decentralization, transparency, trustlessness, immutability, uncensorability etc 👉#Web3 #DesignPrinciples codify these into usable tools
1-(Reading Data) Transparency of Data Provenance
2 - (Writing Data) Transparency of Transactions
3 - (Pushed Data) Transparency of Smart Contract Events
4 - (History) Accessible and transparent User interaction History
5 - (Code & Environment) Transparency of Code
- It isn’t transparent if you don’t know where & how to look
- If it isn’t transparent it can’t be trusted!
— it isn’t transparency if it requires a humongous effort to find, see and verify the data
— It isn’t transparency if 99% of users are deterred from wanting to look
—for a Dapp to be trusted, it’s code needs to be trusted
— for code to be somewhat trusted, it needs to be transparent, independently executable and verifiable
address UX problems that arise from the general use and implementation of Dapps
6 — Time/Wait Management
7 — Human Readable Hashes Format
8 — Permanent Newbie Mode
9 — Gas Prices and Transaction reversals
these are just a hint for developers to start thinking holistically about the function of their Dapps, and the new UX requirements that emerge, in the larger context of the distributed societies we are creating.
One that, for the first time, is potentially led by masses of self-sovereign individuals coalescing around borderless ideas, self-managing organizations and distributed market systems.
- a Bootstrap like library to plug and play into the the dapp,
- a browser plugin, that enforces the transparency wither the Dapp creator wants or not
what do you think?

how has your experience with Dapps been lately? 🙈🙉🙊
what would you improve? 🔥😎
let's start talking about the decentralized future for the masses 💪