Some pitfalls related to shapeshifting, gender, and trans people.
(I read a lot of trans-related fiction and currently edit a trans anthology series, Transcendent: The Year's Best Transgender SFF.)
a conflation of
* gender
* genitals
* pronouns.
But you can have:
* any gender
* with any genitals
* and any pronouns.
If a character's body shape changes in any way, the character's gender and pronouns do not necessarily change.
This is especially an issue if the body shape change is involuntary.
But even that evades the fact that this might not be always feasible for the character.
Character changes shape to one binary sex to another.
This is either involuntary or in any case not accompanied by any change in gender identification.
Character is immediately labeled with different pronoun.
First, sex is different from gender.
Sex is also not just genitals. There is genital sex, chromosomal sex, hormonal sex etc. and these can also differ from each other in the SAME person (in the case of intersex variations)
The character's "gender" changes because their body changes, the whole body, involving also presumably the genitals.
(This is all terrible, please do not do this)
(Please do not do a naked reveal scene)
The genitals are usually irrelevant to anything in a non-erotic SFF story. Even if your character has genital sex, the specific bits do not need to be revealed (Read erotica BY trans authors if you would like to learn the craft of this.)
Body shape is *not* the same as gender (though, again, often correlated). But it can greatly change how the character is read.
You do not need to say anything about genitals.
You will not know. (Unless they tell you, which they probably won't? It is a very invasive question, so please don't ask people about that.)
Would your feelings of your own gender change if you suddenly had a different body?
Maybe with time / maybe not.
Definitely not right away.
People can definitely have bodily changes that affect their external appearance. Endocrine stuff, medication side effects, etc.
Still their gender *usually* does not change and they tend not to like / desire these bodily changes.
Of course, in a world with voluntary shapeshifting - again, people can optimize their shape to their gender if they feel a mismatch.
A lot of trans people would love that, which brings me to another point...
If this doesn't come up even very briefly in your book (especially if it's a book, not just a short story), that can come across as erasure.
It might need a special magic. Might be expensive. Socially frowned upon. Only for people of a certain age. Etc. Etc. Many possible reasons :)
(Same for not equating gender / sex / genitals / pronouns with "male and female" with no other options.)
A character can use one set of gendered pronouns and have a different gender! It is totally possible.
It is also possible that they have a set of pronouns but are not *out* about it.
The narrative needs to respect the character.
This can be especially bad in third person omniscient viewpoints.
Again, respect your characters when you write them.
Though please be mindful that reviewers will make guesses. Sometimes without realizing they are guessing based on their own biases.
Gender, pronouns, sex, genitals are often related, but not the same.
One of these factors can change without the others changing.
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