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Mar 12th 2020
PSA from a good friend of mine, a PhD in nursing & professor at U of WA School of Medicine, after working a triple shift:

“Please please please stop hoarding masks! Unless you‘re providing direct care to patients coughing in your face, YOUR MASK WILL NOT PROTECT YOU
Staying home & washing your hands may protect you, but MASKS WILL NOT.

Do you know who your masks will protect? Those of us in the healthcare field who are RUNNING OUT OF MASKS because people keep stealing them from our waiting rooms & off of personal protection equipment carts.
All Seattle-area hospitals are now mask rationing because there is a critical shortage of masks here. And they are getting really hard to replace - BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE HOARDING THEM.

This means my nurses working double+ shifts get one mask per day to protect themselves.

Read 5 tweets
Mar 12th 2020
#Coronavirus UPDATE & Resources
Mar 11th 11PM EST
-126,135 =113 Countries & 🇨🇳
-4,630 have died🌎
-68,216 have recovered🌎
-80,932 Cases in 🇨🇳
-12,462 #Italy
-9,000 #Iran
-7,755 #SouthKorea
-2,284 #France
#COVID19seattle #NC #CA #MA #CT
1/11 #US #COVIDー19 Stats 👇🏾
2) #US #COVID19 Update
March 11th 11PM EST
1,311 #Coronavirus cases
373 in #Washington - most # of cases
36 states & DC have confirmed cases
339 new cases
38 have died: #WA #CA #FL #NJ #SD
👀 Community Prep Resources 👇🏾
#CoronavirusUSA #COVID19US
#NYC #Seattle #LosAngeles #OC
1) Welcome to #COVID19 Info!
Since the World Health Org has declared #COVID-19 a global pandemic, we thought it best to share some basic info starting with an infographic and our Personal Protection thread which includes a Pandemic Guide:
🔗 #Coronavirus
Read 13 tweets
Mar 11th 2020
1) #Coronavirus UPDATE & Resources
Mar 10th 9PM EST
-118,745 =112 Countries & China
-4,284 have died🌎
-65,740 have recovered🌎
-80,954 Cases in 🇨🇳
-10,149 #Italy
-8,042 #Iran
-7,513 #SouthKorea
-1,784 #France
#COVID19seattle #NA #CA #MA #CT
#US #COVIDー19 Stats 👇🏾
2) #US #COVID19 Update
March 10th 9PM EST
972 #Coronavirus cases
267 in #Washington
36 states & DC have confirmed cases
234 new cases
15 have recovered
28 have died: #WA #CA #FL #NJ
👀Community Prep Resources 👇🏾
#CoronavirusUSA #COVID19US
#Seattle #Houston #TX #NewJersey #NY
3) Here’s our last 2 Topic Threads:
-Personal protection:
-Understanding Community Spread:
-Here's a great graphic for teens on:
How People Get & Spread The #Coronavirus #COVID19

#SD #NE #NH #RI #VT #MA…
Read 10 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
People don’t understand the single greatest risk of #COVIDー19.

It is The Pinch.

Come along with me while I explain.

#COVID19US #CoronavirusUSA #coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #COVID19seattle #Coviditalia #covid4MDs #thepinch
This will potentially affect you, your kids, you parents. They don’t even have to get sick. It all has to do with TOO MANY PATIENTS TOO SICK AT ONE TIME.
Here’s what we know. One person in a community gets sick and they infect others. Most people don’t get too sick and they get better.

They are not “safe” though. Read to the end.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
#Coronavirus UPDATE & Resources
Mar 7th 9PM EST
-105,981 = 95 Countries & China
-3,586 have died🌎
-59,916 have recovered🌎
-80,695 Cases in 🇨🇳
-7,134 #SouthKorea
-5,883 #Italy
-5,823 #Iran
-949 France
#COVID19seattle #NC #WA #CA #MA #CT
1/8 #US #COVIDー19 Stats 👇🏾
2a) #US #COVID19 Update
March 6th 9PM EST
-424 #Coronavirus cases in US
-32 states have confirmed cases
-94 new cases as of 9pm
-15 have recovered
-17 have died #WA #CA
-US Citizens in Self-quarantine: 13,900+
-See Pandemic Prep Resources 👇🏾
#CoronavirusUSA #Houston #Chicago #NJ
Below you will see 3 things:
-The number of #coronavirus cases in the 32 states w/#COVID19
-The transmission origin - nearly half is community spread followed by an infected/sick person who lived in #Westchester who then infected 54 others
-chart showing the daily # of new cases
Read 12 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
Kevin Connolly, whose father-in-law is at Life Care Center in Kirkland, says if this facility is safe then he wants to see Vice President Mike Pence sit inside for an hour. #coronavirus #COVID19seattle
Connolly says he hasn't seen any CDC officials here, even though families were told they arrived Saturday.

Also says there's no actual quarantine here. Patients are walking around common areas, and only loosely encouraged to stay in their rooms.
A lot of confusion right now among families who want to take loved ones out of Life Care, but don't know if they can or where to take them if they could.

Families say they want test results and clear instructions.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
Living (and especially being a parent) in Seattle right now feels like we are caught in the middle of a big psych experiment and I can’t remember having signed the informed consent form??!? 🦠 🦠 🦠 #CoronaVirusSeattle #COVID19seattle
I can think of a whole bunch of federal officials who have not undergone human subjects training, in fact it appears they have undergone no training whatsoever
Some other issues with experimental design:
Read 3 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
1 Like many other teams, we often work together in person. As we do more remote work in light of #COVID19seattle, we're going to do more and more of our work in writing.

This poses a unique opportunity and challenge for building and sustaining a culture of belonging. Thread >
2 Whether you use e-mail, Slack, other tools, or some combination, a lot of collaboration that might have previously happened in person is likely to move to writing over the next few weeks.
3 We use video-conferencing technologies like Zoom and Slack video and we do talk live. But when we’re all in different physical locations, we’re collaborating by writing more than ever.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 5th 2020
HAPPY STORY ALERT: @UW @UWVirology has developed it's own #COVID19 test & expects to be testing 1k-1.5k people per day by the end of the week.

Preparation began @ end of 2019, *just in case* it reached U.S.

That decision will save lives.

Go Dawgs.…
They have plans to ramp up testing capacity "substantially beyond" the 1,000-1,500 per day should demand require it.

Seek to move towards a "single swab requirement" which will save resources.

#CoronavirusSeattle #Coronavirus #COVIDー19 #COVID19seattle
Can confirm, this story is bringing multiple Seattleites and UW alums to tears with pride.

#SeattleStrong #GoDawgs

I feel lucky to be a Seattleite.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
WA State Presser #COVID19seattle #COVID19

31 cases - 10 new
10 deaths - 1 new
Life Care - 2 dedicated docs to Life Care - care + staffing
All will be tested
CDC on site
+60 age or pregnant- stay home
Work from home
No large gatherings
Sick-stay home…
#COVID19seattle COVID19 King County employee steps:
cancelling King County meetings through Mar 31
Telecommute if possible
White Center containment units in place
Seeking add'l locations to quarantine
1 mod unit InterBay + 1 N Seattle
Motel purchase is in Kent
#COVID19seattle #COVID19
Public Health recommendations to slow spread:

Distancing socially is critical
1. To reduce stress healthcare system
3. To reduce spread
New virus/no immunity
80% no serious issues
20% w/severe illness
Treatment- flu like, pneumonia, & severe lung issues
Read 12 tweets

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