31 cases - 10 new
10 deaths - 1 new
Life Care - 2 dedicated docs to Life Care - care + staffing
All will be tested
CDC on site
+60 age or pregnant- stay home
Work from home
No large gatherings
Sick-stay home
cancelling King County meetings through Mar 31
Telecommute if possible
White Center containment units in place
Seeking add'l locations to quarantine
1 mod unit InterBay + 1 N Seattle
Motel purchase is in Kent
Public Health recommendations to slow spread:
Distancing socially is critical
1. To reduce stress healthcare system
3. To reduce spread
New virus/no immunity
80% no serious issues
20% w/severe illness
Treatment- flu like, pneumonia, & severe lung issues
Public Health recommendations to slow spread:
Avoid public gatherings / public places if compromised
Employers maximize telecommuting
Tell employees to stay home
Stagger start/end time if must go to work
Schedule online meetings vs in office meetings
Public Health recommendations to slow spread:
Immune compromised students should avoid public places/schools
School closures are up to area schools/communities
Children are not largely affected
Not recommending school closures unless confirmed cases
Public Health recommendations to slow spread:
Avoid shaking hands
Call healthcare provider 1st if ill and follow instructions
WA State Health update:
39 statewide cases
Testing - huge demand
NEW-CDC relaxed criteria
Anyone can now be tested w/symptoms
Can do 100 people per day- 200 specimens @ 2/person
New equip.
4x staff increase
UW Virology Lab collaboration + all labs
WA State Health update:
More on Testing:
Temporary capacity issue - next few days considerable increase
If mild symptoms, don't need testing.
Stay home and isolate from other household members
WA State Health update:
Ppl deployed today to Life Care are epidemiologists
Care @ Life Care will be the same whether postive or not
Will separate those positive from others
Will not hospitalize unless acute need
WA State Health update:
Since Fri, 291 samples from 91 people tested @ public health lab
Arrested person taken from booking to hospital
Shut down booking & disinfected
Containment = decrease ill people/decrease spread
Simple steps to decrease risk
King County update:
Why not shut schools?
Downside: tremendous disruption
Children gather elsewhere w/ school closures
Nurse & others have to stay home to care for family, etc.
Children not as greatly impacted w/serious issues
King County update:
Do have 2 younger patients ... don't know underlying or if underlying health conditions
People of any age can be affected
The End.