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May 8th 2023
He's subtweeting me for all the right reasons -- and phone calls I've been on reveal he's not the only one.

I've gone soft on @CISAgov in appreciation for the fact they're not like their direct descendant, FBI NIPC.

I've gone soft on @CISAJen because she's not like her…
…predecessor, Michael Vatis.

More specifically, though, I've gone soft on @CISAJen because she's building the right relationships with @DragosInc and @RobertMLee, who himself will play the role of "Daddy Warbucks" in the first true #cyberwar.

Everything @ErrataRob subtweeted…
…is correct. When I say "it's getting better," that doesn't mean it's *good* now.

CISA severely lacks #critics, skeptics, and historians. Their board-level guidance comes from people who, among other things, wrote the book "This Is How They Tell Me The World Ends"…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
Today marks the first anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine #cyberwar that killed <checks Microsoft's & Mandiant's reports> no one.

Let's go over last year's mass cyberwar #panic. We'll begin with one of the earliest calls to #boycott @Kaspersky:
There was an immediate feeling that everyone must cancel all Kaspersky subscriptions, as if customers -- especially corporate clients -- had a competitor's product waiting in the wings to replace it in some trivial fashion:
Likewise, there was an immediate plea to [translated] "remove Kaspersky from your PC. Now. Immediately." Again, as if customers -- especially corporate clients -- could do it trivially and without serious consequences:
Read 36 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
This is a long thread on Russian cyber war in Ukraine, in which I will try to explain cyber war and comment on the Russian cyber war in Ukraine. /1
For those who don’t know me or what credentials I have. I am a civilian threat intelligence expert at @truesec, but I have previously worked 35 years in intelligence, mostly in Sigint. /2
@Truesec First, we need to define a few things, because words like “cyber war” are being thrown around and misused a lot.
Cyber Operations are the use of cyber capabilities, either in war or clandestinely in peace. Just like Special Forces operations. /3
Read 43 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
Six months of war. A thread about my personal experience and what I've been up to. 1/n

#war #ukraine #russia
2/ Day 0 I woke up early morning. Took my phone and saw
@meduzaproject headline "Война" - War. These five letters since then burned into my brain. This moment set a point in a my mind where past no longer exists.
3/ The first thing I did is called @bulletoleg if he is up. This was just thirty minutes after the first bombs fell on the Kyiv. thirty mile traffic jam stretched from east to the west #Kyiv. All gas stations were empty. Oleg was not able to evacuate.
Read 33 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
Live from #GartnerSEC | The Future of War is #Cyberwar, We're All on the Battlefield.

The 4 panelists include:
- Rebecca Lively, Deputy Director, 90th Cyberspace Operations Squadron
- Leigh McMullen, Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst
- Christopher Raney, Deputy Executive Director, Technical Director, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
- Andrew Walls, Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst

#GartnerSEC #security #cyberwar #cybersecurity
When warfare happens by remote control, Net Superiority becomes the new Air Superiority.

In this session, the panelists discuss the future of warfare in #cyberspace, and how every enterprise is directly on the battlefield. Follow along for key takeaways 👇 #GartnerSEC
Read 8 tweets
Apr 23rd 2022
In 2022, #Sandworm hackers targeted two waves of attacks towards an oblenergo. The same attack from the same organization in 2015 made #Ukraine️ the first country in the world that suffered a powerful blackout due to a #cyberattack #cyberwar
The #cyberattacks were being attempted constantly since mid-February. Overall, since the full-scale war began there have been about 50 attacks that could have left a massive number of civilians without electricity. #Ukraine #UkraineRussianWar #WARINUKRAINE #cyberwar
But thanks to our experience, this time we were better prepared. The #cyberattack meant to cause a power outage on April 8th was successfully deterred, even though #russianhackers used more advanced tools. #Ukraine️
#WARINUKRAINE #UkraineUnderAttaсk #cyberwar
Read 4 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
CYBERWAR: A🧵The need to precisely assess the current state on a continuum of conflict (peace, competition, contest, conflict, & war) is essential for strategy development, clarifying authority & certain response justifications (like use of force & wartime funding provisions) 1/4
There are established frameworks that permit objective ascription of war & differentiate types of aggression. Clausewitz, Boulding, Perkins or the Geneva Conventions are all classic frameworks for delineating war from terrorism, armed conflict or other type of belligerence 🧵2/4
🇷🇺 & 🇺🇦 are at war. They are at war in all 5 warfighting domains because that’s how 21st-century war works. Bombastic declarations of #cyberwar due to malware discovery are especially offensive & ill-informed because malware discovery is a daily event in both war & peacetime🧵3/4
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Mar 15th 2022
1/5 Another significant capture in #Ukraine. Reported discovery today of a #SIMBox being used to relay Voice calls & SMS and other info to Russian forces (including top leadership of Russian army) & other individuals in #Ukraine. I will explain what this is and how it works.
First the system is comprised of 3 main parts,
1) the SIM Box server - in this case a Hypertone SMB-128 . This handles the control of up to 128 SIM Cards, cycles them when detected etc , and co-ordinates interaction with the #GSM Gateways… Image
3/5 Next the GSM Gateways, there are two Hypertone types being used here:
- There are 3x GoIP 8 - VoIP Gateway for 8 Channels being used,
- along with 1x GoIP-4 4 SIM VoIP GSM Gateway.
Both can be used for SMS or Voice ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
@taco_x86 @threadreaderapp Not yet.

Let me begin by recognizing that more than one person has yelled at me for RT'ing a debate re: cyber where I feel my followers should see both sides of the issue. Generally speaking: they don't want me to highlight our public conversation. I'm always like "WTFO?"
@taco_x86 "OG" readers like you know I view cyber from a similar perspective as #Doctrine_Man and #Mother_of_Tanks -- just two of many whom I've pissed off for QT'ing their tweets to reveal how insanely out-of-whack our industry's perception of #cyberwar really is.

Yet as a critic...
@taco_x86 ...I'm compelled to QT an abundant crop of tweets on crime & warfare to help us understand how cyber will fit into it.

I dare to ask philosophical questions, or to make what our industry would call a "valid" assumption, that makes no sense whatsoever to the person I'm QT'ing.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
@taco_x86 As a matter of fact I do! You're an "OG" CVMhp / Vmyths reader; you'll probably remember the column where I explained my Bacon Number to Roger Ebert is exactly 1:
@taco_x86 I continued conversing w/ Roger Ebert on CompuServe in the '80s & '90s. After his tirade re: "Highlander 2," I emailed him to explain how it broke the timeline for the sword Ramírez wielded. "Another reason to hate the movie," he replied! [paraphrased]…
@taco_x86 The original "CVMhp" website followed a ... loose interpretation of what it means to be a critic.

Things changed in 1999 when Denise's career took her to Iowa. "As a consolation, why don't you take CVMhp to a new level? Make it profitable."

As if I needed a consolation prize 😃
Read 10 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
I am still thinking about their extra free GPU power, and corresponding increase in decentralized computing capacity.

Limiting Gaming to 3h/week and Forbidding Cryptominning would be the steps they would take before a #CyberWar.

cc: @bobgourley @johnrobb
to: @BrianPFonseca @GordonInstitute

Regarding Adversarial #AI being imported into the USA, and the possibility of China attacking the Dollar and/or E-Commerce from within the US itself.

See thread in @johnrobb's RT
Read 3 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
Calls to overhaul the legacy bureaucratic systems of the U.S. with cutting-edge AI-driven mass tracking and #surveillance technologies are intensifying at the top echelons of the #NationalSecurity state with all eyes on the #2020election.
by @hijodelcuervo…
#US #Cyber Command and the #Pentagon are availing themselves of the #Russian meddling narratives and added a few others to justify the creation of a #cyberwar army with international and domestic capabilities via the #NationalGuard.
by @hijodelcuervo…
From #DHS to the #military, the pressure is mounting on all sides to revamp federal #LawEnforcement hierarchies, shift information pipelines, and reimage the nature of warfare.
by @hijodelcuervo…
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Jul 17th 2020
#CIA was already involved in massive cyber hackings of its enemies.

Is revealed by Yahoo that in 2018 Trump practically allowed CIA to engage in unrestricted cyber terrorism to collapse a country's infrastructure and plunge it into chaos in order to...…
bring about the regime change. Like WikiLeaks, CIA can hack & leak (dump). It released personal info of all the customers of an #Iranian bank, as well as personal info of many Iranian officials. So when the US accuses others of #CyberWar, it's projecting its own #Cyberterrorism.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
🔥NEW Bombshell report on #Putin's #cyberwar on America >> #Russia carried out a 'stunning' breach of FBI communications system, escalating the spy game on US soil. Yahoo reports a Russian mole probably infiltrated our intelligence community (🤔Only one?)…
I remember how outraged the Kremlin was about losing its San Francisco consulate. And the smoke billowing from the chimney as they raced to burn evidence of their espionage. Turns out, #Russia's Bay Area diplomats/spies played a key role in a brazen operation targeting the FBI ‼️
Turns out #Russia lost its SanFrancisco consulate bldg for more than election hacking. Obama sanctions were also b/c they'd been engaged in a brazen operation since 2010—when "illegals" were exposed—to keep FBI from tracking 🇷🇺spies. (No 🙄they weren't burning for "Conservation")
Read 4 tweets
Mar 8th 2018
#Europe "an increasingly complex & competitive security environment," SACEUR/@US_EUCOM Commander Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti tells #SASC in opening statement
"Our adaptation to the environment has made significant progress...particularly under the European Deterrence Initiative" per Gen Scaparrotti, calling it "the largest reinforcement of Euro-Atlantic Defense in a generation"
Gen Scaparrotti also says @NATO alliance "is strong" and that "European allies & #Canada have turned a corner on defense spending with increases in each of the past 3 years" adding $46 billion to defense spending
Read 44 tweets
May 27th 2017

هاشتاق #رمضان ياليت مختصي #أمن_المعلومات يشاركون فيه بمعلومات بسيطه مفيدة وتوعويه تفيد الناس بالشهر الكريم 👌🏻
#معلومة_أمنية_قبل_الفطور 1️⃣ يتم انتاج مايقارب مليون فايروس يوميا منها ماهو شديد الخطورة ومنها ماهومكرر عديم الخطوره…
#معلومة_أمنية_قبل_الفطور ٢ الAnti Virus يتصيد الفايروس اماعن طريق التوقيع في كود الفايروس المعروف او عن طريق تصرفات الفايروس الي تثير الشك
Read 91 tweets

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