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#Zemmour se fait mitrailler par de prétendus gros-🧠 qui lui reprochent de nier ici la possibilité logique des violences policières et d'avoir mal compris Weber.
Je pense que le Z a en partie raison - mais ne va pas assez loin - et en partie tort - par manque de radicalité.
Oui, les violences policières existent et que l'Etat ait le monopole de la violence légitime ne signifie pas que toute violence de l'Etat soit légitime. Les grands logiciens seront contents, #Zemmour commet une erreur ici.
Là où il a raison, c'est que la gauche, #Melenchon ...
...en tête, tient de plus en plus un discours déligitimant fondamentalement la #police , en faisant le bras armé d'un système social raciste, misogyne, exploiteur, etc... La #gauche tout entière se radicalisant depuis l'effondrement du #PS , ce discours vulgo-marxiste, ...
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And here's a quick thread about what I'm trying to do in this book: 1/
The book is about the approach of comparative feminist theology as an intervention into #Islam vs. #feminism debates. I outline a new approach that is in conversation with diverse religious feminisms, including #womanism, #african womens theology, and #decolonial theologies 2/
This book is also a response to #Muslim discussions of #egalitarianism, #equality, and the need for constructive positions (in addition to deconstructive critique) 3/
Read 14 tweets
I'm live-tweeting today and tomorrow from the #SustainabilityFrontiers conference. Follow for insights on where #SustainabilityScience is now, gaps, and how we create just nature-society relations.
Hosts: @LUCSUS_LU & @SEIresearch, inspiration: @theNASEM,…
Don't miss the graphic recording of the #SustainabilityFrontiers conference here:…
The conference is NOT being recorded-- welcome to follow and engage live! 2/
Sustainability science is still defining itself, argues Vasna Ramsar. Concepts like #foodsovereignty drawn from Indigenous knowledge are gaining ground as part of #decolonizing the field. #SustainabilityFrontiers /3
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Any consideration of a #decolonial approach to #philosophy must engage with #Africana philosophy - but what is often occluded in that is the #Islamic element 1/
@HistPhilosophy with @ChikeJeffers has done an excellent job in introducing many to #Africana philosophy and let’s hope they continue to flourish 2/
A number of works have recently appeared that are relevant to our understanding of the Muslim element in that often focused on #WestAfrica 3/
Read 18 tweets… #Decoloniality- a relatively new western movement used to drive BLM politics, support Khalistani infiltration of Punjab farmer protests, pseudo-dalit caste activism, fan #Hinduphobia and self-loathing by deleting adhyatma, yoga, dharma. #BreakingIndia 2.0.
western academia projects like #Decoloniality are rooted in materialism, focus on outer transformation.

Dharmic movements reject sacred v secular partition. Outer progress reflects inner transformation via embodied knowing.

first & foremost, Bharat is an #adhyatmic civilization
trans from a good talk in Hindi on Tantra in the India Inspires YT channel.
Read 34 tweets
There is little doubt that the Andalusian Sufi Ibn ʿArabī (1165-1240), born in Murcia, who settled and died in Damascus where his tomb lies on the foothills of Qasiyūn is one of the most exciting and controversial figures in #IslamicIntellectualHistory - a 🧵
Much ink has been spilled on him and his work - a useful introduction to his thought from an insider perspective is Chittick and another insider Sufi approach to his life is Addas 2/
His relationship to the philosophical tradition is much debated - was he a philosopher? A #Sufi metaphysician? Was he an exclusivist or a universal pluralist committed to #apocotastasis ? Rosenthal, Chittick and most recently Lipton have engaged these questions 3/
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I've reached the stage in my career where I'm receiving invitations to speak about #EDI #Indigenization #Decolonization from the same institutions that also declined to interview me for TT positions... umm, let's unpack/unwind this with a meandering🧵
I need to be clear, as a white/white-coded Métis and Cree scientist, I experience relatively little marginalization, certainly non-comparable to other BIPOC scholars (perhaps more for my gay and two-spirit identities, especially when younger)
I recognize the privilege/advantage being white and male has afforded my education (that's a whole thread on its own) -- But I also see how my work with #EDI and esp. #Decolonization and #Indigenization of botany/science is simultaneously desired yet undervalued for advancement
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Like many others who have taught contemporary (#Islamic) thought I have had occasion to discuss in class The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity of Jurgen Habermas (b. 1929) 1/
I always felt that within his theory of communicative reason and the intersubjective ethics of the public sphere his treatment of religion and culture was ever wanting 2/
While his attachment to modifying and rehabilitating the #Enlightenment project was understandable given his generation and the experience of post WW2 Europe 3/
Read 16 tweets
Why we should walk away from using terms like "giving or capturing voice," in qualitative research. I hope you will read and share. #qualitativeresearch #highered #highereducation #critqual #educolor #decolonial #phdadvice #phdchat #phdlife #languagematters
1. First, the lineage and practices of qualitative research are grounded in western, global north sensibilities. Look at what is being used as dominant texts and who the authors are. Creswell and others rarely ever wrote a word thinking about people who look like me.
2. I've had to unlearn what was understood to be status quo, including the overwhelming amount of agency presumed by the researcher. I wrote about this in a book chapter titled, "Othering Research, Researching the Other (full text in ResearchGate).
Read 12 tweets
Those cheering #GandhiMustFall should recognize that they’re cheering a xenophobic and racist sentiment that is the opposite of #decolonial thinking. A thread on how to think about Gandhi’s anti-Black racism. 1/14
Gandhi was an elite, high caste Hindu from a conservative family. His father was a govt. administrator & while not wealthy, Gandhi benefitted from family connections. In 1888, aged 18, he left to study in the UK where he wore western clothing and embraced British customs. 2/14
As a young lawyer in British ruled S. Africa, Gandhi was a dutiful upholder of colonial values. Like most members of the subject races, he espoused racist views to uphold the petty privilege granted to such groups in colonial Africa. This is how divide and rule functioned. 3/14
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#Decolonising #Development must be approached against a dual background of (a) optimistic anticolonial pushbacks like #RhodesMustFall & (b) renewed, frantic & violent attempts to hold on to the 'white man's world' - @o_rutazibwa opens the last #SussexDev lecture of 2017 @IDS_UK
@o_rutazibwa @IDS_UK The 'bathwater' here is #development as a system (ideologies, institutions, practices) which we may need to get rid of; we need to fight the desire to hold on to 'development studies' even if it has given us our professional identities (and paychecks) @o_rutazibwa #SussexDev
@o_rutazibwa @IDS_UK The 'baby' in this story is the ideas, desires and energy - global #justice, #solidarity, #reparations - righting the past and present wrongs that persist 'after' colonialism (the end of which was never quite the rupture we sometimes imagine) - @o_rutazibwa #SussexDev
Read 21 tweets

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