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May 8th 2023
First we had this. Starmer suddenly has a "long-standing view against PR."
A tangible change in tone, from constructive ambiguity to clear against.
What is going on? (A thread) 1/15…
You'd have imagined the official spokesperson would have said, "#PR for the Commons isn't the priority but Lords reform is. In power, we'll consult on the best voting system for our new elected 'Assembly of Nations'." They didn't say that, why? 2/15…
The Brown report is aware that the new second chamber must have "electoral legitimacy". 3/15… Image
Read 15 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
This Twitter thread explains how the #evolution of even the primitive election #FPTF system still used in too many elections can be guided to produce a much more democratic election system, through the accumulation of simple changes.
#BRAMYIR offers the benefits of #ApprovalVoting, #ScoreVoting, & #RankedChoiceVoting, plus the benefit of a balanced ballot, while encouraging honest voting & discouraging attempts to game the system with dishonest strategic voting such as votes for the mere lesser of two evils.
It's easy to improve on the common single faceted first past the post voting system, and it's easy to make positive changes add up to positive evolution. #RankedChoiceVoting is an improvement, we can do better then that with the simple removal of a single voting restriction.
Read 59 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
#ElezioniPolitiche2022 #italyelection to understand the results, here is a🧵on the electoral system. The radical right is performing well not because of PR but due to first-past-the-post. #ElectoralSystem

Italy has a system of #perfectbicameralism Senate and Chamber are equal. A gov needs the confidence of both chambers; legislation needs approval of both. Gov may also be no-confidenced by just one of the two chambers, a rule that adds to government instability in Italy.

The Chamber has 400 members, 147 elected by first-past-the-post (#FPTP) in single member constituencies, and 245 elected by proportionality across the country.

Read 19 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
Indulge me in this thread about what I've heard someone call "a brilliant week for the EU" (in terms of its policy response, not in a wider sense of course - the past week has been a disaster for all of us, not just #Ukraine).
As someone who has spent my career working in EU foreign policy, I do find it tremendously heartening to see us win praise for getting it largely right, acting quickly and decisively. This is why I joined - to see the EU use its weight to defend our values from bullies.
And from where I sit it is rather stunning to see us deliver a truly punchy sanctions package, and mobilise EU funding to deliver arms - even fighter planes - to our friends to help them defend themselves.
Read 21 tweets
Jun 4th 2021
What Friday nights are all about! @FairVoteCanada 20th anniversary conference opens, featuring a panel with @judyrebick @acoyne @ElizabethMay and Hugh Segal. Excited for this discussion of #ElectoralReform! I will post key points. 😊…
(A thread)
Coyne: Electoral reform "defeats" in Canada aren't really defends, but examples of the extreme lengths opponents of #PR will go to stop it. e.g. Most BC voters backed PR, but the government refused to implement it. Same thing happened on PEI.
Coyne: Trudeau and Legault governments noted for their flip-flops and broken promises on electoral reform. A setback, but we still need to work hard on this important issue. The necessity remains. Clear problems with #FirstPastThePost. False majorities, false results, etc.
Read 51 tweets
May 29th 2021
What is a #ProgressiveAlliance ? It is the strategic answer to the meta-threat the people who have stolen the #Conservative party present to our democracy. To the freedom, power and solidarity we need to pursue all other progressive policy objectives.
There may be other strategies - such as tactical voting. But these put too great a burden on the voter. And gets the parties off the hook - they don't need to do anything. The parties must take back responsibility. They must serve their core public purpose of giving us voice.
It is not fair to keep asking the voter to shoulder the risks of perpetually losing parties. The task of the voter (especially under #FPTP) needs to be made easier with a binary choice - and it is the job of the opposing parties to provide one.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 13th 2021
If you were a remainer like me, the best thing you can do for your country now is to demand an #Alliance24 between progressive parties.

Populism is here to stay. Lies are here to stay. We can't go on like this.

We have to fight the next election with one candidate per seat.
Caroline is right. But the Green Party will never win power on its own and under #FPTP its representation is all-but-destroyed.


Ed is right. But Libdems will never win power on its own and under #FPTP its representation is hugely diminished.

Read 7 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
As support for #Brexit drains away, the 52% support withered to just 32% and falling, the country's finances short by £130 billion (before #COVID19), and with a #NorthKoreaBrexit looming that bears no relation to what #VoteLeave sold...

Got a feeling #RejoinEU is going to trend.
Don't get me wrong. We have massive domestic problems to address first, and frankly, we won't win #FPTP without a historic alliance, and selling that is hard. (Do help though!).

But imagine being a #Brexiter today. Their win looks more and more like when a country loses a war.
On the day that the #VoteLeave regime set the clock ticking to the most damaging form of Brexit in January, resolve to lay the foundation for a better future:

Read 3 tweets
Apr 25th 2020
Reminder to ALL:

1) 🇬🇧 will continue its descent into corruption, failure, misery & poverty under #EndlessToryRule.

2) Our ONLY way out is to build a broad-church coalition opposition capable of winning #FPTP at the next election.

If you're not for (2), you're for (1). End of.
Today it's the mismanagement of #Covid19. Tomorrow it will be #NoDealBrexit. The next day it'll be #JudiciaryAttacks. The next will be #ContractsForToryDonors.... It will never end unless the *majority* who have always been against this start to work together.


Left wing labour versus 'Centrist' Labour. SHUT UP and work together.

Labour versus LibDems: MERGE or COALITION.

Swallow your differences. Swallow your pride. See the bigger picture.

WORK TOGETHER. Or there's literally no point to any of you.
Read 6 tweets
May 30th 2019
Have you heard of #Hotelling’s Law? In a two party system, it says that you get most votes by minimising the political distance between the parties. It’s worked well in the past, but it’s about to bring an end to both #Labour and the #Tory party. 1/n…
Hotelling’s law worked really well for Tony #Blair. #Thatcher had moved the Tory party to the right, so #NewLabour had an opportunity to increase its vote share by also moving rightwards. 2/n
Politics had shifted. Both parties held broadly similar policies. Blair’s political stance, although to the left of Thatcher’s, was much further right than any Labour leader previously (or since). Labour was able to capture ground that the Tories had left unguarded. 3/n
Read 12 tweets
Dec 20th 2018
Okay, in the wake of the #prorep #FPTP vote, here's our exit poll of voters, canvassing their motivations:…
Some reflections on the referendum coming, follow along..
1) The result is a massive relief to the @bcliberals. They can also claim a very legitimate "win" in this campaign. Look at how solidly past BC lib votes stuck together on #FPTP Image
Read 14 tweets
Dec 5th 2018
Fact: Leave broke campaign spending caps on a massive scale
Fact: Boris Johnson took Russian money
Fact: Donors would never donate if it wouldn't lead to more votes
Fact: Govt admits people didn't vote to get poorer
Fact: Govt assessments show people will get poorer
Fact: Leave's anti-EU lies were massive
Fact: stolen private data was used to find & profile voters
Fact: high-tech microtargeting was used to deliver lies
Fact: lies were spread shamelessly and left unchallenged on the BBC
Fact: any #Brexit now will be undemocratic
Fact: Leave donor Arron Banks is under police investigation
Fact: Banks & ERG chairman JRM have extensive Russian interests
Fact: Putin suffers under heavy EU/US pressure
Fact: Russia meddled in the US elections
Fact: for Trump & Brexit the same big data tech was used
Read 7 tweets
Jul 9th 2018
After the referendum May slammed the door in the face of the 48%. Then she locked the moderate leavers up in another room, and negotiated #Brexit with her own cabinet and the pure Brexit ideologues. Goodbye to reality and compromise. #BrexitShambles
In Norway PM Gro Harlem Brundtland, who had campaigned for #Norway to join EU, stayed on her post so that she could negotiate an outcome as many as possible could accept. She went for #compromise and managed to unite a split country. 🇳🇴
PS. Gro Harlem Brundtland made an international career after she left Norwegian politics. I don’t agree with her politically, but she deserves respect. 🇳🇴
Read 4 tweets

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