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Les toxicologues, les spécialistes des pesticides, les chimistes quand ils voient la vidéo de Blast sur le #glyphosate... avec pour invité, le spécialiste de la désinformation scientifique du journal Le Monde...😵‍💫
Blast, c'est classé comment en terme de toxicité par le CIRC ? 🤔
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People wonder what's wrong with Florida, but the problem is so big you can literally see it from outter space. I'm talking about the sugar farms.

#Fanjuls ImageImage
2/ The big three sugar interests in the Everglades Agricultural Area are U.S. Sugar, Florida Crystals, and The Sugar Growers Cooperative. This thread will focus on Florida Crystals which is owned by the #Fanjuls, Pepe and Alfie, who are octogenarian refugees from Cuba. Image
3/ The history of the Everglades Agricultural Area is a storied one that dates back a hundred years when the first real land rush south of Lake Okeechobee culminated in ppl being sold swamps as farmland, and the deadliest hurricane in FL history in 1928. ImageImage
Read 30 tweets
The Fumigated Peoples of Argentina and comrades from other fumigated towns in the "United Republic of Soybeans" in Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay and Bolivia are meeting and marching this week in Rosario🇦🇷 for food sovereignty and freedom from fumigation! #GMOs…
They're mobilising against the concentration, expulsion, poisoning, disease and death agribusiness brings with its #GMO soy and #pesticides. There have also been talks and workshops organized by the Institute of Socio-Environmental Health of the National University of Rosario. Image
"We cannot continue producing crops based on chemicals poisoning people. What they are doing is crazy. The State cannot continue endorsing this way of producing, they are responsible for the economic, environmental and health disaster that is taking place"…
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More things in Heaven and Earth: Mycorrhizal fungi, ploughing, no-till and glyphosate. #Glyphosate reduces levels of beneficial mycorrhizae. Organic farming leads to healthier mycorrhizal communities. And there's more than fungi to the soil microbiome!…
A Dutch study found that arable fields under organic management had more arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species than conventionally managed ones, with the difference becoming increasingly significant as time passed, following conversion to organic methods…
The same study also showed that organic soils had mycorrhizal communities which were more diverse than farmed soils not under organic management, and more similar to those found under natural grasslands — a finding that was replicated in this Swiss study…
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Escalating U.S.-Mexico debate over corn forces questions about #GMOs, cultural identity, food sovereignty and the U.S.'s imperialistic relationship with Mexico | Good article from @Salon…
@Salon US wants dispute confined to discussion of scientific evidence about whether #GMO corn is directly harmful to health. Ideal arena for agribiz, given the majority of industry research dollars have been spent on new products rather than health & safety evaluations of consuming them
@Salon Science writers often report on early-stage research promising plants using less water etc. but what's missing is which #GMOs get distributed. The most widely used #GMO corn is #glyphosate tolerant. W/ so much sprayed come resistant weeds which leads farmers to use old herbicides
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Argentina has just approved its 70th #GMO. It's a soybean variety modified to tolerate two herbicides: the carcinogenic glyphosate and glufosinate (banned in the EU). The latter is considered up to 15 times more toxic than #glyphosate itself.
Argentina's latest GMO soybean is part of a commercial offering that includes #GMO varieties of corn, potato, wheat, safflower, cotton & alfalfa. And it precedes the imminent launch of the 1st variety of GMO sugarcane conceived in local laboratories.
None of these #GMO crops incorporate any nutritional improvement, reduce the use of poisons or achieve exorbitant yields as advertised by the companies that commercialise them, the media co-opted by agribusiness, and complicit politicians
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'Outrageous': "Without full access to all performed toxicity studies, there can be no reliable safety evaluation of pesticides by E.U. authorities," researchers warn…
Last year, the same researchers discovered that an industry-sponsored study on #glyphosate found impacts on "neurobehavioural function, motor activity, in rat offspring"—findings not shared with the EU. Glyphosate is currently authorized despite evidence of its negative effects.
"Without full access to all performed toxicity studies, there can be no reliable safety evaluation of #pesticides by EU authorities," the researchers warned. "Rules should be amended so that future studies should be commissioned by authorities rather than companies."
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salut salut 👋 😅

l'épisode de #grêles sur ma ferme m'amène à une réflexion:
#agriculteur je suis en première ligne du fameux #ChangementClimatique
Quels sont mes leviers pour agir ?
Quelles actions ai-je déjà fait ?

Alors #Thread

📸 féveroles d'hiver grêlées à 95% ⤵️ ImageImage
La grêle n'est pas un fait nouveau chez nous. Mais elle devient plus récurrente et surtout elle a suivi un chemin géographique différent cette fois.

C'est là en général que certains évoquent les conséquences des #eoliennes implantées en masse ici, mais je ne peux en juger. Image
En 2021 nous avons eu des #inondations au 14 juillet. Du jamais vu ici. (Vallée d'Oise)
En 2022, même endroit, même date: #secheresse
Pas d'irrigation.
J'adapte mon assolement avec moins de cultures de printemps et la #vigne est arrivée en 2021

Notre Bureau est à ciel ouvert ImageImage
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Groups announce intent to sue U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over failure to protect manatees. Manatees living along the U.S. coast experience chronic exposure to #glyphosate, studies show… Image
Research shows marine mammals lack traits that help break down certain toxic chemicals. In this context of increased vulnerability, a 2021 study published in Environment International found manatees living along the U.S. coast experience chronic exposure to #glyphosate.
Because manatees are the only marine mammals that drink freshwater, they're more likely to drink from highly contaminated runoff flowing directly into local waterways. Research finds that 55.8% of manatees have #glyphosate in their bodies and the problem is steadily getting worse
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Faux meat and crickets: "These burgers are ultra-processed and include heavily sprayed (#glyphosate-laden) ingredients. Given the push for ‘healthy’ plant-based foods, it appears that there is a fair bit of green-washing in the advertising"…
As well as the Impossible burger’s elevated #glyphosate content (11x more than the Beyond Meat burger), it uses #GMO soy leghemoglobin (SLG). There have been no long-term studies on the effects of consuming SLG, which gives the burger the appearance of bleeding meat. Image
A very truncated study (less than 30 days in length), involving feeding #GMO soy leghemoglobin (SLG) to rats, saw signs of toxicity developing: unexplained weight loss, anemia, some disruptions of female reproductive cycles and early signs of kidney damage… Image
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Had a visit from a counterterrorism officer once because someone suggested our fundraising must be for nefarious purposes! Compare this eagerness to spring into action with what happens when environmentalists and whistleblowers are attacked or even killed…
Salomé Saqué: “When environmental activists protest, [the Minister of the Interior] calls them ‘eco-terrorists’ and sends hundreds of police. But when the whistleblower who convicted Monsanto [of poisoning] is the victim of an extremely disturbing attack, there is radio silence.”
French MP Loïc Prud’homme in the 🇫🇷National Assembly: “Mr Minister, it took you less than 3 hours to call demonstrators ‘eco-terrorists’, how many hours will it take you to label these pro-#Monsanto fanatics – ready to do anything to silence whistleblowers – ‘toxic-terrorists’?”
Read 13 tweets
Step 1 - accept chronic illness as present
Step 2 - pursue THOROUGH self-care solutions
Step 3 - Prenatal/Child page is good for the family (no elderly specific info on the page though)…
Step 4 - autoimmune & mitochondrial support!…
Step 5 -
"Doctors can't help or they refuse to help. " @BlueSlots
<- accept that that statement, sadly, is factual - the medical system has been taught wrong. They are either confident in their wrong methods, or complicit with the culling. CAUTION entering care & losing rights
Once in a hospital setting the patient and family can have little control over what happens next.

The US CoV death rates STRONGLY suggest that the US CoV "protocols" are quite DEADLY.
Read 20 tweets
🔴 #Pesticides : C'est une victoire pour Générations Futures, qui a demandé à l’ANSES, le retrait de tous les produits à base de S-métolachlore depuis septembre 2022. 👏

Cette décision était très attendue, je vous explique pourquoi 👇

Autorisé depuis 2005, le S-métolachlore est l'herbicide des grandes cultures de maïs, soja ou tournesol que l'on trouve dans les Haut-de-France et en Bretagne. Ce pesticides est le 3e plus utilisé en France derrière le glyphosate et le prosulfocarbe. 2/11…
Le Monde et France 2 avait d'ailleurs établi, fin septembre 2022, que 20 % des Français - soit env. 12 millions de personnes, dont 3,4 millions à cause d'un métabolite du S-métolachlore - avait bu une eau non-conforme. 3/11…
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Paul François, the French grain farmer who won legal case against @Bayer-#Monsanto, violently attacked at his home…
@Bayer Hooded men tied up the victim of pesticide poisoning with electric cables, threatened him with a knife to his throat, in an attempt to make him swallow a liquid, while declaring, "We are tired of hearing you and seeing your face on TV." #Monsanto #pesticides
@Bayer Not the first such attack. In 2020 an organic farmer was hospitalised in France after being poisoned in a pesticide attack on his farm, involving "vast quantities of #glyphosate"…
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1/10 Time to settle down, class. Today's topic is economic disinformation, the use of economic methods to present false claims as data-driven "facts." Today's case: @stuartsmyth66's claim of huge economic losses from #Mexico's restrictions on #GMO corn imports. Image
The Feb 2022 paper models economic costs to #Mexican producers and processors. In economic modeling, the results are often driven by the modelers' assumptions, not the model or data.
Assumption #1: The ban will shut off yellow corn imports in 2024. Nope.…
So, not until 2025, and then maybe phased in. For @stuartsmyth66 an immediate, total ban adds to damage estimates. So too Assumption #2: #Mexico will be cut off from US feed corn with no alternative sources. But no:…
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Pourquoi je me suis retrouvée à interrompre une conférence sur le #glyphosate et me faire traiter d’« anti-science » sur les réseaux sociaux. #ScientistRebellion
🧵🧵🧵(un peu long, désolée) 1/20
Le contexte : l’AFIS, qui se présente comme une association « d ‘information scientifique » organise une conférence publique sur « glyphosate, santé, environnement » dans une magnifique salle gentiment mise à disposition par la mairie du 5e arrdt. 2/20
En intro de la conf, les gars expliquent qu’ils ont voulu inviter des scientifiques spécialistes en complément de leur orateur (qui est ingénieur en info, et donc pas spécialement expert du sujet), mais qu’ils n’en ont pas trouvé. 3/20
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L'AFIS (@afis_science) a largement participé à la désinformation autour du #glyphosate.

Elle a relayé la rhétorique de Monsanto, ignoré l'ensemble des méta-analyses sur le sujet ainsi que les avis de l'Inserm et fait une confiance aveugle aux agences réglementaires.

Pour rappel, ce thread se place dans le contexte d'une analyse (non exhaustive) de contenus problématiques publiés par @afis_science.

L'article complet avec les sources et les autres sujets se trouve ici :…
Le glyphosate a été classé cancérigène probable en 2015, par une agence scientifique internationale, le CIRC.
En 2012, l'Inserm avait déjà fait un classement similaire.

Des agences réglementaires, chargées de l'autorisation des pesticides, vont considérer qu'il ne l'est pas.

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Biodiversité, climat, pesticides, … de nombreux contenus proposés par l'AFIS (association française pour l'information scientifique @afis_science) sont problématiques.
Il serait trop long de les énumérer ici (c'est là :…)
Thread sur quelques éléments ⤵
Sur de nombreux sujets (climat, biodiversité, DDT, pesticides) l'AFIS relaie des propos infondés au mépris des connaissances scientifiques.
Elle le fait en essayant toujours de donner une apparence de sérieux.
Ses articles sont dotés d'une bibliographie qui peut paraître sérieuse au premier abord mais en réalité très lacunaire… quand les auteurs ne font pas dire à leurs sources l'inverse de ce qu'elles affirment.
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Instead of spending a lot of public money and wasting council workers' time spraying vast quantities of carcinogenic chemicals on tiny bits of green space, collect plastics strewn all over Brum.

#Pollution Image
Stop spraying highly toxic chemicals on the bits of greenery left in Birmingham and the W Midlands.
Save workers' health/lives and have your them collect the masses of litter/plastics everywhere
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Revolving door in Argentina: Former Syngenta CEO appointed chief presidential advisor. The ex-Syngenta CEO for South America describes his appointment as “a dream come true”. It certainly is for agribiz!…
Some 2,300 leaders from academia & civil society signed an open letter calling on the Argentine President to reverse his appointment of the former Syngenta CEO. Syngenta leads the sale of agrochemicals and controls 60% of the #GMO seed market in Argentina…
Until 31 Dec the new presidential advisor was the CEO for South America of Syngenta — a post he held for 12 years and in which he positioned himself as the voice of agribusiness, supporting measures that harm small farmers, thousands of whom have been expelled to the big cities.
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Sur le #glyphosate, la divergence entre le #CIRC et les agences réglementaires ne s'explique ni par une différence du type d'évaluation #danger/#risque, ni par la prise en compte de la substance active seule ou avec les coformulants.
C'est la conclusion d'un colloque.

Ce colloque a rassemblé une centaine de chercheurs, chercheuses et spécialistes de politiques publiques en 2021.

Un compte-rendu des échanges et présentations est accessible en ligne :…
Et un article scientifique publié :…

Ce colloque a été organisé notamment à l'initiative de David Gee, un des éditeurs des indispensables rapports de l'agence européenne de l'environnement : Late Lessons from Early Warnings (…)

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19 déc. 2022 : accord mondial pour la biodiversité à Montréal visant à réduire l'usage des pesticides

19 déc. 2022 : les Etats européens, dont la France, reportent d'au moins un an le plan UE anti-pesticides, après avoir prolongé d'un an l'autorisation du #glyphosate

Bon début
Les Etats-membres de l'UE auraient du entériner un plan pour réduire de moitié d’ici à 2030, par rapport à la période 2015-2017, l’utilisation et les risques des pesticides chimiques ou dangereux, en les bannissant quasi complètement des aires naturelles protégées.
Prétextant de la guerre en Ukraine, qui a bon dos, les 27 Etats-membres de l'UE ont retardé la validation de ce plan de réduction de l'usage des pesticides en demandant une nouvelle étude d'impact à la Commission européenne.
Merci @MFesneau ministre de la #FNSEA-agriculture.
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[1/n] En septembre, @lemondefr racontait comment une étude industrielle sur la neurotoxicité développementale (toxicité pour la construction cérébrale) du #glyphosate avait été cachée par Syngenta aux experts européens.…
[2/n] L'article (par @christina_ruden & Axel Mie) révélant cette découverte était publié par la revue Environmental Health.…
[3/n] Informée en avril de cette lacune dans le dossier, l'agence chargée de l'expertise européenne @EFSA_EU a reporté à l'été 2023 la conclusion de son expertise sur le #glyphosate, en particulier pour en examiner la toxicité sur le développement cérébral.
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