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Feb 10th 2023
Ok #Houston we need to have a talk about gentrification v. revitalization. And while I hate to target a specific person, this example is egregiously bad. #HouNews 1/
Revitalization is being in new infrastructure while centering the community already in place, making sure legacy residents can stay in place, & local business are the norm instead of chains. 2/
Gentrification is “discovering” a neglected, usually non-white community, and calling it a blank slate.

Exhibit A is *this guy.*
Read 13 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
This is the guy running against Lizzie Fletcher in TX-7 #hounews
Anyways let’s all watch Inglourious Basterds
What he did is pretty explicitly antisemitic — fantasizing a world without Jews, all conveniently converting to Christianity
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Oct 25th 2022
PART 1 of 4 VIDEOS #LinaHidalgo

Once again @LinaHidalgoTX threw @AdrianGarciaHTX & @RodneyEllis under the bus.

#hounews #Corruption #txlege
#harriscounty #houston #democrats
PART 2 of 4 VIDEOS #LinaHidalgo

@LinaHidalgoTX claims it’s a misunderstanding @AdrianGarciaHTX & @RodneyEllis. #FBI #investigation

#hounews #Corruption #txlege
#harriscounty #houston #democrats
PART 3 of 4 VIDEOS #LinaHidalgo

Once again @LinaHidalgoTX says she is the ONLY PERSON THAT DOESN’T ACCEPT CONTRACTORS MONEY @AdrianGarciaHTX & @RodneyEllis

#hounews #Corruption #txlege
#harriscounty #houston #democrats
Read 7 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
This afternoon, two parties were involved in a road-rage incident while driving north on 45 near 1960. Victim was driving his car with his 2-yr-old son in tow. Victim exited 45 at Parramatta as suspect truck followed. Both vehicles came to a stop. Male driver/suspect in the 1/3
truck approached the victim at his car & allegedly assaulted him. Victim began to flee as a female suspect/passenger in truck exited w a handgun & fired into the backseat passenger window. Victim continued to drive as the female suspect wildly fired a 2nd shot at him. A car 2/3
dealership building was also struck. Victim was transported to a hospital with a possible graze wound. The male is in good condition. No other reported injuries. Nazly Ortiz (5-16-82) has been charged with Aggravated Assault & Benjamin Greene (12-17-87) with Assault. #HouNews 3/3
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Jul 21st 2022
Last night, at approx 10pm, a citizen was washing his Jeep Wrangler when he was approached by six young males. At least one brandished a weapon and demanded the vehicle from the citizen. This took place at a carwash near Bammel.

One of the males fled in the initial vehicle 1/4
they were in and the other 5 males fled in the Jeep. @HCSOTexas deputies located the stolen Jeep and a fairly short pursuit took place. When the Jeep was n/b on Imperial Valley it crossed the intersection of Remington Valley. The Jeep was traveling at a high rate 2/4
of speed and lost control.

The Jeep struck a tree. Four occupants were thrown from the vehicle; a fifth was entrapped in the Jeep and pieces of the vehicle needed to be cut to remove him.

Two of the four that were ejected died on scene and the other three were transported 3/4
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Jul 11th 2022
Last night, just after midnight, @HCSOTexas units responded to the 6800 blk of Feather Creek Dr in reference to a shooting. Preliminary: an adult male, his wife, and two infants arrived home. Two males, walked up to their SUV, and opened a rear door where their 1-yr-old was 1/3
seated. The adult male feared for the safety of his family and fired shots and struck both suspects. The wife was driving and drove away after the shooting to get away from the suspects. A car pulled up after the shooting driven by an unk male believed to be with the 2/3
suspects. Both wounded suspects were taken to hospitals by private vehicles. Both suspects are teens, 16 yrs old. Both are said to be stable & in fair condition. Investigation is on-going. #HouNews 3/3
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Jun 18th 2022
🧵 If you are a climate-concerned Texan, this thread is for you.

The #txlege reviews state agencies every 12 years. This week it's @TCEQ's turn, and climate organizers need folks help in the public comment arena to help hold corporate polluters accountable. #hounews
The TX Sunset Advisory Committee will do their sunset review and hold a public hearing on June 22 in Austin.

If you cannot attend in person, you can fill out the form, and submit your comment online before June 27, 2022. #txlege #hounews
The form takes LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES to fill out.

As @OneBreathHOU highlights in this graphic, this chance to share your comments won't happen again until 2034. #txlege #hounews
Read 7 tweets
Dec 16th 2021
#BREAKING The former chief operating officer of the Houston Independent School District (HISD), Brian Busby, and HISD contract vendor Anthony Hutchison have been indicted for public corruption. Several other former HISD officials have admitted guilt in the case. #HouNews
#FBI Houston special agents took Busby and Hutchison into custody this morning. They are expected to make their initial appearances before U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew Edison at 2 p.m. #HouNews
Today's arrests & related charges are the result of a lengthy, multifaceted FBI Houston investigation. Houston taxpayers & the thousands of HISD students, along with their teachers and staff, are the potential victims of this alleged multimillion-dollar public corruption scheme.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 14th 2021
Update to carjacking: @HCSOTexas units responded to a carjacking at 14485 Bellaire Blvd. An Uber driver had given a ride to two persons. The persons asked the driver to stop at a location short of the destination. They displayed a firearm, robbed the driver, and stole his car.
With an assist from HPD, they spotted the car near Voss/Westheimer. After a brief pursuit, suspects crashed the vehicle in an apt complex at 9800 blk of Meadowglen & evaded arrest on foot. Three suspects were detained with assistance by DPS air support. The male suspects are
18, 17, 14. For now, HPD is filing charges related to the evading aspects of the arrest. Our follow-up related to the initial carjacking remains on-going. Great work by all! #HouNews
Read 3 tweets
Oct 25th 2021
Update to scene on Green Crest; a teen (15) adviser that his 9-yr-old brother had been dead for a year and his body was in the room next to his. Deputies found skeletal remains of a small child. Deputies also found two other male children in the apt unit under the age of 10. Both
appeared malnourished and showed signs of physical injury. All three were transported to a hospital to be assessed and treated for their injuries. It is believed the parents have not loved in the unit for several months. The mother of the children and her boyfriend were located
late last night. HCSO Homicide Unit, Child Abuse Unit, and Crime Scene Unit are conducting the investigation. CPS also responded to the scene. This remains an active investigation. #HouNews
Read 3 tweets
May 14th 2021
1/4 After a 10-year wait, the family of an Afghan interpreter who was killed by the Taliban for his work with the US military is one crucial step closer to resettling in #Houston.

The family is nearing safety thanks to @combinedarmsus + @IRAP.…
2/4 The Mohammed family case underscores the deadly cost of long visa wait times for Afghan & Iraqi interpreters & others who served alongside the US military.

Appx 18,000 Afghan families have pending visa apps to come to the US, as they live in life-threatening conditions.
3/4 The Sept 2021 deadline to withdraw troops from Afghanistan has renewed calls from many (like @RepJasonCrow @LIRSorg) to quickly grant visas/evacuate Afghan allies who risked their lives.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 25th 2021
The Texas attorney general's office is supposed to uphold the state's open records law.

Media outlets across Texas are asking why @KenPaxtonTX isn't releasing his own records:…

via @lmcgaughy, @MorrisReports and @byjayroot #openrecords #hounews
This collaboration was the brainchild of an amazing editor, @_SusanCarroll.

When I told her that officials were refusing to release all @KenPaxtonTX's messages during the riot at the Capitol, Susy wondered whether other news organizations were dealing with the same roadblocks.
As usual, Susy was right. She set up meetings with journalists at @statesman, @DallasNews, @ProPublica, @ExpressNews and @TexasTribune. We were all having trouble obtaining public records about @KenPaxtonTX from the Texas attorney general's office.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
As of 8:00 PM we currently have over 1.4M customers without power. The current estimated number of customers without power due to the request for reduced load is approximately 1.268M, while an additional 141,500 customers are without power due to other storm related events. 1/3
.@ERCOT_ISO, responsible for scheduling power & ensuring the reliability of the electrical network in TX, declared a statewide power generation shortfall emergency early this morning. #houwx #hounews 2/3
After the declaration, @ERCOT_ISO asked electricity delivery companies to reduce load through controlled outages in an attempt to balance supply & demand, & we are required to comply with their directives. Visit our Outage Tracker for details… #hounews 3/3
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Feb 15th 2021
With Texas electricity consumption far surpassing the state’s current power generation, local controlled outages will be longer than previously planned. Customers currently experiencing an outage should be prepared to be without power for at least the rest of today. #houwx 1/5
About 1.162M customers are without power due to the request for reduced load, and 62,500 customers due to other storm related events. To assist & limit more outages, customers with power are asked to reduce their electricity use to the lowest level possible. #houwx 2/5
.@ERCOT_ISO declared a statewide power generation shortfall emergency early today & asked us to reduce load through controlled outages. As a delivery company, we’re required to comply with the directive and cannot address the current capacity shortage. #houwx 3/5
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Feb 15th 2021
Texas' electric system is facing an "unprecedented power shortage" during the winter storm and there's no telling when thousands of customers will get power restored.

Check here for the latest weather updates throughout the day:… #hounews #txwx
Out of 2.6 million homes and businesses served by @CNPalerts in the Houston area, 1 million are without power.

"The bottom line is that neither CenterPoint, nor I, can give you an estimate of when the power will come back on," says @LinaHidalgoTX:… #txwx
.@CNPalerts' power outage map is finally working. According to the latest update, only 39 percent of homes, apartments and businesses in the Houston region have power:… #hounews #txwx
Read 4 tweets
Feb 15th 2021
⚠ The Texas electric system is facing an unprecedented power shortage situation due to the extreme winter weather impacting the entire state, including Houston & the region. Texans’ electricity consumption needs have far surpassed current power generation. #houwx #hounews 1/10
Early this morning, @ERCOT_ISO declared a statewide power generation shortfall emergency and asked electricity delivery companies to reduce load through controlled outages in an effort to bring the supply of and demand for electricity back into balance. #houwx #hounews 2/10
As CenterPoint Energy made preparations to follow @ERCOT_ISO's directive to reduce load, we were anticipating outages of 15 minutes to more than an hour. #houwx #hounews 3/10
Read 10 tweets
Feb 15th 2021
⚠ The Texas electric system is facing an unprecedented power shortage situation due to the extreme winter weather impacting the entire state, including Houston & the region. Texans’ electricity consumption needs have far surpassed current power generation. #houwx #hounews 1/10
Early this morning, @ERCOT_ISO declared a statewide power generation shortfall emergency and asked electricity delivery companies to reduce load through controlled outages in an effort to bring the supply of and demand for electricity back into balance. #houwx #hounews 2/10
As CenterPoint Energy made preparations to follow @ERCOT_ISO's directive to reduce load, we were anticipating outages of 15 minutes to more than an hour. #houwx #hounews 3/10
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Feb 15th 2021
HOUSTON CUSTOMERS: @ERCOT_ISO has declared a statewide power generation shortfall emergency and directed us to start controlled rotating outages in our #Houston area service territory. #hounews /1
Most every CenterPoint Energy metered customer will experience a rotating outage. Rotating outages could last from 15 minutes to more than an hour. @ERCOT_ISO /2
Customers who rely on electricity for life-sustaining equipment should have a back-up plan in place. @ERCOT_ISO #hounews /3
Read 7 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
449,984 people have been tested at HHD-affiliated #COVID19 testing sites as of Nov. 23, 2020.
- 2,478 March 20-31
-18,977 April 1-30
- 41,646 May 1-31
- 78,504 June 1-30
- 95,301 July 1-31
- 55,130 Aug 1-31
- 30,905 Sept 1-30
- 48,339 Oct 1-31
- 78,704 Nov 1-21

Find a free, fast, safe testing site near you at or by calling 832-393-4220.
*The last line on the original Tweet should read Nov. 1-23.
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Nov 23rd 2020
Multiple #COVID19 vaccines are being developed and manufactured in the United States, and the first vaccines could be cleared for use by the FDA in the coming weeks. (1/6) #hounews Image
... Initial doses will be allocated for critical populations, including health care workers, other essential workers, and people more likely to develop severe disease, like older adults and those with underlying health conditions. (2/6) Image
... As vaccine availability increases in 2021, people will be able to get vaccinated at doctor’s offices, pharmacies, hospitals and other “usual” sites. Vaccine will be provided at no cost by CDC and shipped directly to vaccine providers along with supplies. (3/6)
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Nov 2nd 2020
Here is the #ElectionDay thread that has everything you need to know to vote on Tuesday. #HarrisVotes #VoteYOURWay #hounews
Voters can vote at ANY of our more than 800 Voting Centers, which can be found along with their wait times at You'd be surprised how many people still don't know this! #HarrisVotes #VoteYOURWay
You only need one form of ID to vote. Your driver’s license works just fine (and it can be up to four years expired), but there are other options. See our website for ID requirements:… #HarrisVotes
Read 16 tweets
Oct 30th 2020
Here is a thread of everything you need to know about the last day of Early Voting and a peek at what's ahead for Election Day in Harris County. #HarrisVotes #HouNews Image
Voters can vote at any of 122 Voting Centers. Our website shows you the closest location to you as well as wait times at that location and other nearby locations. It's pretty great, tbh. Image
Today is the final day that voters can vote via limited ballot. That can only be done @nrgpark and in person. Limited ballots are for voters who recently moved to Harris County from another Texas county but haven't yet updated their voter registration. Image
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Oct 30th 2020
Hey. I have some numbers.

Thursday's total in-person votes: 69,174
Total mail ballots returned: 5,460
Total early voters: 1,344,915

These numbers are for all of Thursday, so include some 10 p.m.-midnight votes.

#HarrisVotes #HouNews
These eight Voting Centers are still open and will be open all night. You can also see them at #HarrisVotes Image
The rest of our Voting Centers will reopen tomorrow for the FINAL DAY of Early Voting, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Read 4 tweets

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