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We are glad to publish the Annual #TheGlobalAntiHinduReport for the year 2022. The report is based on data flagged by our #AIModel as anti-Hindu. #AI #Analytics #hindumisia #hinduphobia #hindudvesha 1/15 Image
2/15 Please review the contents to know what's included in this annual report. Image
3/15 Image
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तस्वीर में शराब पी रहे व्यक्ति को देखिए इनका नाम सुदीप्तो सेन है #KeralaStory के डायरेक्टर है विवेक अग्निहोत्री की तरह उनको भी बॉलीवुड ने शुरू में बतौर रायटर और डायरेक्टर के रूप में खारिज कर दिया था तो उन्होंने वो रास्ता पकड़ा जो कभी "लेनी राइफेनस्टाहली" और विवेक ने पकड़ा था Image
अब दूसरी तस्वीर में दिख रही महिला लेनी राइफेनस्टाहली को देखिए, तेज तर्रार तैराक, सुंदर एक्टर व प्रजेंटर थी,हर जगह असफल रही पर 1930 मे नाजी प्रोपेगेंडा बढ़ाने वाली फिल्में बनाना शुरू किया और अचानक पूरे विश्व की अटेंशन मिलने लगी उनकी फिल्मों ने सफलता के सारे रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दिए थे Image
मैं "लेनी" "विवेक" और "सुदीप्तो" में कोई समानता नही ढूंढ रहा हूँ लेकिन पैटर्न देखिये अब तक कश्मीर फाइल्स ने 300 करोड़ से ज्यादा कमा लिए है सरकारें टेक्स फ्री कर रही है वैसे ही लेनी की फिल्मों को हिटलर प्रमोट किया करता था और लेनी एक पैसा भी नाजी पार्टी को नही देती थी ImageImageImage
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While I am pleased to see international coverage of the strategic erasure of history in Indian textbooks, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Understanding how this happened holds lessons for historians everywhere. 🧵…
Like most of its other social objectives, the RSS has an organization dedicated to the remaking of history to its own ends. The Akhil Bhartiya Itihas Sankalan Yojana (ABISY- lit. Plan for Indian history collection) was founded in 1973 by the pracharak Moropant Pingle. 2/
The aptly named Pingle was a founding member of the Viswa Hindu Parisad, which has a powerful US counterpart, VHP-A. He served as the intellectual head of the RSS for years, guided it through the Emergency and was vital to the Ramjamnabhumi movement. 3/
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1. #KashmirFiles exposes the much hidden genocide of Hindus in Kashmir by Pakistan backed Islamic fascists armed by western democracies and given support from UK politicians Naz Shah., Liam Byrne and Baroness Warsi
2. Yet for even daring to mention this, western media has gone into a frenzy that the movie somehow foments hate…
3. In this of course they are barely indistinguishable from Qatar's al Jazeera, the same state which funded ISIS…
Read 6 tweets
1. India is under constant attack by BBC, Guardian, Independent as if the British Raj had never ended. Here the Gunga Din coolie Sandeep Ravindranath writes in the Independent of how Anthem for Kashmir was banned…
2. Yet the same Independent supports description of #KashmirFiles as being vulgar. No surprise because this film exposes the genocide of Hindus. The same newspaper called Islam convert Andrew Tate a guru…
3. When editor @bestyrich was asked about the use of guru to describe an Islamic hate preacher, his response was that it was a secular term. So just like the Raj these white elite left-wing neo-racists decide what is 'secular' and what is Hindu.
Read 12 tweets
Some Truths are so truthfully ugly that we chose to avoid them
Thread Part-2 #boycottpathaan
Imagine a famous director, given many hits, believes MUGHALS were "Original Nation builders". A systematic approach of green-secularism until green-dominance in URDUWOOD
Listen to the belief system of pathaan actor & then ask yourself for gods-sake why we've movies like Haider, Mission-Kashmir, Fanaa, Fiza where the
J!hadi sympathizers are heroes & why no "KHAN" promoted truth of #KashmirFiles ? (2)
@GemsOfBollywood @vivekagnihotri
During the promotion of the movie "My Name is Khan" "Zakir Naik" was one of the Panelists called where there was talk about a terror!st but no talk of Kashmiri or Sindh Hindus was ever discussed. (3) @GemsOfBollywood @vivekagnihotri
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I wonder WHAT Nadav Lapid had to lose or gain (personal benefits , favors , growth or even money like the FIFA heads )……if you GET my drift !!!

Shameful conduct from a person of Holocaust history.

There is a growing phenomenon of some Jewish persons whose views are surprisingly similar to the non-jewish left ecosystem and are even anti-semitic (BELIEvE It ! ) BUT Lapid definitely doesn’t speak for all of Israel or for all jewish people.

AS Mr. KHER SAID : if the holocaust was right/ real, SO is the exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits.

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#KashmiriFiles is hated because the film's premise is that liberals don't want to talk about the exodus of Pandits from #Kashmir in 1990.

Now cornered they claim:

1) Islamophobia
2) @BJP4India benefits
3) Propaganda

They never talk about the exodus.
The #KashmirFiles should shock people. The reality was a lot worse.

#India has to talk about it.

If the BJP tries to capitalise on it? Big deal. Point out their cynicism, not deny people #justice.

Will it increase communal tension? Yes, it probably will. So, talk about it.
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When I saw the film, tears came from my eyes. It was not an easy film to see.I think it was shown in Israel too.We're Jews who suffered from horrible things&I think we've to share other's suffering: Kobbi Shoshani, Consul Gen of Israel on IFFI Jury Head's remarks on #KashmirFiles
Concerning Nadav, we don't accept it. I personally don't accept it. Ambassador, who was there with me in Goa last night, doesn't accept it. It's his own pvt opinion. He can say that it's the opinion of the Jury which is alright. But it's nothing to do with Israel: Kobbi Shoshani
I told him after the speech that he made a big mistake, that it wasn't appropriate. Amb & I rolled out comment & tweets in a way that makes very clear what we think about using words like "propaganda", we don't accept it. He is not representing the State of Israel: Kobbi Shoshani
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An open letter to #NadavLapid following his criticism of #KashmirFiles. It’s not in Hebrew because I wanted our Indian brothers and sisters to be able to understand. It is also relatively long so I’ll give you the bottom line first. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED. Here’s why:
1. In Indian culture they say that a guest is like God. You have abused in the worst way the Indian invitation to chair the panel of judges at @IFFIGoa as well as the trust, respect and warm hospitality they have bestowed on you.
2. Our Indian friends brought @lioraz and @issacharoff from @FaudaOfficial in order to celebrate the love in #India towards #Fauda and #Israel. I suspect that this is maybe also one of the reasons they invited you as an Israeli and me as the ambassador of Israel.
Read 12 tweets
#Breaking: #IFFI Jury says they were “disturbed and shocked” to see #NationalFilmAward winning #KashmirFiles, “a propoganda, vulgar movie” in the competition section of a prestigious festival— organised by the Govt of India.
🎤 Over to @vivekagnihotri sir…
Correction: #KashmirFiles didn't bag any
#NationalFilmAward, but its director/producer @vivekagnihotri did for #thetashkentfiles
#IFFI53 #TheKashmirFiles
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#SupremeCourt to hear a petition that highlights that the Muslim Community (minority community) is being targeted with an aim of creating a #HinduRashtra before #2024elections, on November 1, 2022.

Harpreet Sehgal Mansukhani appeared in person
Advocate in the petition refers to genocide that must be taking place while she appears before the Court (starts crying).
Marked 72 hate speeches as an “arrow that never returns”. Refers to #Kashmirfiles #RSSanthem, and further refers to it as a grave conspiracy.
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Dear Indians, I'm a big movie buff, please read/watch this thread about 10 important reasons to boycott the Brahmastra movie. Kindly don't waste your money in 1000s of rupees. #UnityIsStrength #KashmirFiles #Brahmastra #BoycottBrahamastra @GemsOfBollywood #BoycottBramhastra
#Reason1 - DRUGS: Have you observed the news in the last 2 years since SSR's death of how many drug cases came up about the consumption of drugs in the Bollywood Circle? Here is a video of something similar. Why fund? #BoycottBrahamastra #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #JaiHind
#Reason2 - RESPECT_FOR_HINDUS: Bollywood needs to respect all religions including Hindus. PK movie from Aamir Khan was all about mocking Hindu traditions. Please respect Hindu sentiments, don't take them for granted. #BoycottBrahamastra #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #JaiHind
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After #URI & #Kashmirfiles
Another movie outing
But it was worth the time
Nambi ji is living proof that Patriotism & Passion of scientist can take the Nation to the heights
When such unquestionable Patriotism is put into test by framing him as traitor
That blow is enough to destroy career & personal life of such great souls who sacrificed their life for the Nation's well being
Hope to have people with better sense & especially Patriotism in Govt agencies!
The last scenes with Real Nambiji is a good thought to conclude the
movie. His words too, still ring in my ears where he says till we find out the real culprits he cannot forgive anyone!"
If at all Govt can bring the real culprits to light- A Roctery - Part 2 should be made!
A movie worth watching by spending money 💰
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The reason I hate DEMOCRACIES: media is nothing but a tool of COLLECTIVE manipulation here.
Instead of showing #KashmiriPandits leaving Kashmir show me #Hindus who r ready to march to Kashmir.
Shame on u media & others who cn do nothing but destroy the confidence of others. 👎
Yes, targeted killings are an issue. We have to face it not by DESTROYING confidence of those who are already terrified. I dont get this attitude. The reason why strongly believe media should not get too much liberty.
If you dont believe in STANDING UP and fighting— I don’t blame you. Watching Prithviraj Chauhan will change nothing.
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A thread on @vivekagnihotri’s visit to cambridge. He and his PR team have been continuously painting the image that they were invited by @Cambridge_Uni and by @FitzwilliamColl to speak on #Kashmirfiles. This is simply not true and has been communicated to him multiple times.
On arrival @vivekagnihotri threw a tantrum and started rudely arguing with his own supporters, many of whom were #KashmiriPandits. He was upset as the venue decided to disallow video recording of his event to protect the identities of its students asking critical questions
@vivekagnihotri is seen patronising elderly members, and even goes on to rudely interrupt and challenge an elderly lady making an honest point. So much for his ‘honour and dignity’ humanity tour. Just shows how the pain of #KashmiriPandits is only a ladder and commodity for him
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WestBengal to Mughalistan!
Such a dreadful report abt Bengal from America which has created panic,2015 report becoming true
Once considered a symbol of Indian culture,what has happened in Bengal today is not hidden from anyone
Communal riots against #Hindus have started happening
& now the situation has been that the banning of celebrating the festival has started.
But the famous American journalist Janet Levy has now written the article on Bengal and the revelations that have been made in it, the ground will slide under your feet.
Janet Levy claims Bengal will soon become a separate Ijlamic country
Janet Levy claims in her latest article that civil war is going to start soon in Bengal after Kashmir.
In which mass Hindus will be massacred & demand a separate country called Mughalistan
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1. When Ms perceive a threat, they find a viable physical solution for it. When the partition of India was on the horizon, they feared possible resistance from Hindus & Sikhs.
2. So, what they did was to militarise an organisation called the Muslim National Guard that they had created as an answer to the RSS.
3. M League went into overdrive to recruit all kinds of people into it: former soldiers from the Army & the INA, men with criminal proclivities, unemployed youth who wished to do something for their religion & hoodlums of all kinds.
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Kejriwal, Kashmir Files aur Kaam Ki Baat


Read this thread to know why @ArvindKejriwal is taking on @BJP4India over #KashmirFiles even when @INCIndia has failed and was getting all the heat.
Kashmir Files released some 18 days ago. BJP had won 4 states, Kejriwal 1 and Congress 0, just a day before on March 10th, 2022.
Even though BJP had won 4 states, people were excited about AAP win.
It was marvelous, record braking and one that will change national politics for good.
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Jammu Massacre - The Untold Kashmir Files (A thread 🧵)
A thread that should be read by every Muslim. Image
To get to know more about Jammu Massacre, we need to get to the background of this situation. This is October 1947, and the British have left India. Now it's upon princely states to join the union of India or Pakistan or just stay Independent.
Kashmir was being ruled by a Hindu dynasty named the Dogra dynasty (Palace of Dogras below). Hari Singh (Below) was the ruler of Kashmir in '47. Kashmir had been under the influence of Islam by Sufi scholars for centuries, which is why most of the people in Kashmir were Muslims. ImageImage
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#Thread 🚨  on  #KashmirFiles

Detailed fact check of PM Modi's FoE claim versus his track record, his ignorance/dishonesty about the huge body of work on KPs & BJP's poor track record to give justice to Pandits.

Let's begin with @IamOnir's film.

Fact- Vivek Agnihotri is on censor board. Under his watch, Ashvin’s film on Kashmir was “mutilated” with major cuts by censor in 2019. So when PM says all are free to make films on Kashmir, he forgot to add that they'll first have to satisfy Vivek!

PM said #KashmirFiles has 'brought out' what was 'HIDDEN for years'. That's FALSE.

In my research, I found over a dozen films on KPs, a majority by Kashmiri Pandits themselves! Most, very DETAILED.

Did PM ignore them coz it didn’t suit his motive?

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Endorsing a genocide? How dare you @raqib_naik.

I'm a Kashmiri Hindu whose family members were killed, faced ethnocide & ethnic cleansing.

I want those terrorists that perpetrated that violence to face consequences––only them.

That is what retribution means.

Delete the tweet Image
If you're a journalist & wanted clarification of my tweet, why didn't you contact me?

Instead you tweet the libelous claim that I endorse genocide of Kashmiri Muslims––many of whom are friends & neighbors––and tag hospitals where I serve people of all faiths & ethnicities.
^@HinduAmerican has shown that Naik is a consultant to @IAMCouncil & likely conspired with other groups to attack Hindu service orgs with claims they are funding genocide in India.

@raqib_naik gives us an excellent example of gaslighting that Kashmiri Hindus have long faced.
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The movie is an attempt to fan the hatred against a minority community in #India by #BJP & #RSS

यह फिल्म भाजपा और आरएसएस द्वारा भारत में अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय के खिलाफ नफरत फैलाने का एक प्रयास है
कश्मीर फाइल्स मुसलमानों के खिलाफ हिंसा भड़का रही है, इसलिए फिल्म बोर्ड, मूवी सिनेमा और स्ट्रीमिंग ऐप्स की नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है कि वे इसे प्रतिबंधित और बहिष्कार करें।
The #Kashmir Files is inciting violence against #Muslims so film boards, movie cinemas and streaming apps have a moral responsibility to ban and boycott it.
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Let us open one of the bloodiest chapters in Indian History buried & whitewashed by the perpetrators!
How many of you know that the #MoplahGenocide of 1921 was preceeded by even bloodier #HinduGenocide by Islamic Tyrant Tipu Sultan where thousands were killed & thousands were forcibly converted to Islam?

The Hindus of the Malabar had only 2 options:

The Malabar Manual by William Logan published in 1887 lists the atrocities of Tipu Sultan & his islamic fanatical army.

It lists out the numerous temples destroyed!

It lays out the forced conversions, the orgy of murders & rapes of hindus by an army intoxicated by religion!
Read 21 tweets

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