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Apr 2nd 2023
#Crucifixion of #Jesus
Fue Por Amor
#God is so wonderful that he loves us | 21.3.2015
Now I understand why, you gave your life for me, you left all the power, to come to die.
Now I understand why, you carried that cross, and endured the pain,
#Luke23:34 Then said #Jesus, #Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
- And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
But #God demonstrates his own #love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.…
Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS
Read 9 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
Good morning #medtwitter! Today #scientissimum would like to show you a #publichealth case of poor working conditions. Did you know that according to @WHO almost 2million people die from work-related causes each year? 450,000 deaths were related to workplace air #pollution đź’¨
(particulate matter, gases, and fumes). Any #job in the world has a meaning, whether you are a #doctor, #constructionworker or #janitor - each plays a very important role in the #society. However, no money in the world can ever buy the #health you need to continue #living and
and enjoying your #life. #Work smart and don’t expose yourselves to the dangerous situations, that may lead to the tragic outcomes!🦺
Read 3 tweets
Sep 26th 2022

5+6= 11 More Hours—Stay Tuned. .

I truly can give the word & that word gives EVERYONE what they want, LITERALLY …

Is any of this about money? …
Is any of this about possessions/Materialistic objects ? ..
Has ANY of what’s unfolding ever been about the Gold?
In your mind, right this very second—Take it all away & show yourself what YOU see ..
- Take all evil away.
- Take all money away. ..
- Take all possessions Away. …
- Take all [NEED] away. .
- Take all Addictions away.
- Take all away that makes this world hurt & Thrive.
Once you have taken it all away, What/Who do you see? …

Starting from #ZERO, What is all YOU/EVERYONE [NEEDS] ? …

Out of the entire world population, how many would now know exactly what has been wrong with the world for THOUSANDS of years & know exactly how to-
Read 38 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
Doing three film festivals back to back (Edinburgh, FrightFest, Venice) was either a brilliant idea or a terrible idea. History does not yet relate which. Image
At least when I get back, I’ll have nine whole days before the LFF screenings start.
Travel is so *weird*. Last night: fun at the Phoenix for the closing night of FrightFest. Tonight: this. Image
Read 44 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
Nepalis generally struggle--or have difficulties--with a lot of things.

Here is a list of things that, as far as I am concerned, a lot of Nepalis find #INTELLECTUALLY #challenging.

1. imagining others DOING things that they can't imagine themselves doing


List of things a lot of Nepalis find #INTELLECTUALLY #challenging:

2. imagining others #WANTING things that they can't imagine themselves wanting

3. imagining others #THINKING about & in ways that they can't imagine themselves thinking

List of things a lot of Nepalis find #INTELLECTUALLY #challenging:

4. imagining others #BELIEVING things that they can't imagine themselves believing

5. imagining others #REPRESENTING things that they can't imagine themselves representing

Read 9 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
Pause? Yes, Pause

Life has always been a journey. As beautiful as the journey of life is, we become overwhelmed sometimes. And there is always the temptation to push ourselves beyond the edge at this point. However, the truth is,

Image credit:… Image
to pause at some point. A tired traveler needs strength to continue the journey. We may think we need more time at this point of exhaustion, but what we need might just be a brief pause.

Starting my MSc program late last year, I had several plans to execute. At a point, my...
...mind was clouded. I knew it was going to affect my focus, so I decided to "pause". I took a walk to behold the beauty of nature and of course pray. Pausing helped me to restrategise, refuel, and enjoy clarity which have helped me thus far.

So, pausing revitalises one and ...
Read 6 tweets
Feb 28th 2021
Living The Good Life In A Non-Growth World: Investigating The Role Of Hierarchy, Part 2…

#hierarchy #living
Germany has more than 1 million Covid-19 vaccines unused in storage…

#germany #COVID19 #vaccines #distribution #injections
Read 8 tweets
Jan 30th 2021
Yesterday, I contemplated life. I thought about how we make plans and wait for the stars to align before finally living. I thought about how we rarely enjoy the fruits of our labour because we learnt to manage while coming up. 🧵
Moving from a scarcity to a prosperity mindset is difficult. It's why we keep reserving things for visitors and keep waiting for vacations before resting. It's why we accept less than ideal love and learn to compromise the sacred.
So, yesterday I decided to do something about the restlessness in my spirit. Something symbolic.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
The new FOMO for many adults for their kids -CODING. Do what you need to do for your kids, because you truly understand it and want it and see value in it. Don’t do it because you are a puppet in society.
As the world is trying to reduce screen time, a new FOMO is going to create endless screen time for kids. There is a time and place for everything. Respect the pace of nature!
Never forget the biggest tech giants in the world, have not given their kids access to gadgets till after the age of 14. Let your kids grow like they are meant to! It doesn’t mean your kids are going to be left behind. Its not a rat race! It’s about living life!
Read 7 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
What does an average #Sindh #youth look like and what does an average Sindh youth #aspires for?
Find more about the #Hopes, #aspirations and #attitudes of Sindh youth through public opinion polling conducted by Gallup Pakistan.
Full Report:
According to past and latest consensus by PBS, #Sindh is a #youthful #province with #young people under the age of 19 make up 50% of the #population
Accounting for only 23% of #Pakistan's total population, #Sindh makes up 33% of #national #GDP, 70% of country's #incometax, 62% of country's #sales #taxes, and half of country's #seafood #export.
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Sep 5th 2020
At the fast pace of our lives, and in a time that we are so switched on or wired, that switching off and relaxing are not luxuries, they are necessities!!
Exhaustion, time poverty and sleep depression are worn as badges of honour today! It ain’t normal or cool just because society has normalised it, it’s highly abnormal!!
Burn our doesn’t give you a prize, but it indicates that you have neglected all of you! There ain’t anything cool about that. Never feel guilty or apologetic, about taking rest or relaxing.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 11th 2020



Prepared for the Dutch multidisciplinary guideline on Achilles tendinopathy, supported by @sportmedisch & @de_specialisten

In this thread, we will explain why & how we have done this study, and what makes this study so different to previous SRs on AT

Read 31 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
#RevoutionaryThinking #THREAD

I just showered and shaved after a shitty night's sleep. My hair's an unprecedented #jewfro - the most personally-fascinating element of this apocalypse so far. I had some thoughts in the shower, as showers often have - about the #CorporateWorld. Image
The corporate world's about the #rich getting #richer - that's not news. However, the corporate worker pays a price for their "living wages" & "benefits." Stress-levels and corporate cultures can be soul-crushing, depressing and desperate - but people stay and serve their time.
Those of us outside the bubble can only marvel in wonder at daily life inside Nike's World HQ or on Google's Bay Area Campus. Even average high-tech companies mirrored those life and work combining #wonderlands, such that employees need NEVER return home.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 16th 2020
Since this generated some interest, let me share that it took me a lot of growing up (and world travel) to start appreciating my family’s food. I say family, because just like language, there is no #Bihari food. This is the story of my grandparents n food n let me say it briefly
She was 13, raised by a young widow who had 2 daughters. No man in the house meant no proper cooking. So milk and rice was a decent meal and gur was a great dessert! He was 11, eldest son of a beautiful, arrogant, eccentric (she went stark mad when they lost the estate) woman.
His mother was known for her cooking and famously boasted that she could cook grass (we did have a lot of the glam variety, but she meant the humble grass) and the diner wld chew his fingers! They got married. He continued to get his mama’s food, she anyway got leftovers!
Read 17 tweets
Jun 19th 2019
In response to @AOC’s #idiotic assertion that #US operated #detention facilities are #concentrationcamps, @Liz_Wheller posted a comment that @PPFA abortion businesses are the #concentration #camps we have to worry about.
@EmmaBella212 took exception to her observation. I replied, observing that #blastocysts, #embryos, and #fetuses are #human #beings.
@EricBrown1982 takes exception to my assertion that #science defines the offspring of #human #parents as #human and/or my assertion that #science confirms that the #blastocyst, the #embryo, and the #fetus are all #living #beings.
Read 37 tweets

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