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Hoy es el Día Internacional del Acceso Universal a la Información, declarado por @UNESCO_es en 2015. La #BNE proporciona acceso libre y gratuito a miles de documentos digitalizados, en su misión de difundir el patrimonio bibliográfico español. #IDUAI2022 Image
La Biblioteca Digital Hispánica #BDH… es un recurso en línea que permite la consulta y descarga gratuita de documentos de la #BNE, fruto de un gran proyecto de digitalización sistemática. En el vídeo contamos parte de ese proceso.
La Hemeroteca Digital, recién renovada, nace en 2007 para proporcionar acceso público a la colección digital de prensa histórica española que alberga la #BNE y es ya un referente para la investigación y consulta del patrimonio hemerográfico español.
🔗… Image
Read 10 tweets
Alleging that the lease period has expired, Farooqia Girls' High School in #Mysore has been suddenly #locked by the authorities. As a result, more than 450 children & teachers have been thrown into the streets. there has been widespread outrage over the action of the Edu dept. 1/
"Education is our Right we can not wait for our future"
a student of Farooqia girls High school speaking in protest today in Mysore. Several org/parties and lawyers standing with students protest. 2/
It's heartbreaking 💔 to see some of the students sitting outside Farooqia school shed tears thinking of their studies & future. Most of them are pursuing class 10 and their annual exams are near. 3/
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#WomensDay2022 #Womensday #Frauentag @Snapchat @SnapForBusiness fragte mich, wer mich inspiriert. ich sagte:

#maria #regula und #KatharinaVonZimmern-Festival 2022
mit sound wärs schon etwas inspirierender... abernu. bestimmt wollte ich es genau so (so?)…
die ganze playlist auf :-P
Read 4 tweets
Oekraïne ontwaakt. Een nieuw draadje met berichten van #Maria uit #Kyiv. Zij wil graag dat de wereld leest wat er gebeurt, maar kan het zelf niet delen. Dat doe ik voor haar, omdat het voor haar te onveilig is. Jullie reacties en retweets geven hen echt steun.
Er is op dit moment geen contact met #Maria. Zij waarschuwde al eerder dat ze bang was dat de verbinding uit zou kunnen vallen. Met berichten van de omsingeling van #Kyiv, lijkt nu ook mobiel dataverkeer niet te werken. Mijn berichten aan haar komen niet meer aan.
Oekraïne zal zich moedig verzetten tegen de Russische aanval op #Kyiv. Helaas nog geen contact met #Maria. Ik kan jullie dus niet vertellen hoe het daar gaat. Het is afwachten en hopen dat de mensen daar volhouden. 🇺🇦
#SupportMaria #StandWithUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #ukraine
Read 19 tweets
Geef je dit bericht een retweet ajb? Ik post berichten namens #Maria. Ze is Oekraïens en woont in #Kyiv. Vanwege haar veiligheid kan zij zelf niets posten. Ook vandaag weer een draadje. Steun Maria en familie, zorg dat veel mensen haar berichten meelezen. #Ukraine🇺🇦 #SupportMaria
08:59: "Goedemorgen! Nou, wat goed, ik zit al in de schuilkelder. De nacht verliep gelukkig wel rustig. In diverse steden zijn weer beschietingen en aanvallen geweest afgelopen nacht. "
#SupportMaria #StandWithUkraine️ #UkraineWar #Ukraine #Russian #PutinIsaWarCriminal
09:35: "Dit zijn beelden van gevechten in het #Brovarsky district. Het zijn beelden van bovenaf."
#SupportMaria #StandWithUkraine️ #UkraineUnderAttack #UkraineWar #PutinWarCrimes #SupportUkraine
Read 20 tweets
Geef je mijn bericht een retweet ajb? Al dagen post ik berichten namens #Maria. Ze is Oekraïens en woont in #Kyiv. Vanwege haar veiligheid kan zij zelf niets posten. Ook vandaag weer een draadje. Steun Maria en familie, zorg dat veel mensen haar berichten meelezen. #Ukraine🇺🇦 Image
08:25: "Goedemorgen. De nacht verliep zoals jullie voor mij wensten. Rustig en kalm. Ik sliep gelukkig thuis. Nu maak ik ontbijt en begin aan een nieuwe dag."
#UkraineRussianWar #StandWithUkraine #RussianUkrainianWar #Kyiv #SupportUkraine #Maria Image
08:41: "9 maart. #Oekraïne viert de verjaardag van de grote #Kobzar, de ware zoon van Oekraïne, nationale profeet, geniale dichter, getalenteerde kunstenaar, onoverwonnen strijder voor de vrijheid van het Oekraïense volk; Taras Shevchenko."
#tarasshevchenko #StandWithUkraine Image
Read 23 tweets

If @MSF @MSF_Espana @MSF_EastAfrica do really want to know the whole story that led to the execution of their 3 staffs in #Tigray in June 2021, I'm more than willing to put you in touch with a medical doctor who'd been working with #MSF_Spain under the leadership of #Maria.

Needless to say that the medical doctor had survived repeated murder attempts at the hands of the Ethiopian troops before he finally fled Abi Adi hospital because he felt death was imminent for him.
@LaetitiaBader @jbgallopin @GerrySimpsonHRW @KenRoth @LABailey @ZekuZelalem

He is more than willing to testify if @MSF @MSF_Espana @MSF_EastAfrica are willing. So far, he has given his testimony to @hrw.

Again, I say that I am more than willing to put in touch if @MSF want to learn the truth behind the execution of #Maria, #Tedros, & #Yohannes.
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The medical doctor was lucky to survive a 45-minute ordeal - a dozen of soldiers pointing their Kalashnikovs at him & urging themselves to brutally execute him with every passing minute.

Finally, some of the Ethiopian soldiers agreed to spare his life and let him go after they learned that he had served across multiple places in Ethiopia.

@LaetitiaBader @hrw @KenRoth @GerrySimpsonHRW @amnesty @AmnestyEARO
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THREAD: who murdered #Maria of @MSF in #Tigray?

Today, I reveal a story that I have kept private to myself for several months about what were the events that finally led to the murder of Maria, Yohannes, & Tedros.

I interviewed my friend who escaped ...

👇🏾Maria Image

... the murder & here I share the story as told to me by him [medical doctor] whose name & whereabouts I will never share publicly but only privately to those who have a sincere desire to hear directly from him.
@MarksSimon @declanwalsh

👇🏾Tedros (Photo credit: @MSF) Image

Today marks the 6th month of the murder of María Hernandez, emergency coordinator; Yohannes Halefom, assistant coordinator; & Tedros Gebremariam, driver.

@ZekuZelalem @nimaelbagir @katie_polglase @rcoreyb @LABailey @berhe_lucy @LaetitiaBader
👇🏾Yohannes (Photo credit: @MSF) Image
Read 33 tweets

- she feels great being in the #BBNaija house

- The experience for her so far: she’s still adapting and she thinks the house is beautiful ,everyone is amazing and they are getting along for now

#BBnaija #MARIA
- on her fellow housemates: She feels like everyone is REALLY mature and everyone is experienced in the house..

- On Bonding: She’s still trying to
bond with everyone and it’s still day 2.. said the guys are really nice and she feels at home with Them and she’s comfortable.
On isolation- Said she’s not a social media perosn so she didn’t feel the absence.. however the limitation was not being able to walk from her room to a kitchen..
Read 4 tweets
(1) And so it begins. #HWStormWatch🇺🇸🌀

Hurricane #Bill got a name but he's of no concern to me.

It's the future Hurricane #Claudette⚜️, (lovely Cajun name) that means y'all in her path must get #prepping today.

#Danny #Elsa #Fred #Grace next…
(2) Why on earth would a Kiwi fan of Margaret Thatcher be interested in US Gulf and Atlantic coast hurricanes?

Several reasons, but we'll start with being an earthquake survivor. (2011, NZ, 185 deaths in my city.)

It changed my life.
(3) Earthquakes can't be predicted. Anyone who claims they can is trying to scam you.

Hurricanes CAN be predicted.

So instead of despairing at the death toll each time, I promote #readiness and I fight #disinformation too.
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/1 "Hoe verklaar je de #Drieeenheid?"—een samenvatting van mijn #dialoog met een #christen.

Iemand was zo lief om voor mij te bidden, waarop ik zei dat ik dat waardeer; ik zal ook voor die persoon bidden, "maar als je bidt, bid dan naar de #Vader; de Enige Waarachtige #God".
2/ —een verwijzing naar de #Bijbel:

Johannes 17
1 Dit sprak Jezus, en Hij sloeg Zijn ogen op naar de hemel en zei: #Vader [...]
3 En dit is het eeuwige leven, dat zij U kennen, de #enige #waarachtige #God, en Jezus Christus, Die U gezonden hebt.
3/ Als Jezus zegt dat niet hij, maar de Vader de "enige waarachtige God" is, dan betekent het dus dat Jezus niet zelf God is.

#Jezus #Christus (vrede zij met hem) was altijd nederig en erkende altijd dat er iemand boven hem was: God. Nooit eerde en prees hij zichzelf.
Read 13 tweets
A tres años de #HuracánMaría algunas lecciones:
🚩 El gobierno no tenía un plan de manejo de emergencias. Todavía no lo tiene.
¿Cuándo se lo exigiremos?
🚩 El plan que firmó @wandavazquezg en agosto 2019 no cuenta. No lo usaron con los terremotos ni la pandemia.
Abro hilo 〰️〰️〰️
🚩 La violencia de género aumenta tras los desastres y quienes responden- desde la precariedad- son las organizaciones y las propias mujeres.
🚩 Nuestra niñez queda abandonada después de cada desastre. Lo evidencian las escuelas cerradas en 2017, 2018 y ahora 2020. 👉🏽
🚩 El hambre se repite en cada ciclo de desastre. También la falta de humanidad del gobierno. Comedores cerrados, almacenes ocultos, corrupción en contratos. Tienen el dinero y ELIGEN no usarlo. #EligioEsUnBasura.
🚩 La Gobernadora (y antes RR) tenían opciones y no las usaron. 👉🏽
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Today Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vazquez announced and agreement with FEMA of $9.6 billion to rebuild Puerto Rico's electric grid and $2 billion to restore schools and educational facilities. Begin 🧵 @Boricuas4Biden
The announcement comes two days after Vice President Biden announced his Plan for Puerto Rico. Governor Vazquez is a Trump Republican. Nothing is a coincidence in an election year.…
Wanda ♥️ Trump like Joanie ♥️ Chachi

🔴🎥| Agradecida del reconocimiento del presidente Donald Trump durante su mensaje ante el The Latino Coalition.… via @FacebookWatch
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[Huracán María: 12 Septiembre]
Iniciamos un recuento meteorológico de este devastador ciclón que marcó un antes y un después en nuestras vidas., y que hoy, tres años después, aún la vemos en cada toldo azul, poste derribado o estructura destruida. #MaríaDíaADía 1/4 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 Image
El 12 de Septiembre de 2017 el satélite mostraba una vigorosa onda tropical a punto de salir de África hacia el Océano Atlántico. A medida que transcurrió el día, y como ocurre muchas veces, la convección disminuyó, pero era evidente su potencial ciclónico. 2/4 ImageImage
Los modelo Europeo y GFS del 12-S-2017 mostraban las primeras proyecciones de peligro, con un ciclón cerca del noreste del Caribe. Las condiciones eran ideales para su desarrollo ciclónico, con poco poco polvo del Sahara y vientos cortantes ideales. 3/4 ImageImageImage
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(1) Gather round for tonight's #HWstormwatch update. Getting to be too much info for one tweet at the moment.

For now, if you're in the states that are usually affected, you should be checking the forecast at least daily, if not twice a day.

Link:… Image
(2) The X is where the storm is today. The circle is where it is forecast to be in 5 days' time.

The yellow one is going to move away from the US, phew. The orange one will likely end up getting a name. #Sally #Teddy or #Vicky. Image
(3) Storms develop and worsen quickly in the Gulf. So keep watch, if you are there.

In the recent #HurricaneLaura, at least one person died 200 miles inland, from a tree falling on their home.

So the risk these days can go far inland.
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Blessed #Easter #Passover , @realDonaldTrump , Sir be aware of who you listen to , your friends on deck of their Yacht or flying In their #G5 Jet . To win a War require great Sacrifice, I saw after #Katrina #Maria the Rich Got Richer and the Poor Got Poorer .The Poor and Elderly
Seem to be dying in higher numbers. In a real Disaster you loose the first half , it’s up to You to Lead to Win the Second Half . Our Country is Resilient, we will survive . We need you to stay focused on Keeping People Alive as Priority Number 1 . You must get Testing Fixed
I believe we will have to Test all our people several times in the coming year as you Shape The New Normal . Don’t Rush to Failure Sir . Get testing as a normal part of our lives until the Vaccination is made . You must focus on the working poor they
Read 5 tweets
Hoy, día de #SanJosé, quiero acercaros un poco de arte, por si ayuda: un precioso boceto de #Goya que representa el tránsito de san José.

Vamos con un #HilodeArte: Image
Es un óleo que pintó en época temprana, en 1787, cuando ya trabajaba para la @rfabricatapices produciendo sus famosos cartones ("plantillas" para reproducir un cuadro en un tapiz) ImageImageImageImage
Representa la #muerte de san José, un episodio recogido en escritos apócrifos y revelaciones (venerable Madre María de Jesús de Ágreda, beata Ana Catalina Emmerick). Es decir, una escena que NO aparece en la #Biblia canónica.
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Un diálogo. Un mensaje. Y el cuadro más grande del genio de #Vermeer.

Veníos a Betania en este #HilodeArte: “Cristo en casa de Marta y María” (1654-55) Image
Si algo destaca en la obra de Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) son sus cuadros de género, costumbristas y alegóricos. No es #pintor de temas históricos ni religiosos.
Pero al comenzar su carrera, tenía que demostrar su habilidad, y el tema bíblico era lo más 🔝 de la época.
Este es un #cuadro de grandes dimensiones (160 × 142 cm) narra un episodio recogido en el evangelio de san Lucas: estando en #Betania, Cristo es invitado a comer en casa de tres hermanos amigos suyos: Lázaro, Marta y María. Image
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As Dorian is being is tracked I thought it would be a good time to reshare @njstandupspeak "Long Road Home" along with the very personal side of severe weather and climate chaos. It's my own personal story. 1/…
I'm a Jersey girl. There is no doubt about that. I'm half Portuguese but grew up in South Jersey but that's another thread. My mother is a Rhody. I spent my summers in Ocean Citu, NJ and in Narragansett, RI. My grandmother's house sat on Narrow River. 2/
I had a relationship with water- salt or fresh. But salt water was always like a dear friend; healing my body & spirit, embracing me in the warmest of hugs, daring my sense of adventure. I was always *home* of I was on the sand. My uncles taught us to fish. My grandmother 3/
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THREAD/ Yesterday, two years ago.

Me and five online friends watched as Twitter users pleaded for flood rescue during #Harvey. The 911 system went down. Fed, state and city officials told people to use 911, and not to use Twitter.
We saw as anxiety turned to fear, then terror.

We saw volunteers wasting critical time boating to homes based on outdated posts.

We decided to focus on supporting fed agencies by giving them actionable, accurate, timely data for search and rescue.
First up was the Google spreadsheet.

Then we coined the term #HarveySOS, and asked friends to go out and tag distress calls using that hashtag.

Another team grabbed those tagged tweets and entered them using consistent formatting.
Read 24 tweets

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