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Let's play Six Degrees of Kevin Putin

Pelosi said to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mike Pence - Manafort - Deripaska - Putin
Don Jr - Torshin - Putin
Sean Hannity - Firtash - Putin
#MoscowMitch McConnell - Deripaska - Putin
Bill Barr - Deripaska - Putin

#GOPTraitors Image
Let's play
6 Degrees of Kevin Putin

Pelosi to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mike Pompeo - Rybolovlev - Putin
Jared Kushner - Veselnitskaya - Putin #LeningradLindsey - Deripaska - Putin
Rudy Giuliani - Firtash - Putin
Rand #RedPaul - Kilimnik - Putin
#PutinWarCriminal Image
Lets play

6 Degrees of Kevin Putin

Pelosi to Trump: "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Steve Mnuchin - Blavatnik - Putin
Wayne Lapierre - Butina - Torshin - Putin
Tucker Carlson - Deripaska - Putin
Ivanka Trump - Rybolovlev- Putin
Eric Trump - Closet - Lost

#IStandWithUkraine Image
Read 4 tweets
TV Guide
3 PM
As The Rat Turns

America's favorite daytime soap continues. In this extended-length episode we see the intertwining tails of the swarm of rats that led to January 6th. You could call it a colony, you could call it a mischief. This is rodentry as in finest rattery Image
As The Rat Turns Thread/2


I was curious about something that was 'too neat'. America's most crooked President launched America's largest crime (= January 6) and he had America's most crooked Attorney General along his side - yet Barr is fired DAYS before plot commences Image
As The Rat Turns Thread/3

Jan 6th plot founding meeting was 18 Dec 2020 (Giuliani, Flynn, Meadows, Trump, that idiot ex-Overstock CEO & Kraken Lady)

Barr was fired 13 Dec 2020. He left office 23 Dec. That is wicked timing for Fred Flintstone's evil nazi cousin Bill Barrstone Image
Read 41 tweets
🚨Jesse Benton—former campaign manager for #MoscowMitch and Ron & @RandPaul—found GUILTY on 6 counts of illegally funneling #Russian money to Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Benton was previously convicted of 4 felonies, but Trump pardoned him.🤬…
‼️Jesse Benton—former campaign manager for #MoscowMitch and Ron & @RandPaul—not only ILLEGALLY funneled #Russian cash to Trump’s campaign, he also was #busted ON VIDEO scheming to funnel $2 million of ILLEGAL money from #China into Trump’s SuperPAC.🙄

Benton was previously CONVICTED of #conspiracy and other federal FELONIES for his scheme to bribe then-Iowa state Sen. Kent Sorenson in exchange for endorsing Ron Paul for president in 2012.

Trump then pardoned him.🤬…
Read 4 tweets
On the Teenage Mutant Mitch McTurtle. There is a GREAT chance that #MoscowMitch McConnell will retire

He HATES being neutered, without ANY power. And that is what Trump did to Mitch in 2020/2021 when Mitch lost control of the Senate
Yes, Mitch has been threatening he might retire if the GOP does not win the Senate now in 2022

There is ZERO correlation between what Mitch says, and what Mitch ends up doing. It is RANDOM chance, if what he said, he ends up doing

So do not assume anything from what Mitch said
BUT Mitch HATES being out of power

He HAD power. Trump destroyed it in 2020 (= Jan 2021, the Georgia runoff races)

Mitch THOUGHT he gets the power back NOW, in 2022 because first midterms FAVOR the party not in White House. It was 'his turn' to return

Trump destroyed it AGAIN
Read 4 tweets
On SCOTUS & Roberts ruling. Very disappointing but strictly temporary & brief delay benefiting Trump in case he is almost certain to lose, likely by unanimous decision. I believe this is ZERO evidence of Roberts 'siding with Trump' but is 100% Roberts protecting GOP for midterms
So what does the ruling do? It briefly, temporarily delays the release of Trump tax returns to Congress, while SCOTUS will consider if they take his matter for review. It is likely they decide not to, once they hear both sides. Even if decide to hear, likely they vote against him
What this does - yes - it buys time for Trump. Not much time, some weeks, not months or years. But once again, Trump was able to postpone some aspect of justice. And yes, I agree with all, this is not fair. BUT do NOT misread the SCOTUS call on this (brief) delay.
Read 9 tweets
A few thoughts on Trump likely return to Twitter now that Elon Musk runs this place

Let's not cry over spilled milk. Twitter is likely going to change & to many Elon's changes will make Twitter seem worse. But that is life. It is still by far the most powerful platform for us
Assuming Trump returns... what would that do?


Yes. Let Trump Be Trump!

He cannot damage us. In four years - as President - on Twitter, Trump did not get Speaker Pelosi to lose. DEMs picked up seats BOTH election cycles 2018 & 2020

Same in Senate. Trump LOST
As to Trump being able to use Twitter to his own power. He lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016 by 3 million votes. He lost to President Joe Biden in 2020 by 7 million votes. This was before his suspension. That's how bad Trump is at using Twitter to an advantage

Read 9 tweets
We are at 50 days to the election. What will we do? We will fight to win in November! I will help show you some races where you can help, take the races you want, and follow & support here on Twitter all that are close races that we can win. We do not want #MoscowMitch in charge
First Senate race I want to highlight is Val Demings in Florida. She is campaigning to unseat Lil Marco, #MarcoRubles Rubio, an utterly corrupt Trumpista. This race is neck-and-neck

Val is a treasure, we want her in the Senate

Please follow, please support RT @valdemings
Second Senate race I want to highlight is Mandela Barnes, a patriot who is campaigning to unseat the traitor, January 6th plotter Ron Johnson (Q Moscow). We really want this race! Mandela will make a great Senator for Wisconsin. Please follow & support RT @TheOtherMandela
Read 8 tweets
Let Trump Be Trump Thread 1/

The Former Guy held a Magarally in Ohio yesterday. He is moving ever closer to genuine Nazi rallies. Do we care? Actually yes we do. It is the Republicans who are terrified. If you support US democracy in general or Team Blue, we say
Let Trump Be Trump Thread 2/

Some on our side, & some relatively neutral politicallym are horrified by what Trump is doing. I want to write this Thread so all of my Tweeps understand, this is HEALTHY. Trump is now damaging ONLY the Republicans, and is helping bring end to Maga
Let Trump Be Trump Thread 3/

Let us first understand political reality. Trump is a FRINGE politician WITHOUT national appeal. He CANNOT win again in a national election. His political VIABILITY is kaput

It is REPUBLICANS who are worried about Trump. We want to #LetTrumpBeTrump
Read 49 tweets
Path 6 - Mark Meadows First Thread/1

This is the Sixth Path to take Trump to prison for life. It is named Mark Meadows who is a key player to get Trump convicted in espionage, related to stealing 325 classified documents in Trump's attempt to sell US secrets to US enemies
Path 6 - Mark Meadows First Thread/2

Donald Trump faces 6 paths that EACH take him to prison for life

1. Weisselberg (NY taxes)
2. Giuliani (Ukraine)
3. Matt Gaetz (selling Presidential pardons)
4. Roger Stone (Jan 6th)
5. Tom Barrack (UAE & Qatar)
6. Mark Meadows (Espionage)
Path 6 - Mark Meadows First Thread/3

Note: Mark Meadows is a KEY player on Path 4: Roger Stone, which is about January 6th. And Mark Meadows seems to have flipped against Trump (now in August)

This Path 6 is SEPARATE from those crimes of Jan 6th. This is entirely ANOTHER crime
Read 40 tweets
Understanding @LeaderMcConnell, who paid Donald F. McGahn II @JonesDay to file amicus brief on behalf of Seditionist @tedcruz, isn’t difficult

We see you #MoscowMitch ImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Three Little Pigs 1/

So what about the Senators? We saw that at least 7 Republican House Members were so certain they had committed federal crimes, they begged for Presidential pardons from Trump

What about the Senators? Let's look at Trump's Three Little Pigs in a this Thread
Three Little Pigs 2/

First off is the Kentucky Swamp Creature, #MoscowMitch McTurtle. Many associate Mitch McConnell with Trump & Trumpism & connect many of Trump's horrors like SCOTUS as enabled by Mitch

The reality is quite different, however. It is Mitch who played Trump
Three Little Pigs 3/

Yes, Mitch is a monster & had caused irreparable damage to America, partly during Trump. But this is more like Hitler & Stalin. Both men were vile monsters, but sometimes allied, sometimes enemies

Mitch HATES Trump, always hated him, to this day
Read 22 tweets
We happy with the Jan 6th Hearings? Was worth the wait? Gosh these guys are good. Time flies, riveting testimony and no idiot clowns like Gym Jordan to mess it all up every 5 minutes

Remember it is not a criminal trial. This Cttee sets historical record on Trump attempted coup
Criminally, what Cttee does, is exposes SELECTED top criminals & their crimes. All of those will go to prison including Trump of course, but in due time, through Dept of Justice

Politically, this brands Trump & Maga unelectable for voters in MIDDLE. It helps cure America of maga
These hearings are the START of a long journey for the Republican party, that had they been smart, they would have started with Impeachment 2 like Romney & Liz Cheney etc wanted then

Fox will come around, they will eventually bail on Trump. That is when Maga starts to die out.
Read 6 tweets
As we await the Thursday hearings for Jan 6th, let me remind you about this swamp creature

Speaker Pelosi offered Mitch McTurtle a bicameral bipartisan Jan 6th committee for both Senate & House members. With equal power incl subpoena power

Imagine that circus just for a moment Image
If you remember Hillary Clinton's Benghazi marathon hearings (11 hours).. If you remember the Kavanaugh beer party hearings..

If Senators like #CancunCruz and #LeningradLindsey were given the chance, they would have wrecked these hearings utterly into a nightmare of whining Image
But consider subpoena power. The deal Speaker Pelosi offered #MoscowMitch McTurtle would have given Mitch equal power. The Republicans could have called Hunter Biden to testify and every other session would be badgering of President Biden's son on TV

Mitch refused this deal Image
Read 4 tweets
Primer on Jan 6th Hearings 1/

As televised hearings start in Congress on 9 June in USA, on the January 6th insurrection, and this is likely to be a major event here on Twitter for probably several weeks, I want to give a primer about this Jan 6th for my non-American followers
Primer on Jan 6th Hearings 2/

While the war in Ukraine is biggest geopolitical story now (Putin world's biggest terrorist) for next few weeks a rival story is about attempted elimination of democracy in America. What happened on January 6th. The Congressional hearings about that
Primer on Jan 6th Hearings 3/

Jan 6th 2021 was an attempted coup d'etat

Outgoing US President Donald Trump attempted to overturn the election he lost by 7 million votes, through a violent assault on the US Capitol, with some wanting to torture or kill leaders from both parties
Read 20 tweets
Mitch Blunder Thread 1/

Let's do a quick Thread about the second biggest political blunder in US history

#MoscowMitch McTurtle was given a chance to make the January 6th hearings END by last Christmas, yes end of year 2021. And have half of the seats by Republicans incl Senate
Mitch Blunder Thread 2/

Can you imagine what kind of circus the Jan 6th hearings would've been if we'd have to listen to the whine of Repulsican Senators like Ted Cruz #CancunCruz & #LeningradLindsey Graham?

Speaker Pelosi OFFERED THIS DEAL to Mitch McConnell. He turned it down
Mitch Blunder Thread 3/

When #MoscowMitch (use that term, he hates it) McTurtle was offered this bipartisan, bicameral deal by Speaker Pelosi, where GOP would have had EQUAL power, Mitch personally lobbied AGAINST the deal

So now we have Pelosi's bipartisan House cttee instead
Read 5 tweets
Dear MSM:

I want to know how purportedly the DEMS are facing more pressure over the conservative Judges who 🤥 to get their stolen seats on SCOTUS overturning #RoeVWade than the #rethuglicans who by🪝or by crook put them there? This some straight up BS! #11thHour #bodyautonomy
2/ #MoscowMitch & his gang of thugs stole those seats right out from under us & the so-called protest voters in 2016 started this ball rolling along w #TraitorTrump & 🇷🇺 who interfered not only in 2016 but also in 2020 elections. TFG sycophants downplayed Russian involvement
3/in both elections. They purposefully withheld info, changed intel reporting & watered down election info & the IG found DHS altered reports on Russian interference in 2020 election in part because of politics.…
Read 8 tweets
@fordnation #DougFord=🇷🇺
@celliottability undeniably the worse health care minister in the modern history of Canada
@Sflecce has categorically failed kids, their parents, & teachers
The four horsemen of the #CONpocalypse
@HarjitSajjan × @AnitaAnandMP @melaniejoly @epdevilla
Please assess what/whom can be spared to assist provincially
XE variant:…
Data surpression 01/15/2022…
Via Bloomberg Shanghai had 20472 cases yesterday
I suspect this too have been done intentionally by the #DougFord regime. Allegations of this nature do not come lightly. The brevity is that, he allowed things to get soooo bad... so we would have to call in the @CanadianForces @CFOperations
But why? Risk illness on te troops🤬
Read 50 tweets
Let's play
Six Degrees of Kevin Putin
Pelosi to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mike Pence - Manafort - Deripaska - Putin
Don Jr - Torshin - Putin
Sean Hannity - Firtash - Putin
#MoscowMitch McConnell - Deripaska - Putin
Bill Barr - Deripaska - Putin

#GOPTraitors #SOTU
Lets play

6 Degrees of Kevin Putin
Pelosi to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mike Pompeo - Rybolovlev - Putin
Jared Kushner - Veselnitskaya - Putin
#LeningradLindsey - Deripaska - Putin
Rudy Giuliani - Firtash - Putin
Rand #RedPaul - Kilimnik - Putin

Let's play

6 Degrees of Kevin Putin
Pelosi to Trump: "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Steve Mnuchin - Blavatnik - Putin
Wayne Lapierre - Butina - Torshin - Putin
Tucker Carlson - Deripaska - Putin
Ivanka Trump - Rybolovlev- Putin
Eric Trump - Closet - Lost

Read 4 tweets
Let's play
Six Degrees of Kevin Putin

Pelosi to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mike Pence - Manafort - Deripaska - Putin
Don Jr - Torshin - Putin
Bill Barr - Deripaska - Putin
Sean Hannity - Firtash - Putin
#MoscowMitch McConnell - Deripaska - Putin

#SOTU #PutinTrump Image
Lets play

6 Degrees of Kevin Putin
Pelosi to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mike Pompeo - Rybolovlev - Putin
Jared Kushner - Veselnitskaya - Putin
Rand #RedPaul - Kilimnik - Putin
#LeningradLindsey - Deripaska - Putin
Rudy Giuliani - Firtash - Putin

#PutinWarCriminal Image
Let's play

Six Degrees of Kevin Putin
Pelosi to Trump: "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Steve Mnuchin - Blavatnik - Putin
Wayne Lapierre - Butina - Torshin - Putin
Tucker Carlson - Deripaska - Putin
Ivanka Trump - Rybolovlev- Putin
Eric Trump - Closet - Lost
#StandWithUkraine Image
Read 4 tweets

And... (will add comments into Thread) RT @PalmerReport

GOP Party players such as Mike Pence & Federalist Society have now decided to throw Trump under the bus, even as Trump retains control of the RNC through his puppet Ronna McDaniel. That means is a civil war within GOP.
FIRST comment

Any midterm-election for the party that takes White House is a bad election year. So 2010 for Dems (Obama), 2018 for GOP (Trump) and 2022 for Dems (Biden)

If the GOP now mess up their chances by deciding to have a civil war - that HELPS US in a TOUGH YEAR

The civil war will not END this year 2022. Trump will still control enough of GOP into 2024, he can be the 2024 nominee if he wants. And the more he becomes pissed off about the party turning against Trump, the more he WANTS to run in 2024

This is good for US
Read 5 tweets
Roger Stone Oct Thread 1/

Time to do the October update to our 4th path (of 5) that takes Trump to prison for life (each). I call this Roger Stone, because he is likely first of the January 6th seditionists to be tried in court. Let's do a Thread..
Roger Stone Oct Thread 2/

Donald Trump faces 5 paths that EACH take him to prison for life:

1. Weisselberg (NY taxes)
2. Giuliani (Ukraine)
3. Matt Gaetz (selling Presidential pardons)
4. Roger Stone (Jan 6th)
5. Tom Barrack (UAE & Qatar)

Trump ALSO faces many lesser lawsuits
Roger Stone Oct Thread 3/

Note, in my Trump path 3 to prison for life, Matt Gaetz (selling Presidential Pardons) a key criminal is Roger Stone

This 4th path to take Trump to prison for life I call 'Roger Stone' is SEPARATE. This is about January 6th and includes ALL Jan 6
Read 25 tweets
Then on FBI raid of two US homes of Russian oligarch (Putin stooge) Oleg Deripaska

I had to think about this and dig into it. Let's do a short thread about Manafort's boss...
Oleg Deripaska is an aluminum Billionaire worth about $4.5 Billion. One of world's richest men. He was one of those who raided Russian wealth when Putin took over the country & became Dictator. Oleg is one of Czar Vladimir the Smug's fave errand boys & regularly travels with him
When Putin invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea, President Obama slapped biggest sanctions that USA had ever imposed on any country, upon Russia. INCLUDING oligarchs and their businesses. Including Oleg Deripaska and Rusal his aluminum company, in 2014
Read 13 tweets
This was what I worried would happen with @Booker4KY. Not be on the offensive with @RandPaul, who's an abysmal, but only on the defensive when need to. Just like the @KyDems always do, which is a losing strategy. But Booker's running on policies that are materially popular!!!
Here's a fun fact about running in an election... If you run as an Aggressive & Offensive Candidate with Policies that help the People & their Material Well-being, then you win.
Here's how I know; In the 2015 Midterms, @AlanGrayson of the @FlaDems, he won with no problem. He was unapologetic when being a "#Progressive", stands up with his Principles & goes for the Jugular in Political Ads at his Opponents on how their Policies are Wrong, Evil & Bad &...
Read 34 tweets

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