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Jun 4th 2023
Partition of Undivided Bengal Against the Backdrop of the Partition of India in 1947: Role of Syamaprasad Mookerjee, J. L. Nehru, Britishers and Muslim League

A 🧵may read👇
1. Congress again on aggressively foul, fakery-based mispropaganda on Bengal Partition

And likes of Jairam Ramesh et al gnashing teeth that Undivided Bengal got partitioned

As Nehru wanted the Partition of Undivided Bharat w/o the partition of Undivided Bengal
2. Nehru wanted the whole of Undivided Bengal to be annexed to Pakistan while

Bengal Partition helped Hindu Bengalis still exist & not get decimated

That is exactly what disturbs the Nehru lineage of Congress of today

Such feeling of disturbance in likes of Jairam Ramesh gets
Read 24 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
Dear friends, #Congress (#INC) likes to claim that it "fought" for #India's independence & refers to its political opponents as #fascists. How many of you know that only did #INC *not* EXCLUSIVELY "fight" for #Independence (AND #Gandhi was "happy" to settle for #DominionStatus)+
But also the party known as #INC by #IndiraGandhi was *not* even the same party that was formed in #1885 ? A thread about the #Congress follows: +
In 1883, retired civil servant (AO #Hume), a #Scottish ornithologist. Hume first expressed the idea that "educated" #Indians should fight for greater freedom and representation for themselves in the #British government of #India, claiming it as both the Indians' right and duty +
Read 34 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
The 1st terror attack in #Mumbai happened on 14 September 1946. The fallout of these unfortunate events also have a link with two iconic figures in #Maharashtra-Acharya Pralhad Keshav Atre and Prabodhankar Thackeray, father of #ShivSena chief Bal Thackeray #history #MumbaiPolice
1946: India was on the boil due to communal tensions & the impending partition of the sub-continent. Mumbai too had seen communal riots take place, allegedly sparked off by the Muslim League.
14 September 1946: Two men who were travelling in a taxi from Bhuleshwar to Dhobi Talao opened fire from a sten gun at Kalbadevi. They killed seven people and injured 20. They had hired a taxi driven by Nariman Basta near Byculla station.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 9th 2022
@tanjil_rashid_ @ZareerMasani @saliltripathi 1. #Partition1947 counterfactuals aren't counterintuitive. #Partition ended a zero sum game among the same stale set of interlocutors conducting a dialogue of the deaf #Simla, June '45 onwards. #CabinetMissionPlan's devolution did NOT solve #India's impasse.
@tanjil_rashid_ @ZareerMasani @saliltripathi 2. #Jinnah accepted the #CabinetMissionPlan for an embryonic #Pakistan was assured, and permitted to secede, come 1957, if the #confederation was not to the #MuslimLeague's liking. Routinely overlooked by #Nehru's #Indian and #Pakistani baiters.
@tanjil_rashid_ @ZareerMasani @saliltripathi 3. To iterate: #CabinetMissionPlan was a pilot project to be reviewed decadally. Just how was #India and #Nehru to embark on #economic #planning and consolidate a #democratic #union of disparate elements riven by #regionalism, #casteism and #sectarianism?
Read 9 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
It is widely believed that the #MuslimLeague had always wanted to create a nation for #Muslims, and was founded by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Not true. Jinnah was not its founder, and the League initially had no intention of creating #Pakistan. So what are the facts?
The Muslim League was created in 1906 to empower Muslims in the subcontinent and push a pro-nationalist agenda. Jinnah joined the party in 1913. The idea of Pakistan was first ideated by Muhammad Allama Iqbal, a philosopher-poet and a member of the league, in 1930.
A group of India’s elite Muslims met at Ahsan Manzil, the palace of Dhaka’s Nawab Salimullah, in 1906. At the meet, the Nawab proposed the creation of a political party for the betterment of India’s Muslims. The proposal was accepted, giving rise to the Muslim League.
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Jan 23rd 2021
#NetajiSubhashChandraBose born on this day in 1897 had no patience for communal politics. In his book "Indian Struggle" he criticises the Hindu Mahasabha. He writes:
(1/n) Image
“The Hindu Mahasabha, like its Moslem counterpart, consisted not only of erstwhile Nationalists, but also of a large number of men who were afraid of participating in a political movement and wanted a safer platform for themselves. (2/n)
The growth of sectarian movements among both Hindus and Moslems accentuated intercommunal tension. The opportunity was availed of by interested third parties who wanted to see the two communities fight, so that the Nationalist forces could be weakened.” (3/n)
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Oct 14th 2020
1 - Why Raja Sahab Mahmudabad aka Nawab Mohammad Amir Ahmed Khan (surrogate / adopted son of #Jinnah ) left Pakistan ? Explains Renowned Historian Mr Hassan Jafar Zaidi

#TwoNationTheory #Democracy #Pakistan #India via @sujagvideos
2 - Why Raja Sahab Mahmudabad aka Nawab Mohammad Amir Ahmed Khan (surrogate / adopted son of #Jinnah ) left Pakistan ? Explains Renowned Historian Mr Hassan Jafar Zaidi

#TwoNationTheory #Democracy #Pakistan #India via @sujagvideos
To say that #Jinnah & #AIML wanted to make #Secular #Liberal #Pakistan not the Theocratic State is a Half Truth ! How would you explain #Islamic Speeches of Jinnah ? Reference:… ( cc @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad @omarali50 )

#TwoNationTheory #Islam #India #Partition ImageImageImage
Read 73 tweets
Jan 7th 2019
#Hindus have lived in dark for almost 70yrs in absence of correct history, completely ignorant of the wicked misdeeds of #Congress against the Hindu nation!
Was the spirit of #VandeMataram diluted for personal gains? @INCIndia
The 1st day of 2019 began with #Congress CM Kamalnath rejecting #VandeMataram singing at the Secretariat
says, ‘we’ve sung it from time-to-time, need no certificate of patriotism from anyone’
Well @OfficeOfKNath
justify the events in the following thread & prove ur nationalism!
The revolutionaries in Bengal had a profound impact on entire country
An alarmed Viceroy, Lord Curzon combined with residue of islamic Imperialism partitioned Bengal to eliminate looming threat
16 October 1905, separated Muslim Eastern areas from Hindu Western areas.
Read 15 tweets

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