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PUBLIC NOTICE FOR ONTARIO: Please check on your friends/relatives who rely on ODSP

ODSP sent notices of account suspension out to many recipients earlier this month. It’s likely folks won’t be alerted until their landlords ask where their rent is #odspoverty #ontariostorm 🧵1/?
There is no question that this is part of Ontario’s current eugenics policy

Cutting off benefits over the holidays… My November payment left me in the negative after paying for rent & med copays:

Total payment: $1228
Rent: $1200
Prescription copays: $29

I have been able to beg borrow and steal to pay my rent on time for January. My elder parents and sibling are helping me

But many people on ODSP don’t have any of these privileges. Their disabilities mean they struggle to deal with government red tape 3/
Read 38 tweets
It's #HUMA Time !
"Line by line, Clause by Clause Part II"
December 13th 2022
Scheduled to start in 3 minutes from time of tweet send. Watch here:…
(may lag at points in my live tweeting, but I'll be back) (#CanadaDisabilityBenefit) 1/
(Thread start)
#C22 #CDBby23 #ODSP #ODSPoverty - Huma thread. description above, continues below. 2/
Two legislative / Legal clerks are expected, I'll refer to them in simple or generalized terms for the purposes of speed.

Krista Wilcox & Mausumi Banerjee are scheduled to appear as technical (gov) witnesses / aids much like how Alexis Conrad & Ms Wilcox did last meet. 3/
Read 42 tweets
We received this e-mail from Jay Woodruff, elected by members to be their voice on disability and accessibility within the NDP.

To whom it may concern,

Let this letter serve as my resignation from the many positions I hold within the ONDP and the federal NDP, as well as a warning to other members of the Party.

Ableism runs deep in this party, and the efforts of disabled members to hold the

Party and individuals accountable and to better the party have been met with either hostility or outright indifference.

As a member of the disabled community , I am impacted by the ableism in almost every internal and external policy and experience it in most

Read 21 tweets
Hey! I'm a #FamilyPhysician and I personally know at least 10 other mid-career Family MD's in Ottawa who have left comprehensive (cradle-grave) family medicine recently... I have thoughts on this.
#MedTwitter #Health @OntarioCollege #LifeWithoutADoctor…
First off - it takes years to train a Family MD. There are SO many reasons why we aren't training enough of them. But before you talk recruitment you need retention. My colleagues haven't left Ottawa - they still doctor, they just don't do comprehensive family medicine anymore!
They work in all sorts of specialized areas of medicine / focused-practice like long-term care, in hospitals, in ERs, in palliative care, sexual health, psychotherapy, urgent care, sports med, walk-in clinics - you name it! but not in comprehensive Family Medicine. Why?!!!
Read 18 tweets
@UN_HRC When is your next meeting?
Canada needs u to address the extreme poverty of Persons with disabilitys. Social programs payments are less that the market rent leaving many with no food or Homeless. Malnutrition is on the rise. Canada is NOT a leader in disability rights
@UN_HRC Canada:Wait lists 4 subsidizeded housing can b as long as 13 yrs. Foodbanks r overwhelmed.
#pwd were promised a federal disability benefit but are told it is years away from any payment. Can't eat promises or pay rent. Food and shelter shud b a human right. Winter is coming.
@UN_HRC Canada has a lot of tent citys. They get shoved off, tents torn down belongings seized & thrown out, injured, arrested. So its like refugee camps but its our country. Winter is coming Canada gets real cold here. 40% of homeless are disabled ppl. The very ppl that need good a home
Read 34 tweets
Organ donation after Maid. What we need to know

I think its the next unthinkable thing we r going to have to deal with

If its nothing without us #pwd & we are the new source of viable transplant donors how come we were not consulted in this panel in creating the guidelines. Like when a person is considered dead (enuf) 2 get in there & get the organs We were left out These ppl were on the panel. Image
Read 6 tweets
I am listening to the debate about Bill c22 . I dont hear the words that disabled people have rights. I dont hear United Nations CRPD rights or even Human Rights Commission rights .
But I do hear what I have been saying all along that bill c22 is empty. That there is a plan to
Study it for 3 years. I dont feel any of them recognize the right to live without the discrimination caused by legislated poverty. And I hear $2000 batted about which spied to the able bodied 2 years ago b4 inflation. O don't hear anyone really taking it seriously. There
Is no one talking about unessasary deaths.
None of them " get it".
Not who I am, that help was needed now and 2 years ago. And @cqualtro mentioning the Covid 19 Disabiliyy group she again did not mention she ignored their recommendations. And I hear how some are looking at
Read 23 tweets
#derb a word that sounds silly, but its been outrageous that the disabled are in deep poverty in wealthy Canada. #derb Disability Emergency Relief Benefit is needed now till u get the CDB figured out. Hunger and homelessness is skyrocketing
So #derb now!
@CQualtro just Shove #derb thru in 24 hrs like u did for cerb. Whoa it was a miracle! If u can do it for your ables you do it for disabled
Here in case u forgot how!
Read 4 tweets
If u r going to make the effort to do the welfare challenge please take the time to REALLY learn what its about. The media release showed there is much u r unaware of.
So peeps with disabilitys
Can u chime in here.
What wud u like them to learn?
My 1st request is they read the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons and all documents ( letters/inspections) between U.N. and Canada. That will change the way we are viewed we are not beggars we have
RIGHTS and entitlements as a Canadian person with a disability that we are being denied.…
Read 54 tweets
To those spouting at #PWD’s on #ODSP to “get a job”, may I remind you that #ODSP is for ppl who are #DISABLED that either can’t work or can’t work F/T, & even if we attempt to try and find work #ODSP claws back 50% of every $ made above 200$ … 1/6
it is #legislatedpoverty, we only receive 1,169 a month to live on, can you live on that ? I dare you to come up with a budget on that amount rn, guess what, you can’t, no one on #ODSP is living high on the hog I can guarantee you that … 2/6
yes there are #benefits but it’s a #bureaucratic nightmare, everything needs to be approved, forms need to be filled out, these are often #discretionary and the caseworker can deny it if it doesn’t meet a certain #eligibility 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Yesterday during a canvass on Cumberland, I met some folks enjoying the weather on the driveway & were eager to talk.

One asked upfront: "so what are you running for?"

My admittedly flustered response: "@OntarioGreens?"

"No, what principles?"

Well, let me tell you 1/6 #onpoli
My principles demand I bring attention to the #ClimateCrisis. Despite what someone else told me during one of my first canvasses, not every party is 'green' now.

Only @MikeSchreiner & @OntarioGreens bring focus to the threat. The others twiddle their thumbs and waste time. 2/6 Image
My principles encouraged me to run to lift people out of poverty. Whether you're in #ODSPoverty, are able to work but are drowning in this cost of living crisis, or facing a steep financial curve starting a new family.

We all need help - we've gotten none for 30 years. 3/6 Image
Read 6 tweets
Hey Autistic Person with Large Following/Reputation in Canada Here
Ontario doesn't need an Autism Program and emphasis on it in politics is driven by lobbyists that push services that aren't evidence-driven/highly correlated to trauma
#ABAisAbuse #OnPoli
The Ontario Liberals, when faced with the issue of #ODSPoverty(disability supports being legislated poverty), decided they can't commit to raising #ODSP significantly

Instead they are using #50KisNotOK to feign action on Disability
The evidence-base for #ABA is so bad they call it needs-based instead and the reputation for ABA is so bad they won't even call it by name instead calling it needs-based therapy #ABAisAbuse…
Read 14 tweets
1/ To be blunt, I don't want to hear about how you didn't find the leaders likeable, or the campaigns inspiring. I don't want to hear about the flaws in platforms, or how the polls look. There are so many people in this province counting on us to defeat the Ford PCs this #onpoli:
2/ Vote for the most vulnerable Ontarians with disabilities who are trapped in poverty, some of whom are seeking medically-assisted suicide (MAID) because of #ODSPoverty. #VoteForTheDisabled #VoteToEndODSPoverty

Vote to improve autism supports.
3/ Vote for our doctors and nurses, the people you called heroes this pandemic and who are pleading with us to vote the PCs out of power and elect a government that will actually invest adequately in healthcare again. #VoteForNurses #VoteForDoctors
Read 7 tweets
Dear disabled peeps,
Heres info on the next U.N. disability conference. Please take a moment and tweet your opinions to @UN_Enable as to how Canadians with disabilitys are treated in comparison to how we r supposed to be treated under U.N. law which u can read in the
Topic u might want to address that THE U.N. may b concerned about
-severe poverty
Lack of pandemic plan
Maid expanded during a pandemic
Lack subsidized housing
Lack of homecare
Impossibly complex processes to get disability supplies/ equipment
Lack of legal aid
Read 10 tweets
Still surprises me 2 find blatant discrimination in violation of human rights laws. New " affordable" housing 1 bed apartments but u MUST Have a job or self employment
Must earn at least $15,000
Province funded 11.5 million to the building. PWD receiving benefits need not apply!
Ticks me right off!
How can they advertise offering units at rents as low as $375 then pwd dont even get to apply. Brand new building fully rented out.
On govt site theg complement them!!!
In the province where this is located its interesting that the maximum disability payment is about $15,000 a year so to qualify to apply a pwd wud have to earn enuf to lose their mthly disabilty check and related benefits. Reminds me of a house my parents looked at to buy many
Read 8 tweets
Dear peeps with disabilitys, on June 15th is the next big big meeting by the United Nations on CRPD. Here is the info link and a link to watch it live.
But do u have something to say about how u r treated as a disabked person in Canada? Yes? So tweet to @UN_Enable
Links follow
What do u think of our below poverty level income? Inability 2 obtain housing that is vacant? The Canada Disability Benefit fiasco?…
Dat3s to watchbitvare June 14- 15
What do I think of Carla Qualtrough?
Getting Maid as our pandemic plan instead of monthly aid?
Govt allowing provinces to do discriminating hospital triage ?…
Read 5 tweets
The United Nations inspected a country & were truly shocked at the level of poverty of its disabled citizens. The U.N. travels around the world and sees really nasty stuff. A country covered by both Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons law
Why ? Because they said Canada is such a wealthy country . No excuse for the state of its disabled citizens. U.N. was also concerned that the government created Maid and enlarged it to cover this same population.
So vote
Make sure its a decision u can live with & b proud of
Read 7 tweets
@lmhnewman @DrSylvainRoy For a very impressive resume u did not "get it not even in the same ball park.I dont know if u ever will but u can at least read the following links .Comparing your family member with a family on odsp does not relate. U have money to help them. At least
@lmhnewman @DrSylvainRoy Your child has heat, hydro, internet, SAFE housing, even ligjtbulbs. A kid in a odsp family may have none of the above or intermittently. Thats odsp!…
@lmhnewman @DrSylvainRoy Canada signed this 12 years ago voluntarily. Its actually insulting to disabled how either unprepared or intentionally blind u were to the fact that disabled have RIGHTS based on law not a Amazon wishlst.
Recommendations from U.N.…
Read 7 tweets
If u don't know who to vote for this is a real eye opener as to whether a person of any party understands the concept of inclusiveness in society. I was shocked that yet again that 2 parties thought a wheelchaitvramp was accessibility. Also surprised that they don't realize
CASH is how the abled get housing but they think somehow cash is not how disabled do it. Talk of building more housing and "tiny" homes more instead of providing enuf cash so disabled can live in units presently vacant . Only 1 mentioned disabled dying. But all 3 "think" they
They understand disability. Only 1 recognized our right to RUN for election. No mention that a lack of support services and their cost determines if u take a shower on a 6mth waitlist. Frankly they all need to read the CRPD As no one said we have CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS!
Read 5 tweets
Come on @StevenDelDuca - You can do better for #ODSP than "10/10/2/2/2oh they died".

Play back our zoom from March 28th.
(you recorded it, right ?)

Listen to what the community has been through.
there's -NO- reason the OLP platform should be comparable to Fords 1/ #OntarioVotes
Right now your tied for 4th best platform for #ODSP.

LONG term, Ford's is actually better.
because while you've got those two 10's..
you're gonna chase it forever with 2% ?

Ford's is horrible at 5% but it can never get worse with inflation indexing, yours can @StevenDelDuca 2/
if we have 5 straight years of 5% inflation, the PC plan puts people on ODSP at $1566 (which still is literally criminally low. 2027 and $1566 ? Jesus Christ)

Your plan with two 10% bumps chased by 2% raises after puts ODSP at just $1501 in 2027.
@MitzieHunter @jillpromoli 3/
Read 5 tweets
@CQualtro Dear@CQualtro If i did my math right..
Since 2013 minimum wage has increased $5.25 hr in Ontario.
Based on 40 hrs week odsp went up .48 CENTS!
$10,920 a year.
Thats why disability rates need to be more than doubled then add on the extra cost of disability &
@CQualtro The present soaring cost of living increases that r especially impacting food, rent , meds etc.THis is why its an emergency. This us why u need to get emergency checks out to disabled now! & then get Can. Disability Benefit implemented fast!
@CQualtro @HonDavidOnley Minimum wage ( govt must think its the min 2 syrvive) went from $10.25 (in 2013) to $ 15.50=from $21,320to $32,240
And odsp went from $1086 mth or $13,032 yr to $14025yr or 1169mth
So min wage went up $10, 920 year.
While odsp went from $6.27 hr $13,032 to $6.75 hr or $14,028 a
Read 8 tweets
Dear@CQualtro If i did my math right..
Since 2013 minimum wage has increased $5.25 hr in Ontario.
Based on 40 hrs week odsp went up .48 CENTS!
$10,920 a year.
Thats why disability rates need to be more than doubled then add on the extra cost of disability &
The present soaring cost of living increases that r especially impacting food, rent , meds etc.THis is why its an emergency. This us why u need to get emergency checks out to disabled now! & then get Can. Disability Benefit implemented fast!
Read 8 tweets
TW: medically assisted death, eugenics, ableism

What the fuck is not giving disabled people enough money to live if not "outside pressure or influence" to encourage us to unalive ourselves?

We can't Consent if we have no other options. That's not how consent works. Screenshot of Canadian gove...
Multiple people have sought MAID after advocating for Years to get access to housing that would have saved their lives. They didn't want to die. They could have lived good lives. If they could afford to live them.

That is not voluntary consent.
I am Not considering MAID. But I Am currently looking for housing and unable to find affordable, accessible, scent-free housing in Ontario. It's terrifying to know that other people in similar circumstances got forced into this route.
Read 19 tweets
Why, other than it being the right thing to do, should you care about disability or welfare if you're not on it?

Put simply, self interest.

If you think you can separate their material conditions from yours, you're deluding yourself. 🧵


#Canlab #LivingWage
The low wages and rollback of labour rights for the worker under neoliberalism are connected to the low rates and degradation of those on benefits. The insufficiency of benefit programs, feeds a ready supply of labour to low wage paying employers. Trapping the working class

into a cycle of poverty whether they earn a wage or receive assistance.

If you are poor and look down on people on disability or welfare and support punitive measures intrusiveness, cuts and austerity etc. to social welfare recipients, what you are unwittingly supporting

Read 5 tweets

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