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Feb 25th 2023
Durch das #Nachrichtenfasten bis Ostern bin ich gezwungen, mich auf mich selbst, meine #Familie und mein #Business zu konzentrieren.

Die Gedanken werden ruhiger und irren nicht mehr von Sensation zu Skandal hin und her. Ich denke viel (1/21)
mehr darüber nach, was denn für mich und meine Familie wichtig ist.

Außerdem höre ich wieder Hörbücher, anstatt dass ich mir neben allerlei alltäglichen Tätigkeiten wie Kochen, Aufräumen und Autofahren YouTube-Videos anhöre. So bin ich schon wieder ein gutes Stück (2/21)
weitergekommen bei dem sehr wichtigen Hörbuch »Der Bitcoin-Standard«.

Affiliate-Link zum Hörbuch:

Die Perspektive dieses Buches ist auch eine sehr langfristige, und das ist es auch, was ich nun ohne Nachrichten immer mehr spüre: Die langfristige (3/21)
Read 21 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
1/7 Attention all hustlers and side-hustlers! Have you been searching for ways to make some extra cash online? Well, the internet is a treasure trove of opportunities! And who doesn't love a little extra coin in their pockets, right? 💰💸
2/7 From dropshipping to affiliate marketing, from Amazon FBA to Instagram, the options are endless. Making money online opens up a world of possibilities and allows you to escape the 9 to 5 grind. 💻💰
3/7 But, let's be real. The internet can be a confusing place, and the thought of starting an online business can seem daunting. But fear not, my friends! That's where I come in.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
#PayPal is a popular payment solution provider in the world.

But it doesn't mean it is the right one for everyone,

Here are the best PayPal alternatives you can consider to send and receive online payments.

A thread 🧵...

#OnlineBusiness #SmallBusiness #BusinessTips
1. @Payoneer

It is one of the oldest services for global payment, and now they are available worldwide. The best part about Payoneer is the low transaction fees, saving you a lot of money.

👉🏻 Visit Now -…
2. @stripe

If you are looking to accept payment on your online store, Stripe is the best option. It’s a USA-based company which has integration with almost all the web stores and e-commerce stores.

👉🏻 Visit Now -…
Read 13 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
Can’t code or design?

No problem.

 Here are 10 FREE apps/websites that will save or make you HUNDREDS of USD dollars and transform your business.

Fun fact: I actually help to build one of them 🔥

Check them out! 🧵
1. Use to make graphics for FREE. No design skills are required.

- Use a drag-and-drop editor for easy customizations
- Over 250,000 free templates to choose from.
- Over 100+ design types
- 5GB of free cloud storage.
2. Use to make a FREE website. No coding skills are required. ( I work here 😀). WordPress powers over 145 million websites.

- Dozens of free themes
- 1GB of storage
- Free SSL certificate
Read 14 tweets
May 12th 2022
You are asking why people still buy information in this Google age?

Well Google is even the major wahala hear

If you go to Google and try to search for "how to make money online", how much information will you get?

Very many information, right?

You will not know which one
Will work for you and which one will not.

You will leave Google more confuse than you were before visiting Google.

People buy ebooks they trust because they know that if the content is working for you already, it will work for them also if they implement what they see
That way, they will not spend money, time, and energy doing trial and error.

They will do exactly what your ebook is asking them to do and they will get results

People will spend billions of dollars on information products in the next 12 months,

Why not tap part
Read 5 tweets
May 11th 2022
Open this, if you will love to know about a business you can start with low capital, and earn high profit.

I mean something you can start with as low as N5000 and then earn over 5million Naira as profit

It's hard to believe, right?

But it's the truth
That is why you need to continue to read if you love that kind of business

I came across this business in 2016, but it was in January of 2017, that the business made me my 8months salary in less 40hours.

It is not forex, if that is what you are thinking

It is not mmm
It is not crypto currency

It is not affiliate marketing

It is a business that can actually make you at least extra N350, 000 monthly even if you are lazy

I'm sure you itching to know what business it is

It is information marketing business.

People buy information like crazy
Read 11 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
If you #win a lot of cash in a land based casino you might have to ask for a personal escort to stay safe. #onlinebusiness you can win huge amounts and stay as anonymous as you wish. You just have to make sure that the casino you choose is a recognized and licensed and licensed establishment with open access to their finance.

You can pick your company exclusively

What if you wish to share that drink with another human being while rolling the dice? Playing online you can never reach the same social level as in… a land based casino. This is just a matter of reality. However, it doesn’t mean that playing online must make you into an eremite. Just ask you wife to dress up a bit and flank you by the screen with an impressed expression on her face. For many it
Read 7 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
Top Platforms to build an Online Course and grow your Business
Let's talk about the top online course platforms outside of Facebook you can build your online business. 🙋🏼‍♀️ As a solo course owner, which platform do you use to get the best results?
These are things we will consider together when we consider Podia and Learnworlds
As you already know, online course training is on the rise. For instance, based on findings from a pair of Pew Research Center surveys conducted in spring 2011, nearly two-thirds of college
presidents (62%) anticipate that 10 years from now, more than half of the textbooks used by their undergraduate students will be entirely digital.
Read 11 tweets
May 15th 2021
Ways to market your business online.
If you are a #smallbusiness owner and thinking of starting online. You should read this thread.
#Thread #startup #onlinebusiness #DigitalMarketing
1/5. Invest in #webdev
Your website is the center of all your digital marketing efforts, so if your page is not clean, easy to read, and
interesting, it won’t matter how much time you put into strategy development – you’re still going to lose
2/5. Use Search Engine Marketing and Optimization
Your company website will become associated with the keywords used to find your services with a strong #SEO strategy. This increases your chances of being the company an individual chooses to work with after searching online.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 14th 2020

Digital dominance has made it necessary for more people to rely on the internet to look for the products and services that they need.

#DigitalTransformation #DigitalMarketing #marketing #business #OnlineMarketing #onlinebusiness @startupindia

PLANNING helps a business identify its goals. Preparing for the future allows leaders to consider impact.

#MondayMotivation #DigitalTransformation #DigitalMarketing #marketing #DataScience #MachineLearning #business #OnlineMarketing #onlinebusiness @startupindia

RESEARCH- Business Research helps you communicate with current and potential customers in a better way. It helps you identify opportunities and threats in the marketplace. It helps you minimize risks.

#DigitalTransformation #DigitalMarketing #marketing
Read 8 tweets
Feb 21st 2020
Over 94% poll takers believe that local business are getting effected by #InternetShutdowns.
#InternetShutdown means that no small #onlinebusiness can effectively function to use online payment gateways like @GooglePay, @Paytm, @NPCI_BHIM to accept payments especially after #demonetization or to operate via social media channels like @instagram for publicity & orders.
#Kashmir has lost some Rs 1.78 lakh crore ($25 billion) in economic output in the five months since August 2019. This is 11% of the erstwhile state’s nominal gross state domestic product (GSDP) of Rs 1.59 lakh crore for 2018-19. @qzindia…
Read 6 tweets

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