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Feb 8th 2023
Misdiagnosis and Cognitive Overload in the Clinical Workplace causing Morbidity and Mortality. Look at the notes pages in this PowerPoint. 10 Quality Indicators for Clinical Consultations…

@HumanRiskLtd @nialldowney @TheIHI @AndrewElder @cuttingforstone
How to create conditions for Misdiagnosis that can kill or seriously harms patients.



and Counter Measures

Time is the Great Diagnostician

We must intervene before the patient dies
Read 7 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
ALWAYS refer to the original data source. Beware of misleading headlines. 🧵

A study by FDA’s Hui-Lee Wong et al is being referenced all over Twitter as:
“FDA now says Pfizer vaccine causes blood clots”.

This conclusion is inaccurate.
cc: @elonmusk
Here’s the link to the original paper:…

The authors used Medicare/Medicaid data to analyze 14 different adverse outcomes after 34 million vaccine doses in recipients age >65. The controls used for comparison were HISTORIC controls, pre-COVID & peri-COVID.
When compared to the PRE-COVID population (2017-2019), #pulmonaryembolism met modest statistical significance (RR=1.48), the difference was lost when the peri-COVID (2020) comparator population was used instead. The difference remained when inpatient setting was used.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
It took my legs a few minutes to warm up this morning, but glad to report that long morning walks remain easy, in contrast to later in the day. #Totnes is waking up beautifully ☀️
5 miles walked this morning, with no adverse effects. Then strimmed & mowed a lawn. Great to not be worried about my heart and lungs as I got a real workout from the gardening. However, I'm mindful of the warnings of some with #LongCovid that I should continue to pace myself.
Read 73 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
🧵1/ JUST PUBLISHED: Association of COVID-19 with major arterial and venous thrombotic diseases: a population-wide cohort study of 48 million adults in England and Wales.…. An amazing team effort. Image
3/ Using the @NHSDigital Trusted Research Environment for England (, which was established by @BHFDataScience, we analysed linked electronic health record data on 48 million adults in #England (nearly the whole population).
Read 16 tweets
Jun 3rd 2022
1) How I cured my #LongCovid in 3mos after suffering for almost a year. This was my last hope. I researched what #Covid does to the body, came up with a list of "clinically studied" supplements and...
2) took them all. Firstly, I am not a MD. In March 2021 I caught Covid while working as a #frontline #healthcare worker. My symptoms of #brainfog, #fatigue, #jointpain, #muscleweakness, morning #stiffness happened after my recovery. At the time, this #postcovid #syndrome was...
3) was just starting to be discussed online. The the term #Longhauler was coined. Those in the #ME, #CFS, #Lyme #MCAS #community starting speaking out about the similarity of #symptoms with #LC. #Covidclinics started to sprout up, include one at the....
Read 48 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial about an important complication of #pulmonaryembolism (#PE): chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension #CTEPH. Follow this thread to earn 0.75h CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #NPs #nurses #pharmacists.
2) I am Jason Weatherald @AlbertaPHdoc of @UAlberta and you may recall my previous tweetorial in this feed. It's still available for credit at @cardiomet_CE is your ONLY home for earning CE/#CME entirely on Twitter! Howdy to @vic_tapson @lauralynndonah1 Image
3) This program is intended for #healthcare providers and is supported by educational grants from Actelion, Bayer, Chiesi, & AstraZeneca. Faculty disclosures are listed at Prior programs, still available for credit, are at
Read 49 tweets
Mar 27th 2022
Spent more time in the garden today. Insect populations are booming! A bit of sunshine really helps to lift the spirits.
#Hoverfly Image
Had a run of 3 good days, but just tried doing *some* of the things my lungs had allowed me to do over the weekend & over-did it by fixing the ball-cock in the toilet cistern! Lowered my guard; lungs are tight again (first time in 10 days) & I'm lightheaded. #PulmonaryEmbolism
Read 78 tweets
Jun 30th 2021
THREAD:5⃣things to know from 5 recent TI Therapeutics Letters👩🏽‍🔬

1/5: How to choose a good #mirtazapine dose? 🤔

Mirtazapine has a dose response 💊for harm but NOT for efficacy: harm ↗️ after 30mg/day but efficacy doesn't:

#MedEd #deprescribing #ptsafety
2/5: Want to learn about recent @GovCanHealth #medsafety or international warnings for medications?

Read our Therapeutics Letter on international drug safety advisories: ⚠️ 💊

#drugsafety #SegPac #ptsafety
3/5: Do you like receiving feedback on your #prescribing?👩🏽‍⚕️💊

Read about Personal Prescribing Portraits:

#MedEd #deprescribing
Read 6 tweets
May 4th 2020
Unfortunately #PulmonaryEmbolism is a common problem in the era of #COVID. Here's a brand new #OnePager summarizing my approach to PE, including hemodynamics, ventilation, #anticoagulation, and #thrombolysis. #FOAMed #FOAMcc
1/3 Image
Also, continuing the @POPCoRNetwork Series of Webinars to help pediatric intensivists adapt to the adult ICU, I will be giving a webinar about PE tomorrow. 4pm PST.

You can sign up here:
Finally, if you prefer you can download the PPT and PDF versions of the PE #OnePager here. Also please share your feedback and comments, so I can make it better.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
Starting a series on clinical Pearls I am gathering in #COVID19 patients based on experiences of many experts

Will add as we go along

Feel free to add your own observations/experiences

#covidclinicalpearls /1
Anosmia is likely the most specific #COVID19 related symptom
30% of patients have anosmia as their 1st symptom
#covidclinicalpearls /2
Around 90% of patients have fever.
50% maybe afebrile at the time of presentation
Fever tends to be very resistant to routine measures in hospitalized patients
There is no consensus that NSAIDs are to be avoided in #COVID2019 patients

#covidclinicalpearls /3
Read 66 tweets
Feb 25th 2020
Tweeps: two weeks ago today, I nearly lost my life due to a very serious bilateral pulmonary embolism.

I had no symptoms at all, except for tiredness & a little breathlessness, which I attributed to other causes. When you're living with chronic mental ill health & ...1/
...on a very low income due to #UniversalCredit, you get used to feeling rubbish a lot of the time. Vague symptoms like fatigue are inevitably dismissed by GPs.

Over the course of about 8 hours on that Tues, tho, I started feeling faint & very weird. 2/
I got up to use the loo & collapsed, losing consciousness. When I came round, I couldn't breathe.

Luckily, I managed to reach my phone & paramedics from @Ldn_Ambulance came within 30 minutes.

Unluckily, I couldn't get to the door & ... 3/
Read 25 tweets

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