Will add as we go along
Feel free to add your own observations/experiences
#covidclinicalpearls /1
30% of patients have anosmia as their 1st symptom
#covidclinicalpearls /2
50% maybe afebrile at the time of presentation
Fever tends to be very resistant to routine measures in hospitalized patients
There is no consensus that NSAIDs are to be avoided in #COVID2019 patients
#covidclinicalpearls /3
50% of patients keep shedding after complete resolution of symptoms
Viral shedding can continue for as much as 24 days
#covidclinicalpearls /4
Leukopenia is seen in 1/3 of patients
Its associates with poor outcomes and poor surivival.
Recovery with Lym % > 20% at Day10 of symptoms is a + outcome marker
Lym % of <5% = poor prognosis
#covidclinicalpearls /5
LYM% < 20% are pre-severe type
At TLM-2
If LYM% > 20% those are reclassified as “moderate”
If 5% < 20% = “severe”
If < 5% = “critical”
#covidclinicalpearls /6

Sampling early in disease course will have lower sensitivity
CT Chest has BETTER predictive value in cases where CT findings are high probability even if PCR swab negative
#covidclinicalpearls /7
Do NOT rule out #COVID19 with ONE pharyngeal swab.
Sensitivity of CT in patients with positive CT & negative PCR is 97%
#covidclinicalpearls /8
Early #groundglass abnormality in early disease,
followed by “crazy paving,”
finally increasing consolidation
Typically peripheral
#covidclinicalpearls /9

Note #groundglass predominant early
#covidclinicalpearls /10

- Noninvasive ventilations #NPPV
- High flow O2 #HFNC
due to high risk to healthcare workers due to aerosols.
EARLY intubation
#covidclinicalpearls /11
Only Experts intubate
AVOID bag-mask ventilations
Use PEEP valve if needed
Gentle bagging via supraglottic device preferred if needed
Always use rapid sequence intubation - rocuronium preferred by some
#covidclinicalpearls /12
Use a full face mask or helmet
Use a filter for the leak port
Use a HME Filter to provide additional safety from aerosol
Set Alarms for patient disconnect
#covidclinicalpearls /13
Use preferably low flow rates (30-40L/min) have lower rates of aerosolization
Always increase FiO2 to max before increasing flow rate >30L/min
Reassess at 1 hr and 3 hr intervals for possible intubation
#covidclinicalpearls /14
if patient requires >8L/min NC
Non humidified
Uptitrate to FiO2 35%
Then increase flow rate if needed to 12 L/min
#covidclinicalpearls /15
Tidal volume 6ml/kg IBW
PEEP 5 if BMI <35
(10 if BMI >35)
#COVID19 ARDS is atypical with normal compliance & high PEEP may do more harm than good
#covidclinicalpearls /16
#covidclinicalpearls /17

Compliance tends to normal-high
Hence high PEEP strategy may not improve oxygenation
#covidclinicalpearls / 17

General consensus is to prone early
Suggest prone ventilation in non-intubated patients in early lung injury
Awake patient may lie in prone position for 12-16hrs a day
#covidclinicalpearls /18
Prone positioning of patients with relatively high compliance results in a modest benefit at the price of a high demand for stressed human resources
Be judicious and reassess benefits of prone #ventilation
#covidclinicalpearls /19
High reintubation rates
Glottic edema/stridor common after extubation
Leak test before extubation is critical
Delayed extubation (longer than typical) may help extubation failures
#covidclinicalpearls /20
Nitric oxide has anti viral effect invitro
Initiate iNO in refractory cases at 20ppm
If repeat ABG in 2 hrs PaO2 ⬆️10% continue - if not ⬆️iNO to 80ppm - if still no ⬆️PaO2 stop
Alternative consider #epoprostenol
#covidclinicalpearls /21
Role for Anticoagualtion?
In patients with coagulopathy or D Dimer >6X high use of LMWH was associated with reduced mortality (40% vs 64%)
#covidclinicalpearls /22
in #Covid_19
It’s “rarely necessary”
Several concerns for use - including potential for lymphopenia and worse outcomes
Very limited role /if any
#covidclinicalpearls /23
Do NOT give routine 30cc/kg resuscitation IVF
Restrict Fluids
Limit use of maintenance IVF
Do not use ⬆️Lactate to trigger IVF
Avoid diuretic use (—> AKI)
Avoid large + fluid balance
#covidclinicalpearls /24
Increase rapidly from D14
Steady rise from D4 to D22 is seen in non survivors
Fulminant myocarditis has been described
Cardiogenic shock important cause of death ~30% of deaths
#covidclinicalpearls /25
Type L /Type H
Type L : early, normal compliance, low V:Q.
Type H : high elastance & high right to left shunt
For type L caution using high PEEP
#covidclinicalpearls /26

RRT needed in 5-20% of ICU cases
100% mortality in patients needing RRT in one large series
Reports of frequent clotting of circuit in CVVHD- use LMWH eary #covid19
#covidclinicalpearls /27
Stanford group reports 22% coinfection rates with other viral infections in 49 #Covid_19 patients
#covidclinicalpearls /28

#MRSA is typically not seen as with #influenza
#Azithromycin use with #Hydroxycloroquine has been shown to be effective ...
#covidclinicalpearls /29
Evidence favoring use of #Azithromycin gaining
Caution due to QTc interval
#covidclinicalpearls /30

Viral load higher in control group
6 patients in HCQ group were excluded from analysis - 5 would have been considered #Covid_19 failures
Thus NO clear evidence for Azithro
#covidclinicalpearls /31
#Hydroxychoroquine use is NOT recommended in
non-hospitalized patients and
hospitalized with mild disease
no risk factors
#covidclinicalpearls /32
#Remdesevir is the only agent with universal consensus
This is algorithm at Brigham & Women’s
#covidclinicalpearls /33

#Lopinavir #Ritonavir combo could be useful
Cao et al (NEJM) considered a negative study
However trial DID show
▪️28 day mortality was lower
▪️~50% Shorter ICU Stay (6 vs 11 days)
Randomized only on D13 so likely too late
#covidclinicalpearls /34
#Triple-therapy with
+ #interferon
+ #Hydroxychloroquine
🔹Is in clinical trials
🔹 Can be tried in center where available in moderate /severe disease or high risk #COVID19 patients
#covidclinicalpearls /35
#covidclinicalpearls /37
🔹asymptomatic x10d
🔹Ab titer >1:1000(Elisa) & >1:40 (neutral)
ALL 5 recovered
This is the most promising #treatment for #COVID19
All hospitals must initiate protocols for plasma pheresis from survivors
#covidclinicalpearls /38

80% of patients in this study had no viral clearance on D5-6 after therapy
#covidclinicalpearls /39
#Covid_19 #pneumonia #ARDS is NOT #HAPE ; nor similar to it.
#covidclinicalpearls /40
#Dipyridamole has been shown to decrease D Dimer levels and clinical benefit in 1 study
#covidclinicalpearls /41

15 patients with severe #covid19 & ⬆️ #IL6 levels (2X - 90X normal)
10 of 15 improved
3 of 4 that received only single dose died
#covidclinicalpearls /42
#Covid_19 molecular pathogenesis & #IL6
#covidclinicalpearls /42

21 #Covid_19 patients 17 severe & 4 critical
All patients improved -19 discharged ~ avg D13
75% ⬇️ lowered FiO2 levels
CT improvement in 90%
#covidclinicalpearls /43

Attractive alternative to #Tocilizumab for #COVID19
#Sarilumab higher #IL6 R binding affinity vs #Tocilizumab
#covidclinicalpearls /44

For #IL6 ≥ 80pg/ml, risk of respiratory failure was 92%
Sound rationale for #Tocilizumab #sarilumab in #COVID19
#covidclinicalpearls / 45

If ⬆️ start #Tocilizumab early + #steroids + #anticoag (for ⬆️DDimer)
#covidclinicalpearls / 46

▫️91.7% positive clinical outcome & virologic cure
▫️NO cardiac toxicity
▫️1061 patients; 5 deaths
#covidclinicalpearls /48

53 patients
17/30 (57%) on vent extubated,
3/4 on ECMO weaned off
Overall 13% mortality
Mortality for those on vent 18% (much lower than historic controls)
Not a RCT but excellent results #covid19
#covidclinicalpearls /49

Spanish algorithm
Mild #COVID__19 illness - bimonthly fetal growth ultrasounds and Doppler.
Vaginal delivery via induction of labour favoured to avoid unnecessary surgical complications unless septic shock/MSOF
#covidclinicalpearls /50

Thrombotic microangiopathy restricted to the lungs.
Small vessel thrombus formation in the lung periphery in many cases with foci of alveolar hemorrhage.
No secondary infection
#covidclinicalpearls /51

#DDimer #ferritin #IL6 #lymphocyte % #LDH
#covidclinicalpearls /52

Case series from #Wuhan describes 6 cases /214 presenting with ischemic stroke / hemiplegia & 16 with impaired LOC
Patients may not manifest typical symptoms of #covid19 infection
#covidclinicalpearls / 53

#HCQ vs supportive care compared in 63 #COVID__19 pts
#Hydroxychloroquine associated with a need for ⬆️respiratory support & ⬆️risk for intubation by D5
Mortality HCQ 4/31 (vs 1/32)
#covidclinicalpearls /54

Dutch series 184 ICU #COVID19 patients
31% incidence of #thrombotic complication
#Pulmonaryembolism was the most frequent thrombotic complication (n=25)
#covidclinicalpearls /55

Partly related to shortage of vents (?)
Also underscores #COVID__19 patients can deteriorate quickly. Need to monitor closely & intervene early
#covidclinicalpearls / 56

#Morphine 2.5 - 5mg q4 suggested in these #COVID19 patients.
#covidclinicalpearls / 57

3 phase model of pathogenesis
Stg1 : early infection
Stg 2 Pulm involvement 2A without & 2B with hypoxia
#Steroid use in 2B
Stg 3 #CytokineStorm & systemic #HLH
#Steroid #Tocilizumab
#covidclinicalpearls / 58

Obesity & OSA are associated with ⬆️ #IL6 levels & may be ➡️exaggerated #CytokineStorm in #COVID__19
#covidclinicalpearls /59

A predilection for #blood group A (38% cases; OR 1.28)
A relative protection with blood group O (25% of cases; OR 0.68)
Similar distribution seen with #SARS previously
#covidclinicalpearls / 60

#O2 via NRB better than nasal canula
#NPPV via helmet with air tight cushion works best
#covidclinicalpearls / 62

Important to prevent aerosol dispersion & protect #HealthWorkers in #Covid_19
#covidclinicalpearls / 63

NO difference in ICU admission, ARDS or Mortality in #covid_19
#covidclinicalpearls / 64

150 hospitalized #Covid_19 RCT - #HCQ vs SOC
Day28 viral negative conversion rate was not different 85.4% vs 81.3%.
No difference in symptoms alleviation rate D28
30% adverse events in HCQ; 2 SAE.
#covidclinicalpearls / 65