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Come abbiamo detto 3 settimane fa #Udinese - #Juventus è stata l’ultima partita sulla panchina dei Bianconeri per Massimiliano #Allegri, il quale firmerà una buonuscita di circa 8/10 milioni per terminare il suo contratto. ⬇️
Per il suo sostituto i nomi sondati sono stati tanti (da Raffaele #Palladino fino a Marcelo #Gallardo) fino ad arrivare ad una schiera di 3 nomi papabili, tutti e 3 senza contratto e quindi più facili da trattare una volta chiuso il capitolo con Max #Allegri. ⬇️
Il primo nome è quello di Igor #Tudor, fresco di addio con l’#OlympiqueMarsiglia e che già in passato ha mostrato affetto e riconoscenza verso la #Juventus (nel 2020 pagó di tasca sua 150.000€ per liberarsi dall’#HajdukSpalato e fare il collaboratore di Andrea #Pirlo). ⬇️
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Come confermato da varie testate Kylian #Mbappe ha fatto trapelare all’#Equipe che il rinnovo automatico fino al 2025 presente nel suo contratto NON scatterà mentre il #PSG ha fatto trapelare all’Equipe che non vogliono assolutamente perderlo a 0. ⬇️
Le voci di accordi con altri attaccanti sono state fatte trapelare direttamente da ambienti vicini al #RealMadrid e a Florentino #Perez che era già al corrente della situazione tra #Mbappé e il #PSG tramite intermediari vicini alla famiglia del francese. ⬇️
Tutto ciò è stato fatto per far fare a Kylian #Mbappe questa uscita pubblica, situazione figlia del precedente accordo che Kylian aveva coi Blancos sulla base di 30 milioni annui. ⬇️
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I hate the bs being thrown at Carlo Ancelotti right now.
This City team has 6-7 world class midfielders and attackers.
Who did we have? Vini, and Kroos maybe.
And none of the two is half as good as City's best players.
As far as coaches go—
They too have a world class coach, with a backing of club owners who'll get him whoever he wants in this world. He can have ANYONE. And you know it.
So who do you expect, of two world class managers to do better? Obviously the one with better players.
Life isn't FIFA.
What this all means is it's easy to blame Carlo, but the honeymoon period of young players balling by sheer grit is over.
The blame is on the board to not acknowledge vacancies. They sold you a 'young talent' story while they filled their pockets from club revenue.
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No, we aren’t talking about #IPL2023 but RCB as a business.

With a net worth of Rs. 637 CR,

#RCB is the third richest IPL team- behind only KKR & Mumbai Indians

What's their secret?

Recently RCB filled out Bangalore’s M Chinnaswamy Stadium WITHOUT EVEN PLAYING A MATCH!

They just invited fans to just come & watch them practice.

But why are fans crazy about RCB when they haven't even won the title once?

Now, usually, an IPL team has multiple revenue streams-

First, the prize money- but let’s not go there

Next, we've got sponsorships👇

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{ The Argentina Transition 🧵} In Yesterday's 🗞 we looked at the ever popular "Argentina" Transition. Highlighting the merits of being able to capitalize early in transition by organizing a cross screen-down screen.

#RealMadrid #Euroleague
With early possession small-big screens, defenses usually try to avoid the early switch. Leaving the shooter's defender with a tough choice to either 1) stay attached & hope the Big can get through or 2) try & bump the cutter & recover back to the shooter coming off a pin down
From this transition alignment several variations have emerged to keep the defense off balance. Point in case, popping the middle ball screen to attack thru a corner pin screen.

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THREAD (un altro🙏ma necessario)

Provo a spiegare,molti #milanisti scrivono “quello era un grande #Milan” parlando del passato,riferendosi ad oggi:
Vi spiego però la genesi e come arrivammo poi a dire “grande Milan”.
Perché quel Milan,non nasce "grande".
Le paure,la percezione di non essere grandissimi c erano anche allora,era tutto nuovo con #Sacchi.
Anche a livello emozionale.
”eh ma…tutti campioni”si dice oggi.
Lo spiego,il punto di partenza:
Giovanni #Galli in porta arrivava da #Firenze e un pessimo #Mexico86.
La difesa era #Tassotti #Baresi F.#Galli #Maldini.
Grandissimi ma c erano anche anni prima,non avevano mai vinto nulla,risultato massimo un quinto posto e prendevano oltre 20 gol a campionato.
Arrivò #Colombo da #Udine,un gregario.
#Ancelotti rotto con il 20% di invalidità!
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Parliamo della stagione 1989-90
La terza stagione di Arrigo #Sacchi sulla panchina del #Milan.
Era la stagione che ci avrebbe portato ai mondiali di #italia90,alle "notti magiche"
Il Milan era campione d'Europa in carica,con la coppa vinta dopo 20 anni di attesa
Erano gli anni del rapimento di Cesare #Casella,morì Sandro #Pertini,il 9 novembre 1989 cadde il muro di #Berlino.
Ma era la fine degli anni 80,i meravigliosi anni 80 di #Reagan e della #Milano da bere.
E poi c'era il Milan,quel #Milan.
Una macchina perfetta,o quasi.
Quella stagione fu lunga e non iniziò bene,fra infortuni e squalifiche.
Il nostro competitor principale era il #Napoli di Diego #Maradona e #Careca.
Ma c era l'#Inter dei tedeschi campione d'italia in carica, la #Samp di #Vialli e #Mancini,la #Juve di Dino #Zoff in panchina.
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Ricapitolando: l’#UEFA si è stufata di attendere le lungaggini della FJGC e ha chiesto direttamente alla Procura di Torino, ottenendole, le carte dell’inchiesta #Prisma compreso le mille pagine dell’ultimo supplemento (#Lombardo, #Dybala, #Mandragora, #Marilungo ecc.) (1. segue)
Procederà d’imperio perchè essendo venuta meno la #Juventus agli accordi presi con l’#UEFA sul rispetto del FPF con l’alterazione dei 3 bilanci oggetto d’indagine, il club sarà escluso dalle coppe per “antisportività” e pagherà una multa non più di 3,5 milioni ma di 23 (2. segue)
Ma sarà solo un anticipo. Quando la Corte UE, a giorni, comunicherà la bocciatura del ricorso di #Juventus, #Barcellona e #RealMadrid in tema #Superlega, i 3 club saranno sanzionati non avendo mai abiurato il progetto a differenza di inglesi, #Milan, #Inter ecc. (3. segue)
Read 9 tweets
Hoy regreso con mi sección #TopTop para hablarles de jugadores que muy probablemente cambiarán de camiseta este verano.
Hoy les traigo mi "🔝-🔟 de los jugadores que serán agentes libres en Jun/2023".

Si te gusta este hilo dale ❤️ y 🔄 para más contenido así.
1️⃣- Para este hilo no valoré jugadores que estén cedidos en otros equipos.
2️⃣- Tampoco valoré jugadores que ya tengan "acordado" un contrato con otro equipo (Ej: Skriniar, Kamada).
3️⃣- Tampoco consideré jugadores que estén en proceso de renovación o que...
...personalmente crea que van a renovar (Ej: Modric, Messi).
4️⃣- Los jugadores fueron escogidos por mí gusto y visión personal de que pudiesen tener a varios equipos interesados en ellos. El orden fue establecido por su valor en @Transfermarkt.

Dicho esto... Allá vamos...
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- Sigue este hilo 🧵 cortito porque te vas a sorprender..
#RealMadridBarcelona #barcagate #RealMadrid @LaLiga
Negreira fue colegiado desde 1979 hasta principios de los 90.
Pitó al RM en 36 ocasiones y, aún hoy, el récord histórico de derrotas del club blanco con un árbitro, es el de NEGREIRA (31%). Habiendo expulsado también, a 9 Madridistas en esos 36 encuentros!! 😱
Pero esto sigue...
Ya en su carrera, fue criticado muchas veces por actuaciones infames contra el Real Madrid, pero también no fueron pocas contra el Atlético,
Situación que llevó a las primeras denuncias de Mendoza y Jesús Gil.
Pero, oooh casualidad!! Que nada más retirarse recibe una llamada...
Read 5 tweets
((🚨)) COFIDENCIAL: Pocos han seguido a Antonio Silva fuera de Portugal como yo. Sobre lo que publica AS, que el @realmadrid está siguiendo al jugador, Pregunte ayer en Lisboa y me acaban de contestar:
No me confirman que el Madrid mandara emisarios al partido del Vizela pero..
Dicen que no le extrañaría porque son conscientes de que el Real Madrid está siguiendo al jugador... Así como lo está siguiendo el PSG y también mantuvo contactos el Nápoles hace meses.
Entienden que es un central con mucha proyección y que va a tener pretendientes de sobra..
Precisamente por eso, el chaval fue renovado por el presidente RUI COSTA hasta 2027 y le puso una cláusula de 120M€. Ya sabemos que el @SLBenfica presume de una de las mejores canteras de Europa, y tiene una hornada fantastica ahora en el primer equipo.
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@FactCheckIndia that you are all no different than any other of us @TwitterParents to see a @GrievingMothers screams for a #helpinghand to be seen beneath #HumanRights as the #lies that are still pouring out of #MarkRowley's mouth that he has to read word to word from a scrip
because coming out of #retired that means #braindead as whoever is #socialmediamanager floods #TwitterFiles with #NicolaBulley, this I also find really sad, so so sad for those who like poor #MollyRussell and those who mare reaching out for @CruseSupport as a senior
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Detailed review of the Deloitte Money League 2021/22 can be found on my Substack, but some snippets in this short thread.…
#MCFC £619m reported the highest revenue, just ahead of #RealMadrid £605m with #LFC £594m up to 3rd, overtaking #MUFC £583m, #PSG £554m, #FCBayern £554m and #FCBarcelona £540m.
8 of the 9 highest revenue increases over 2020/21 came from English clubs. #LFC led the way with an impressive £106m, followed by #MUFC £89m and #THFC £82m. The biggest reductions were at two Italian clubs, troubled Juventus £44m and Inter £32m.
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Estamos relativamente a la mitad de la temporada y me parece buen momento para retomar mi sección #TopTop.
Esta vez con el 🔝-10 de jugadores "desconocidos" que han saltado a la fama esta temporada.

Si te gusta este hilo dale ❤️ y 🔄 para más contenido así.

Agarra la lupa... 🔎
1- Tomé solamente jugadores menores de 23 años de las 5 "Grandes Ligas" (GL).
2- No podían haber jugado +200 mins anteriormente en alguna GL.
3- No podían haber jugado +90 mins de #ChampionsLeague o #EuropaLeague
4- Haber jugado +200 mins esta temporada.
5- No escogí más de 1 jugador por equipo.
6- Los jugadores están ordenados por mi apreciación personal dependiendo de lo que he visto y lo que me han gustado.
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I’ve had a few questions on the revenue impact of Barcelona’s exit elimination from this season’s Champions League after the group stage. As is often the case, the answer depends on how you look at it #FCBarcelona
As per my model, #FCBarcelona have earned €70.2m from this season’s Champions League, comprising participation fee €15.6m, prize money €7.0m, UEFA coefficient €34.1m and TV pool €15.9m less €2.5m COVID rebate to broadcasters. Image
As we can see, #FCBarcelona have benefited from their previous good record in Europe with their UEFA coefficient €34.1m payment accounting for nearly half their total €70.2m distribution. This is currently the third highest in Europe, only behind #RealMadrid and #FCBayern. Image
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Thread on how much money clubs have already received after the Champions League 2022/23 group stage. Also includes estimates for English clubs in Europa League and Europa Conference League. Some assumptions made about the TV pool, but the figures should be reasonably accurate.
The Champions League accounts for the lion’s share of UEFA revenue with its €2.032 bln being nearly 3 times as much as the Europa League and Europa Conference combined (€700m). The difference is particularly stark in the UEFA coefficient (based on 10-year rankings).
Champions League overall prize money is 3.6 times the Europa League and 5.5 times the Europa Conference, but this varies by round. In general, the difference becomes smaller the further a club progresses, e.g. last 16 it’s 8x and 16x, while for the winners it’s only 2.3x and 4x.
Read 38 tweets
There seem to be a lot of people in the media and also on here who are keen to label Xavi a ‘failure’ after #Barça missed out on #UCL last 16. I think it’s unfair and I think it's wrong. It's also part of a growing trend we have seen in recent years...
It’s the idea that only #UCL matters. Or that it matters much more than anything else.


Guardiola dubbed a ‘failure’ despite winning everything except CL

Ernesto Valverde’s achievements completely discredited because of a couple of bad CL nights
The same thing is happening with Xavi now. And yes, dropping down from #UCL to Europa League is not a success for #Barça. Clearly. But it was a very tough group. Some decisions did go against them. And FCB remain a work in progress. And that's OK.
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FT Real Madrid 3 Barcelona 1
Toni Kroos Masterclass on show as Real Madrid deservedly win #ELClasico
First Half Madrid started lively & playing at a tempo & energy that Barca at times especially in midfield just couldn’t cope with. Kroos, Modric, Tchouameni, Valverde & Vinicius.
We’re all fantastic not just with their quality on the ball but the edge they all showed in going past Barca players to counter fast which is exactly what Madrid want to do.

Madrid we’re causing so many problems find Vini in space at times 1v1 against Roberto with little help.
Madrid took a deserved lead when Kroos drove from midfield past Busquets he played the ball In behind the Barca defence for Vinicius to run into the space.

He has a 1v1 with Ter Stegen which he saved & Benzema scored with the rebound thanks to a deflection from Sergi Roberto.
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🔐 How to Stay Safe in Web3 - 10 Ground Rules

“Making money is easy. The hard part is keeping it” - Some Chad

Web3 is incredible. Lives have been changed. Teenagers have become millionaires. People have made 100x their investment trading shit coins. The list goes on.

We now have opportunities to make bank and secure our future that never existed before.

With this, money and valuable digital assets are now flowing through so many different and new mediums.

This lends an opportunity to scammers to steal funds from the vulnerable and uneducated through a process known as social engineering

Social engineering is a manipulation technique that exploits human error to gain private information or valuable assets

Read 19 tweets
Tuesday 11 October 2022. Day 230 of this brutal, senseless and illegal war.

#Russia has no tactic, and no defence, except terrorism. #Ukraine's spirit is indomitable.
All the news here in one🧵

Yesterday's stories in this link⬇️
The Head of Britain's spy base, GCHQ will today say #Russia is running out of weapons and #Ukraine is "turning the tide".

Sir Jeremy Fleming's speech in London will accuse Putin of flawed decision making. “The use of prisoners..and mobilisation, speaks of a desperate situation."
After launching almost 100 missiles and drones on #Ukraine on Monday, there's been an almost country-wide air raid warning already in the early hours of Tuesday.

It comes hours after a phone call in which Joe Biden promised to give Pres Zelenskyy air defence equipment.
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#RealMadrid 2021/22 accounts cover a season when they won La Liga, the Champions League and the Supercopa de Espana . Their finances benefited from the effects of COVID “gradually subsiding” and the consequent return of fans to the stadium. Some thoughts in the following thread.
#RealMadrid pre-tax profit improved from €1.7m to €20.2m (€12.9m after tax), as revenue rose €69m (10%) from €653m to €722m, though profit from player sales fell €44m to €62m and operating expenses shot up €323m (43%). Boosted by €316m capital gain from Sixth Street.
#RealMadrid have sold 30% of some new revenue from the Santiago Bernabéu stadium for 20 years to Sixth Street/Legends in exchange for €360m. Sixth Street are an investment firm, while Legends specialise in the management of stadiums and organisation of events.
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Thread per chi fosse interessato:
I problemi di queste settimane che costituiscono un filo diretto con la stagione precedente, come se il campionato 2021-22 non si fosse mai interrotto hanno
radici molto profonde e partono da anni addietro quando ancora la Juve vinceva campionati e raggiungeva la finale in #UCL
Nascono quando ancora Marotta occupava un ruolo rilevante nella società torinese, proviamo quindi ad elencarli qui:
- il centrocampo 2015 gradualmente
dissolto è mai adeguatamente ricostruito: #Pjanic, #Khedira, #Matuidi o #Marchisio in prima battuta in sostituzione di -#Pirlo hanno garantito continuità di vittoria ma non di rendimento, non sono mai stati giocatori da possesso (Pjanic escluso) e no l’un hanno mai avuto il ritmo
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El #Betis busca mantener el 𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨 ante #Osasuna

📈 Los rojillos llegan lanzados, con 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐬 y con grandes sensaciones.

🧑‍💻 Echamos un vistazo a lo que nos dice el #BigData sobre el conjunto dirigido por #Arrasate

𝐇𝐢𝐥𝐨 #BetisOsasuna 🧵
⚽️ En cuanto a los goles esperados a favor ('𝐱𝐆') y en contra ('𝐱𝐆𝐀'):

👀 Observamos que #Osasuna es 𝟒.º en #xG generados (𝟑.𝟗𝟎), habiendo conseguido 𝟒 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬.

🔍 Por otra parte, ha encajado tan solo 𝟏 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨, sin embargo, le han generado 𝟐.𝟏𝟎.
📊 En la misma gráfica vemos los magníficos parámetros del #Betis:

🥈 𝐒𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐨 que más #xG genera (𝟓.𝟐𝟎), solo por detrás de #RealMadrid.

🥈 𝐒𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐨 al que menos #xGA le producen (𝟏.𝟓𝟎), solo por detrás del #athleticbilbao
Read 14 tweets

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