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May 21st 2023
Hello, Connections! Welcome back to my weekly column #ATHCOriginal #AskATHC. Today, I want to discuss a rather controversial topic—#Women.

#UnitedShowbiz #Gender #eqyality #Education #womenempowerment #TedTalk #Inspiration #Movies
Last week, I discussed #ContentWriting, but today's topic is different. Before going further, I want to declare outright that I am not a feminist or atheist. I am just a pragmatic, who sees a glass & water as two distinct things rather than seeing it half-empty or half full.
World has moved forward. Girls have gone to space! But culture, religion, ethics, & social evils continue to haunt girls worldwide. I don't want to talk about India, you've plenty of cases where women face atrocities almost every single day here. #RuralIndia #WomenLifeFreedom
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Jan 21st 2023
Dear Kenyans. 876,416 kids took the #KCSE2022. Only 173,345 of them attained the passing grade of C+ and above. Do we realize that this is a 19.8% pass rate? Do we further realize that the KCSE is actually a basic exam testing the most basic of concepts a child... 1/n
should understand in order to be a productive member of our society? Do we realize that the pass rate has not been higher than 30% in decades? Do we see that this means that we have been undereducating 70-80% of our population for decades? 2/n
Do we see the problem here or understand that our pass rate should be 60+% because the only real resource we have in this country is people and every person who is not adequately equipped to understand the working of life or innovate is a person we have probably...3/n
Read 23 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
Oula, @fabienolicard a publié une vidéo pour ses 2M de followers intitulée “Fortnite a détruit (volontairement) nos cerveaux” (!) où il me met en cause et dit des choses erronées. Je vais donc répondre pt par pt ici, puisqu’il ne m’a jamais contactée 🧵
Désolée, ma réponse va être longue et coupée en 4 (!!) fils séparés car il y a beaucoup de choses à debunker, et encore je n'ai pas le temps de réagir à tout ce qu'il dit. Je mets le tldr dans un nouveau tweet séparé des fils pour celles et ceux qui le souhaitent.
Fil 1/4: Commençons par le titre outrancier. Non, Fortnite ne détruit pas les cerveaux (ni aucun jeu d'ailleurs). Les JVs sont avant tout une forme d'art créée par des gens passionnés. J’ai écrit ce livre afin de faire le point sur l’état de la recherche :…
Read 25 tweets
Jul 5th 2022

7) It's hard to know what a firm/org is "like" just by visiting their website or reading their marketing materials. Try reaching out to a current summer or articling student to get the scoop on the job. Or read their lawyers' tweets ;)
#torontorecruit #lawstudents

8) The process is mostly about #s and mindgames, unfortunately. Don't do things just because others are doing them. Don't forget why you went to law school. Don't base your happiness and self-worth on what strangers think of your stats.
#torontorecruit #lawstudents

An anecdote to show how arbitrary/archaic OCIs can be: One of my interviews consisted 100% of pro sports talk. It was so novel that I was conversant in an area that normally attracts *ahem* other demographics. Zero mention of my quals, but I made it to the next round. LOL.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
Speaking to a trainee doctor a few weeks ago who is scarily like me when I was a trainee - we both discussed having been labelled #aggressive at various points as men in the same scenario have been labelled #assertive
I looked up what they mean; aggressive according to the Cambridge English Dictionary is “behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person” & the more positive “assertive” is someone who “behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe”.
So why is that women are more likely to be called aggressive rather than assertive ?

Probably as Women are expected to be warmer and more nurturing but they are also expected to demonstrate competence and be tough when they need to, without compromising
Read 13 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
Finding your purpose is simple but not easy

With 7 career changes and getting laid off 3 times…

I felt like I failed at everything 😔

Last year it seemed

I STILL didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up

My wake up call came from a series of events

Getting laid off from a cool job on the innovation team at a bank was hard, but the last layoff stung the most.

I shattered my target

They still let me go

Despite what grandma says.

There’s no security in being employed

My dad passed away last year.

He had been counting down the days to retirement since his 30s.

He passed away with a year to go.

I questioned:

What am I doing?

What is the point of anything?

Read 13 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
Below is a long-ish thread🧵for some context to this amazing meme from @DrArialShogren and @thats_me_del_p.

TL;DR -- Our words matter. They shape and bias our understanding of the systems we study.

First -- I'm blessed to have great colleagues @UaDeptBSC who put up with my shenanigans.

This conversation started with me giving @thats_me_del_p a hard time about a small grant proposal. The title mentioned "drivers of intermittence."

[2/n] Image
I'm not a big fan of umbrella terms like #sustainability, #connectivity, and now #intermittence.

In #interdisciplinary teams, negotiating a common language is difficult. I actually think its often MORE difficult when we share common terms with slightly diverging definitions
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Jul 11th 2021
How do I get @shibainuart and other $SHIB and #Twitter influencers to spread the word among the #SHIBARMY to donate their coins to charities that accept ERC-20 donations? 1/Thread with links... unroll to see all the donation options for various #charities
One I found for the army to donate to is here, @ALLFEDALLIANCE - they will take your #crypto donations. It looks like a great charity too. Maybe they can #WOOFWOOF for $BONE to feed the world.…
Then there is always one my favorites, for my entire life I've loved @SavetheChildren - I donate to them monthly in #Fiat but they also take crypto donations. #SHIBARMY send them a donation so they could also woof for BONE and help children everywhere.…
Read 21 tweets
May 17th 2021
Personal computing was conceived to be personal. Personal, as in experiencing computation the way it fits you. Your context should come first and dictate what is interesting. The experience should follow.

For example, consider where you are reading this tweet. Or where you are writing a reply to it. It's not unlikely that you are doing it exactly in the same way many other millions of people are doing it: using the generic interface that Twitter offers.

Of course, this is convenient. At the same time, it might not match your actual needs. For example, say you like writing longer threads. Longer threads imply more consideration and possibly longer time to write. And, you may want to handle multiple drafts in parallel.

Read 30 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
1) I have a rant about today's many negative @oneplus #OnePlusWatch reviews...
But first, read my own review on @HotHardware -- I gave it a 4/5. My analysis goes beyond the narrow, US-centric view of what a smartwatch should be!…
(cont'd) Image
2) 1st, I was @Pebble's chief evangelist and head of communications during the company's heyday -- I know a thing or two about smartwatches :)
2nd, The #OnePlusWatch is far from perfect. The hardware is excellent, but the software needs improvement -- it's unfinished. (cont'd)
3) It's bad enough that we pretty much have a smartphone duopoly is the US -- @Apple and @SamsungMobile -- when Chinese phone manufacturers like @Xiaomi and @Huawei are the ones really innovating and pushing the envelope. We don't need the same thing with smartwatches. (cont'd)
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Feb 4th 2021
This is going to sound HARSH...

But I'm saying this because I want our profession to be better...

Are you ready?


Don't think so?

Come @ me bro...

(A Thread) 🧵
With @APTAcsm in full swing, I've seen a fair share of screenshots of poster presentations...

And many look like this 👇 word salad 🥗

Which is enough to make your 👀 go blurry🤪 🧵
Keep in mind... I'm not knocking your WORK.

I'm pointing out likely the last thing you paid attention to...

or likely DIDN'T pay attention to.


Yeah... I'm a big deal.

Don't you know who I AM?! 🧵
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Jul 21st 2020
I follow a lot of return to class/campus debate across the US & beyond, at all levels, PreK-PhD let’s say.

Summary: humanity wants to go back to the #beforetimes, we long for it.

Everyone WANTS to be back, everyone also wants to be as SAFE as possible.
Plan makers, both the wizards behind the curtains and most importantly individuals, need to figure out how to walk that tightrope. How to have a plan with flexibility that maintains the inherent rights of parent, student, faculty, etc.

And how to implement by building consensus.
The absolute best plan in the world can fail if individuals don’t also take ownership & embrace it.

And the absolute worst plan can still be successful if individuals are (1) given transparent information, (2) remain free to choose with minimal constraints.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
If your message as a religious leader cannot be interrupted by an #autistic child...

To the point of asking that family not to return to worship...

Maybe you should change your message.
I’ve heard from too many parents this week who say they aren’t welcome in their place of worship anymore because the leader isn’t “able” to accommodate them.

How defeating is that? How isolating?
How can we expect our schools to accept, accommodate, and include our #autistic children when our houses of worship don’t?

Religious leaders influence the values of our society as a whole. Some of them are setting a very low bar.

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Mar 14th 2020
By Modupe Ogunyemi
"I’m not an economist but I like kudi, so I pay close attention to economic trends. And as someone who has consistently urged young Nigerians to relocate in recent years, I feel compelled to give this small advice right now. Please grab a seat ☺
I moved to England in the wake of the 2007/ 08 economic recession. It was brutal. My #SurreyFam Tobe Obi can tell you how we hustled for every and any job. We applied for cleaning jobs sef and were rejected for lack of experience. Imagine, cleaning job o!
So yeah, I know firsthand what it’s like moving to a new country in an economic downturn. Those of you who are planning to move to Canada or the US this year, pay attention!
Read 16 tweets
Feb 11th 2020
Kevin was my PhD supervisor, he is now my friend. He has worked for years on solar disinfection, bringing a low cost water disinfection technology to communities in developing countries.
I recently told Kevin that I admired him for was his ability to coordinate large groups of researchers and have no ego in doing it. That he doesn’t have to be the smartest.
He replied ‘if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.’ #science
If you are interested here is @KGMcGuigan #tedtalk about SODIS, he is also a very funny man and wonderful science communicator.
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Jan 12th 2020
Somebody with baby fever needs to read this:
1. Pregnancy requires monthly doctor's visits. More as time progresses.
2. Pregnancy requires a proper diet. Proper diet = more money.
3. Birthing a child takes $300k to $1mil...unless you're going to a public hospital 🙄
4. Prepare to buy 100+ diapers/month, for about 2 years. Then pull ups for a couple more years.
5. Prepare to buy a couple hundred baby wipes/month, for a couple years.
6. I hope breastfeeding is what y'all aim for with your kids, but prepare to still buy formula, up to 5 years
7. Prepare to spend on fairly frequent postnatal paediatrician visits. Unless you're planning to go to free clinics 🙄
8. Prepare to spend about $70k/month on a nanny, unless you're planning to take them to day care.
9. Prepare to be buying new clothes, every couple months
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Nov 23rd 2019
Okay, before I got to bed, I am going to throw out some words garnered from the book I am reading at the moment... and no not Hugh Johnson's Pocket Book of Wine 2019. The one that is about making #money via a #sidehustle by @chrisguillebeau
1. Everyone should have a #sidehustle. It is a way to make some extra money and can be useful as insurance in case you lose that ever important day job. Your side hustle doesn't have to be a main gig and should be started with a specific goal in mind.
For instance, perhaps you have a vacation coming up and you want to make some extra money to pay for it. Maybe you want to pay off those #studentloans and you can use a side hustle to do it. or maybe you are bored out of your mind and want something to occupy your time.
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Nov 8th 2019
A last-day-of-pediatrics-clerkship thread.

#BuckleUp #MedTwitter #MedStudenTtwitter #Pediatrics

When my sister was 3 years old, my mom brought her to her general pediatrician for a regular well check.
She was a healthy appearing, curious and impassioned 3 year old. I wasn’t there but I imagine her pediatrician had to use the kind of magic only pediatricians have to get her to sit still for the visit.
I imagine that maybe he and my mom chatted casually about life’s happenings as he proceeded with the physical exam. I imagine that the exam was made challenging by my sister who was probably squirreling around, excited about the lollipop or sticker that awaited.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 18th 2019
You use antibiotics for contraception
You use it for abortion
You use it to ‘prevent and treat ‘toilet infeshion’
You use it for Pain and purging
You use it for YOUR Malaria and ‘tyfod’
You even use it to dry up your menses!

Shey, Cos you’re a walking bacteria abi?🤷🏽‍♀️🤨
Antibiotics are medicines which kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms esp bacteria.

They are to be prescribed by a doctor and dispensed by a pharmacist (Not Dr Chemist the drug mixer)

Antibiotics are not indicated in over half the cases we take it for!.
Sperm and the fetus in your womb are not bacteria. Stop abusing and wasting your time with ampiclox

Infeshion: Which one do you know you’re treating? You will treat virus with antibacterial abi?
Pain: Antibiotic is not an analgesic
Menses: 🙄
Antibiotic resistance is real!!!!
Read 5 tweets
Oct 10th 2018
1/ Tweetstorm a comin' cuz @IvyBGrey really likes it when I "have a conversation with an article." First of all, super 💯 helpful and useful breakdown of varying #innovation approaches, so everyone trying to do all the innovation things, please read the article, like now thanks.
2/ Is "incremental" a dirty word? No. But to most people it #feels less exciting & flashy than "#disruptive." Yes, I said #feels. Bc most ppl probably will not read Ivy's excellent article or this tweetstorm bc they're not on Twitter. To them all this sounds/#feels like jargon.
2 / Exhibit A / From @DCaseyF who is now 5.7% as famous as @RealCarrotTop, who is in turn is now only 0.8% as Twitter famous as @EmrgencyKittens:…
Read 13 tweets

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