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Feb 25th 2023
[1/12] To understand what else is needed to create a financial future based on #blockchain technology, just consider what the #Interledger #Protocol was NOT designed to do. 😉

[A #Thread 🧵] Source:
[2/12] 🤔 What problem does #ILP genuinely address?

Just like the #internet will never agree on a single #protocol to fix everything, the world will never agree on a single #blockchain or ledger [#DLT].

What must be resolved is:
🔹 Addressing
🔹 Fragmentation The Interledger
[3/12] ❗️ To make it easy and #ELI5-friendly here is everything in one picture:

When Alice wants to send money to @bob_way, #ILP will perform all the heavy lifting so she doesn't have to worry about #wallet addresses (#PubKeys) and the like. Source:
Read 14 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
#Banks: Central Bank #DigitalCurrency, #blockchain, #RBI, National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development, 100% of post offices will be connected to the core banking system

#Telecom: Rollout of 5G, Production Linked Incentive Scheme, Optical Fibre in villages
#Health: National #DigitalHealth Ecosystem Platform and National Tele #MentalHealth Programme

#Education: 'One class-one TV channel' Programme, #DigitalUniversity, 750 virtual labs, Foreign institutions in #GIFTCity
Read 7 tweets
May 9th 2021
So here we are again.

A #THREAD on some lessons for @Keir_Starmer & @UKLabour from when John Smith became Labour leader back in 1992, after another humiliating defeat.

How does Labour become electable again?
When John Smith became leader of the Labour Party in July 1992 he introduced the ‘one member one vote’ system for electing the Party leader but otherwise wanted to minimise conflict within the Labour Party, which was still smarting from the general election defeat under Kinnock.
He wanted to heal divisions and focus instead on the unpopularity of the Tory Government.

Blair's henchman John McTernan stated John Smith and Labour were heading for “certain victory” in the 1997 general election.
Read 71 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
@LorenaSGonzalez @LorenaAD80 #UPDATE: #Free #Food Opportunities #SanDiego County:

#School #Summer #Meal Services by School District
#Pandemic-#EBT (#PEBT) - Deadline to APPLY, July 15
Food Resources During Coronavirus Crisis
School Summer Meal Services Listed by School District:
#ChulaVista #Elementary #School District -

#Meal #distribution will continue through #summer. #Drivethru meal distribution of #breakfast and #lunch takes place daily at the sites below, beginning at 10 a.m. and ending when all #bags are distributed.
#Bags will be placed into #automobile trunks; they will NOT be handed through #vehicle #windows unless absolutely necessary. #Meals are intended for our neediest #children between the ages of 1 to 18 years, & #students should be present when receiving meals.
Read 23 tweets

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