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Nov 29th 2020
Week 22: Day 1 - Getting ready for #DeadliftDecember: the idea is to do this lift every single day. Then I can be one of the cool kids. 💪😎

#YangGangFitness To see today’s workout and my cat visit me on Strava 🐈…
Week 22: Day 2 - My biceps better be sore tomorrow. I did so many curls. I kinda recall doing other lifts, but it’s a blur. #YangGangFitness
Week 22: Day 3 - My biceps feel fine 😭 but upon investigation, it doesn’t matter if they’re sore.

“Soreness from a workout is NOT always a sign of a good workout.”…

Moving on. This is today! #YangGangFitness
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Nov 23rd 2020
Week 21: Day 2 - Back home in my garage doing a lot of bicep work with blood flow restriction bands (BFR), but my favorite part is the ball slams with this 40lbs one. Had to gif it.

#YangGangFitness connect on Strava to see my workout.…
Week 21: Day 3 - I did more than trot around my neighborhood yesterday. I did a lazy workout involving everyone’s favorite lift: the #deadlift. Details can be seen in Strava.…
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Nov 15th 2020
Week 20: Day 1 - Yo #YangGangFitness #NikeRunClub! I ran a half marathon today and now I’m ready to relax after a cold shower. Let’s make it a strong week with much sweating and smiling. #StayHealthy 😊 Image
Week 20: Day 3 - Seems like I work my biceps more than anything else and they hardly grow. Not a huge deal. I’m getting stronger, just find it odd. #YangGangFitness 💪 Image
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Nov 8th 2020
Week 19: Day 1 - Ten mile run in the countryside. Weather was perfect. #YangGangFitness 🏃 ImageImageImage
Week 19: Day 2 - Back, Shoulders, and Biceps followed by some leg stretches. Good reminder from @YangGangFitness will help me recover more quickly from yesterday’s run. #YangGangFitness Image
Week 19: Day 3 - Ran 4 miles. Woulda gone further, but knee was bugging me.

Did some shoulders, biceps, and chest. Bench press felt great. 💪

Time to ice that knee, baby. Image
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Nov 1st 2020
Week 18: Day 0 - November has come. Before you workout, go #VoteBlueToEndTheNightmare unless you already have. Thank you. #YangGangFitness ImageImage
Week 18: Day 1 - My furthest run ever. Focused on being efficient and reaching a half marathon. Burned over 2k calories and lost a couple pounds 😳. Afterward did a biceps and back workout. 💪 #YangGangFitness #nikerunclub 🏃 ImageImage
Week 18: Day 2 - Doing some deadlifts and shoulder work. Probably will get in a few miles of running later today. #YangGangFitness ImageImage
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Oct 26th 2020
Week 17: Day 1 - A new week has begun! Kicking it off with a run followed by a light workout included +500 KB swings. Noticed a lovely sunrise by the river. Enjoy your week and get outside #YangGangFitness ! 🔥 ImageImageImageImage
Week 17: Day 2 - Heavily interrupted workout. Low intensity! But that’s cool. There’s always tomorrow. Looking out the window, it’s so sunny. Must get outside today! #YangGangFitness ☀️ 🍁 ImageImage
Week 17: Day 3 - Now at 9.5k KB swings for Oct. Almost done! @zantorien19 ? If you don’t make it to 10k, you owe us 100 Crab Reaches (as seen below). 🦀 🤪

#YangGangFitness let’s follow each other on #Strava…
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Oct 19th 2020
Week 16: Day 1 - I did the early morning run thing. This was hard. But hey, I can do hard things. #YangGangFitness 🏃 Image
Alright. I begrudgingly did another +500 KB swings as quickly as possible just to get it done. (6.5k #KBS10k) ✅


You may notice your physical goals taking charge of what your mind would rather avoid. Don’t let your goals cause injury, though! A=Achievable! Image
Week 16: Day 2 - I worked out my biceps, shoulders and back. Lower energy today, but that’s okay. Rest of day for recovery. #YangGangFitness Image
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Oct 12th 2020
Week 15: Day 1 - Hey #YangGangFitness! How are your workouts going?

I felt strong on my +500 KB swings. Now at 3k for Oct, on my way to 10k. Deadlifts felt good, too.

#Fitness is human, so exercise! ImageImage
Week 15: Day 2 - Slow workout. Aiming for hypertrophy. Included +500 KB swings for #KBS10k. Feeling strong. Gaining a bit of weight, too. Yay! #YangGangFitness 💪 ImageImage
Week 15: Day 3 - Smashing goals today! #10miles of #determination — new distance record for 2020! I also did my +500 kettlebell swings in under 25 min. #FeelingGood #YangGangFitness #NikeRunClub
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Oct 5th 2020
Week 14: Day 1 - My #YangGangFitness voyage continues on a sunny Monday in Springfield. 🌞

I did one workout, then decided to add on +500 kettlebell swings to keep up with the October #KBS10k challenge.

Motivational tweet that helped keep me moving -> ImageImageImage
Week 14: Day 2 - Long workout. Took it slow, kept it strong. No KB swings today. Going to meditate then eat a big sandwich 🥪 #YangGangFitness ImageImage
Week 14: Day 3 - Did +500 KB swings for #KBS10k October challenge. Followed it up with some chest and arm exercises.

Never too late to get fit! -> ImageImageImage
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Sep 28th 2020
Week 13: Day 1 - Went for a run in the morning fog before my workout. Make it a happy Monday, y’all! #YangGangFitness ImageImageImage
Week 13: Day 2 - Foam rolling followed by shoulder and back workout. Ended it all with 250 KB swings and lotta jump roping to break a sweat.

Focusing on building bigger shoulders this Sept has paid off. My wife says they’re wider! 💪#YangGangFitness ImageImageImage
Week 13: Day 3 - Arms and chest. Feeling stronger today. What used to feel heavy feels lighter. Progress. #YangGangFitness ImageImage
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Sep 21st 2020
Week 12: Day 1 - Did some speedy run intervals this morning before my workout. Helluva warmup. #YangGangFitness 🔥 ImageImage
Week 12: Day 2 - #YangGangFitness time! Focused on arms and shoulders. I’ll get in a run later today. ImageImage
Week 12: Day 3 - Fairly low energy (bad sleep) so kept it easy. #YangGangFitness ImageImage
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Sep 14th 2020
Week 11: Day 1 - Single leg hip thrusters and a whole lot more: Triceps, Chest, Shoulders, Back, Hamstrings, Abs, and Calves… #YangGangFitness #MotivationalMonday
Week 11: Day 2 - Mostly focused on chest. First day guzzling my intraworkout EAA w/ carb + electrolyte mix. Would keep going, but the day is calling. ttyl #YangGangFitness ImageImage
Week 11: Day 3 - Shoulders are my big focus in September. Question is, should I get them waxed? #YangGangFitness 🔥 ImageImage
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Sep 8th 2020
Week 10: Day 1 - Back from camping by the lake. 🏕 Got in a lot of hiking and swimming. Now at home, worked my arms and back. #YangGangFitness 💪 #HappyLaborDay2020… Image
Week 10: Day 2 - Smoke covered skies in Springfield. No runs today, but indoor workout and rebounding. #YangGangFitness ImageImage
Week 10: Day 3 - Still ashes in the air. Shorter workout focused on shoulders and bicep curls using blood flow restriction. Followed up with an indoor ‘mile’ of rebounding. #YangGangFitness ImageImageImageImage
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Aug 31st 2020
Week 9: Day 1 - Lengthy low intensity workout. Did the lunges challenge - 222 per leg. #YangGangFitness 🔥 Keep going! Move it move it move! ImageImage
Week 9: Day 2 - September begins. Aiming to improve shoulder strength and size. Any tips? #YangGangFitness 🔥 ImageImage
Week 9: Day 3 - Included those farmer walks and dumbbell cleans, @BJani19. And I went for a mile run after this workout at 9min pace, @I_AM_SONINE @r_heckendorn. #YangGangFitness ImageImage
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Aug 24th 2020
Week 8: Day 1 - Happy Monday #YangGangFitness freaks!

Mostly upper body (chest, biceps, back) and included kettlebell swings as usual (+500).

I did 2min for the Wall Sit Challenge. ImageImageImage
Week 8: Day 2 - I tried some Hindu Pushups. Felt great! I keep adding on more KB swings to reach my 10k goal for August. +500 Almost there!

🔥 #YangGangFitness 🔥 ImageImageImage
Week 8: Day 3 - Mostly legs, but had to throw in some bicep curls. Added +250 KB swings for total 8,750 for the month. Almost to 10k! #YangGangFitness ImageImage
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Aug 17th 2020
Week 7: Day 1 - Back at it! Another +500 kettlebell swings for a total of 5k for August. On schedule for 10k. #YangGangFitness Make it a great week! 👍 ImageImage
Week 7: Day 2 - Feeling #Yangry after watching Andrew on CNN, I did extra KB swings, +750 for total of 5,750. Great workout for #YangGangFitness. Keep pushing yourselves! 🔥 ImageImage
Week 7: Day 3 - Less energy today, but still progressing. I did +500 kettlebell swings for a total of 6,250. In other news, I’m losing weight! Not my intention. Oh well. I feel great! #YangGangFitness 🔥 ImageImage
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Aug 9th 2020
Week 6: Day 1 - Now up to 2.5k KB swings for the month. On my way to 10k! I love how the kettlebell swings keep my heart rate up during my workouts. #YangGangFitness Enjoy your Sunday! ImageImage
Week 6: Day 2 - Fasted workout (17hr). #YangGangFitness Keep at it, gang! 🔥 ImageImage
Week 6: Day 3 - Tired workout. I got in another +200 KB swings. #YangGangFitness More on Strava.… Tomorrow will be better!
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Aug 3rd 2020
Week 5: Day 1 - Fairly laid back workout. I did the leg lifts for today’s #YangGangFitness challenge. ImageImage
Week 5: Day 2 - Kettlebell Swing Challenge continues. Another +500. #YangGangFitness never gives up. GIF is Glute-building exercises and Arnold presses.… 🐉
Week 5: Day 3 - Easy workout. Will pick up the kettlebell for swing challenge again tomorrow. Feeling good. #YangGangFitness, have a happy & healthy day! 🔥… Image
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Jul 27th 2020
Week 4: Day 1 - Back from🏕 the woods. Happy to see #YangGangFitness 🔥 still burning! ImageImage
I did 60 squats for today’s challenge. Didn’t take me very long. 😉
Week 4: Day 2 - Nice workout this morning. Time to cool down on the rebounder (in front of A/C). #YangGangFitness

Follow my workouts on Strava.…
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Jul 20th 2020
Week 3: Day 1 - Persist. Let’s go #YangGangFitness! 🔥Keep the fire burning! 🔥 Image
Week 3: Day 2 - Back and Biceps (will do abs later). #YangGangFitness

if you’d like to check out @FitbodApp , here’s a free 3 day pass. ImageImageImageImage
Week 3: Day 3 - It’s a beautiful day for deadlifts! But first, pet the cat. #YangGangFitness ImageImage
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Jul 13th 2020
#YangGangFitness Week 2: Day 1 - Do you even hip thrust? ImageImage
Hey @YangGangFitness, Are hip thrusts to silly for a challenge?
Week 2: Day 2 - Shoulders and Quads, mostly. #YangGangFitness 💪🔥 ImageImage
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