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Feb 6th 2023
At the beginning of February 2022, #Biden warned that "if #Russia invades #Ukraine with tanks and troops, then there will be no more #NordStream2"
#ItsDone #NordStream: Fourth leak found as Russia and West trade blame over alleged sabotage of gas pipeline | Sep 29
- #EU and #US have stopped to directly accusing Russia, a #Kremlin official was rebuked after hinting that #Washington was #responsible.
Read 42 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
#Bojo Recounts #Putin #Missile Attack Threat | -2h
- "He sort of threatened me at one point and said, 'Boris, I don't want to hurt you, but with a missile, it would only take a #minute,' or something like that," Johnson quoted Putin as saying…
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak
The world has suffered for decades from the #AngloSaxon #AgathaChristie psychopath poisoning operations.
- That is why it is good for everyone that the #satanic forces are vaporized, asap.… ImageImage
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak #PortonDown #Salisbury #Skripals #Syria #Douma #OPCW #Novichok #Navalny
1. #Novichok was used and produced in the #US since 2008. #Patent US 9,132,135 b2 | Sep 17, 2020.
2. #PortonDown: #Salisbury nerve agent 'attack' reveals $70M #Pentagon program
Read 26 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
Unbelievable - #shortage of #oil makes #NATO #warcriminals trying to steal #Syrian oil again.
- The same #CasusBelli that was found to be #false already 4 yrs ago in The #Hague: Articles: 104
#Douma chemical attack that killed 43 in Syria | 27 Jan 2023…
#MSM repeats the same lie: '#DOUMA #CHEMICAL ATTACK 2018.'
Today: "Syrian Military Dropped #Chlorine Gas In Deadly 2018 Attack."
Start: Jan 27, 2023
Last update: Jan 27, 2023
Articles: 107 in 5 hours, 9 pages.…
#Chlorine #Douma #Syria #FalseFlag | 24.04.2018
If it doesn't fit the narrative, there's no harm in shelving it.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 7th 2022
#BoJo resigned.
- Siinä meni #Mediapooli'n hehkuttama #NATO -#turvatakuu'tus-vakuutus.
- Jäljellä on vain [H]'n kohdalla #FalseFlag -arkistossa kellastuva paperi, #Harakanpelätti `ala #AngloSaxons.
The Wrath oh the #SesameStreet 10.
- Kirk : 'I changed the conditions of the test; got a commendation for original thinking. I don't like to lose'
- Saavik : 'Then you never faced that situation... faced death.'
Read 5 tweets
Jun 22nd 2022
#Solstice #Sunrise at the Barrow - a meditation on time, what litte, we know of #AngloSaxon "#Litha", and on what #livinghistory #history and #archaeology is truly "for". 🧵 Image
Very early yesterday morning members Æd and AlexP travelled to @SoultonHall @SacredStonesLtd Soulton Long Barrow to experience a unique moment in the solar calendar which, though concerned with the reckoning of time, is essentially universal and #timeless. 1/32
The Midsummer Solstice has always been a significant moment in the year, across many cultures, as far back as deep #prehistory. In Britain our landscape is dotted with #stoneage #neolithic and #bronzeage #prehistoric monuments which bear witness to this. 2/32 Image
Read 32 tweets

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