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I honestly don't understand the "solution" to the #NorthernIreland issue which was caused by the #BrexitDisaster that #RishiSunak seems so excited about.

A short 🧵. Maybe someone can enlighten me.

Apparently the solution is something called the #NorthernIrelandProtocol

Apparently, according to this protocol, there will be a "border at sea." Goods coming from England to Northern Ireland will be marked as those terminating in Northern Ireland or those going on to Ireland (EU checks.)

I don't understand how this will solve the problem. (2/8)
The whole point of the UK coming out of the EU was the implication that the UK will not benefit from the European market rules. That means, for example that French cheese is cheaper for European countries than it is for England.

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🚨🇺🇦🇬🇧 Il presidente ucraino Volodymyr #Zelensky è atteso oggi a Londra.
#Zelensky visiterà le truppe ucraine attualmente addestrate in Gran Bretagna e parlerà alla Camera dei Comuni.

Seguirò in diretta questa visita incredibilmente significativa. La Storia si compie sotto i nostri occhi.
Piccolo commento: della visita di #Zelensky nel Regno Unito abbiamo appreso questa mattina, nel giorno stesso del suo arrivo a Londra. Di quella all'Europarlamento si specula da giorni.

Sembrano piccolezze, ma anche da questi dettagli, purtroppo, si capisce la differenza che
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#Bojo Recounts #Putin #Missile Attack Threat | -2h
- "He sort of threatened me at one point and said, 'Boris, I don't want to hurt you, but with a missile, it would only take a #minute,' or something like that," Johnson quoted Putin as saying…
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak
The world has suffered for decades from the #AngloSaxon #AgathaChristie psychopath poisoning operations.
- That is why it is good for everyone that the #satanic forces are vaporized, asap.… ImageImage
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak #PortonDown #Salisbury #Skripals #Syria #Douma #OPCW #Novichok #Navalny
1. #Novichok was used and produced in the #US since 2008. #Patent US 9,132,135 b2 | Sep 17, 2020.
2. #PortonDown: #Salisbury nerve agent 'attack' reveals $70M #Pentagon program
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#BoJo branded '#provenliar' as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street parties -2 hrs ago
- #ScotlandYard statement confirming twenty fixed penalty notices will be issued for breaches of Covid-19 rules following lockdown-busting parties in #SesameStreet
#SesameStreet's Awards, The Worst Actor Winner.
The #UK health secretary, #Hancock #CrocodileTears | Dec 09, 2020
- “It’s been such a tough year for so many people and there’s William #Shakespeare putting it simply for everybody...
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#BoJo resigned.
- Siinä meni #Mediapooli'n hehkuttama #NATO -#turvatakuu'tus-vakuutus.
- Jäljellä on vain [H]'n kohdalla #FalseFlag -arkistossa kellastuva paperi, #Harakanpelätti `ala #AngloSaxons.
The Wrath oh the #SesameStreet 10.
- Kirk : 'I changed the conditions of the test; got a commendation for original thinking. I don't like to lose'
- Saavik : 'Then you never faced that situation... faced death.'
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Non sarà #Borisback, con sommo dispiacere dei cronisti politici, alla disperata ricerca di personaggi - caratteri - da raccontare. Precipitarsi a Londra dai Caraibi non è bastato. Rovinare la vacanza alla moglie Carrie - chissà come l'avrà presa, i vicini di casa ricordano
nitidamente le sue urla, qualche anno fa, nell'atto di dare al povero #BoJo del viziato per un po' di vino versato sul divano (e che sarà mai!), e subito dopo il "crash" del suo portatile scaraventato chissà dove (non solo gossip, c'è dell'epica).
Boris si fa da parte
dalla corsa per la leadership dei Conservatori (e dunque del governo del Regno Unito).
Per ora, per l'unità del partito, per il bene del Paese. Sì, ma chi lo conosce assicura che il motivo è un altro: "Johnson si ritira da una corsa solo se è certo di non poterla vincere",
Read 15 tweets
#Truss quits after turmoil obliterated her authority | 1h ago
- Making a hastily scheduled statement outside #SesameStreet 10 office, Truss acknowledged that “I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party.”…
#SesameStreet Elmo's World:
You've got mail.'
#SesameStreet Elmo's World
Read 11 tweets
Just catching up on #minibudget2022 ramifications: if businesses aren't "on their feet" #KwasiKwarteng might there be a correlation with a 10 year Tory rule? Or do you & @trussliz @BrineMP & @ReesMogg & all your colleagues abrogate your responsibilities? #GeneralElectionNow
#KwasiBudget trickle-down "advocates for a lower tax burden on the upper end of the economic spectrum". Economist John Kenneth Galbraith called it horse & sparrow: "If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows."…
@KwasiKwarteng @trussliz @hmtreasury @BrineMP I accuse you of #malfeasance: intentional conduct that is wrongful or unlawful, especially by officials or public employees. You are gambling with the economy justifying it with a ideology that has been debunked #GeneralElectionNow
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Si conoscerà domani, all'ora di pranzo, il nome del successore di Boris #Johnson alla guida dei #Tories, e di conseguenza alla testa del governo del #RegnoUnito.

Il Guardian parla espressamente di maratona elettorale che "è sembrata durare cinque anni anziché cinque settimane".
Candidati Conservatori desiderosi di rilevare #BoJo al N° 10 di Downing Street? Otto.
O meglio, 8 quelli riusciti a guadagnare il supporto di 20 parlamentari
#Tories, come richiesto dal regolamento interno di queste particolari "primarie".
Al termine delle cinque votazioni che hanno impegnato i soli eletti, sono rimasti in piedi due candidati: Rishi #Sunak e Liz #Truss.
Read 13 tweets
#BorisJohnson colpito e affondato da un'ondata di dimissioni?
O di "tradimenti", per dirla come il suo inner circle, sempre più stretto, per indicare gli oltre 50 esponenti #Tories che hanno lasciato il proprio posto nel governo e nel partito per spingerlo a lasciare il N°10. Image
#BoJo è letteralmente accerchiato. Sopravvissuto in maniera rocambolesca ad un voto di sfiducia del suo partito lo scorso mese, negli ultimi giorni è finito nuovamente nel mirino: colpa dello scandalo sessuale che ha riguardato il deputato conservatore Chris Pincher. Image
#BorisJohnson nominò Pincher vice whip del partito Conservatore alla Camera dei Comuni - un incarico che in italiano potremmo definire come vicecapogruppo - pur essendo informato del fatto che fosse stato accusato di molestie sessuali. Image
Read 18 tweets
This will happen March 25 and is the official start-date of the #GreatReset that #JesuitJoe mentioned earlier this week.

The Jesuits are the "we" that "must lead it."

#ConsecrationofRussia #Fatima #Consecration
2/ Russia stock market reopening will coincide with Pope Francis #GreatReset #Fatima #Consecrstion mystic ritual on March 25.…
3/ Think "Jesuit Order" and "New World Order"
Comments by #JesuitJoe to the MSM earlier this week confirm it. The #Jesuits are the "we" that must lead it. Messages hidden in plain sight: steganography. #GreatReset #Fatima #Consecration #Mar25
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Singer Traci Braxton of 'Braxton Family Values' dies at 50… <--- Pink lipstick. Srsly, how often do women wear that? Uses one eye symbolism. Mentions light, kids. Surprised "heartbreaking" not in it. S'pose they included enough to please the Big Guy.
Another story in which (transgender) sleb is shown wearing pinky-purple lipstick. That is so distinctive, innit? (Also, what do you use to *blow whistle*? Lips, right?) Kid mentioned as well. What are the odds? #symbolism #occultelite Image
At 55, Halle Berry Shows Off Super Toned Legs in Bikini While Skateboarding in New IG Post… <--- We can be thankful she's not 52. Risky age for famous, esp in Australia. In any case, there's heart again in form of Lolita glasses. They look pink too.
Read 79 tweets
I felt terribly sick on Saturday. Sore throat, flu symptoms, heavy head. My rapid test is negative. All my friends have #COVID19. Literally everyone. 349 cases in my kids school last week.Overcrowded and zero #ventilation. Sick teachers & sick kids. @ScholaEuropaea @JHahnEU
On Sunday the Far right of 🇪🇺 comes to Brussels to create appalling chaos. The unspeakable violence...the politicians scape goating others... It's a lawless crowd & they don't hear our prayers. 2/
Belgian 🇧🇪Twitter Pandemic experts fight over CST: vaccine obligations. Yeah, in this first world, this is the drama. My right to not wear a face covering or take a vaccine. Not about the health consequences of the children & vulnerable. 😥 3/
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In post I mentioned #Aerosmith's "Pink". Said it symbolized drug prized by elites. Here band member hints that it refers to something "all rock and roll is about". Lady parts comes to mind. Given rock's Satanic vibe same could be said of the drug tho.
Watermelon Sugar High by Harry Styles is another example. On one level it's obviously all about the ecstasy of mad shagging. But for "those in the know" the allusion is to this pink drug, I reckon. Harry even sings that "he can't do without" it.
Read 95 tweets
Yesterday I didn’t want to know.I have a few more risk factors. Have an excellent medical team and am losing weight, Rx HTN, Type 2 DM,⬆️ Chol well treated. Ozempic helped me lose 40 pounds and A1C now Normal. Costs $2,000 a month. Medicare and retirement coinsurance covers most.
Part of me wants to tell proponents of #SinglePayer Health insurance in the USA 🇺🇸 difference between @NHSuk website and American Capitalism and Benefits of Employment(really a component of salary package). Part of me knows “they” will persist until they need $80,000 a year Meds.
Was searching to see if #BoJo has better healthcare cost coverage than 🇬🇧 citizens do. Here 🇺🇸 Lawmakers who want #MedicareForAll for us little people will still have Cadillac plan, for your country Rolls Royce? What I found was worse.… @guardian get ready.
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This shift to personal responsibility for #COVID is straight out of the (poor) epidemic response playbook. The exact same thing happened during Zika.

Government told people not to get infected thru insecticide/long sleeves, improve vector control and not to get pregnant. 1/
What then happened was that govs were then able to place responsibility onto individuals to avoid having children born with #CZS - The approach was "we've given you all the guidance, if you choose to get pregnant and not protect yourself from infection, that's your decision" 2/
The problem with this was the multiple structural barriers which prevented many people from following this guidance... affordability of insecticide, poor sanitation which meant mosquito proliferation, poor access to contraception 3/
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#Macron n’a pas cru au vaccin. C’est une erreur grave qui va coûter la vie à des dizaines de milliers de Français. Cependant tout le monde peut faire des erreurs.
Mais là vraie erreur de Macron est de s’être entouré de « cons diplômés » qui n’ont eu aucune intuitions depuis le début de la crise de la #Covid19.

#Trump, #Bojo et #Netanyahu, les « populistes droitiers » ont été pour le coup bien plus pertinent.
La lenteur dans la vaccination est un vrai problème politique, économique et social.

La chance que #Macron a, est que pour l’instant, les Français ne semblent pas comprendre le problème et sont focalisés sur le #Confinement.

Pléthore de médecins sont des confineurs.
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@BorisJohnson Mr. Johnson, I can "name a single country which has a (functional) contact tracing App", unquote via @CGTNOfficial's #GlobalWatch = Malaysia: it's called: #MySejahtera!! @KKMPutrajaya
Translation: MyPeace
My Contact Tracing History in Malaysia's #MinistryOfHealth (MOH) data base (by touching the word "History" on the top left of the previous screenshot):-
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High St has been made a time-consuming ordeal of masked inconvenience so people order home deliveries. Ergo Wishy-Washy #RishSunak wants to tax online shopping - i.e., take money out of consumers’ pockets and lower returns to businesses, large & small, struggling to adapt...
Bunter #BoJo wants us on our #bikes to keep us less fat than he and to kick-off the #Green Leap Backward of #NetZero; talks of cutting urban pollution but also frets that no-one wants to leave home, so wiping out the value of near inconceivable amounts of invested capital...
Public transport, too, has become more maskedly unpleasant & is still subject to the fears (needlessly) aroused in the #commuting classes. Bike lanes are promised, furthering disruption & inconvenience. To complete this vicious circle of cross-purpose & agenda-politics idiocy...
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The #GeorgeFloydMurder is the latest in a long history of #racist atrocities visited on Black people & minorities in the US & elsewhere.

If u are in some position of authority, power, privilege & have a public platform you need to speak up and be counted. A v personal #thread
I am brown of Indian origin, but when asked, I always say I don't really know what #racism looks like, I have almost never experienced it, and I am in a position of power and privilege so I don't think its appropriate for me to speak about it. But today, I write about it here ...
I grew up in India, when to the @LSEnews & took a investment banking job at #Lehman. When I flew back to #India, I went to the UK embassy in Delhi to get my work visa. That was my first #racist encounter. He barked at me, said he could turn me down coz "too many of us in the UK"
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1. @itv's @Peston has been holding feet to flames about the UK's lack of #TestingForCovid19 and shares this per capita league table. UK comes last, amongst 20 countries. But he's getting flak themed: "what's the point in testing "mild" cases"?
2. Speaking as a doctor in the @NHS, and with public health training, I can't see any way to exit lockdown without a BIG increase in public health infrastructure. I think community testing is a key part of that. #TestTestTest
3. However, this seems to be a genuine question people are asking. Why #test? E.g. a few times when I've been driving to or from work @NHSGGC, @Nigel_Farage has been arguing he doesn't see the point. Many @LBC callers share his view; they can't see benefit in testing mild cases.
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What to expect for Europe in 2020? As the EU enters a new policy cycle, here’s to a few predictions that I’ve shared with @euronews #THREAD 1/9
The new EU political leadership overpromised by generating outsized expectations that might reveal too difficult to manage:

1. Defend EU interests vs US & China 2. Take the lead on climate change 3. Tackle rebellious EU illiberal democracies 4. Tame big tech 5. Overcome Brexit
1. The #Suleimani assassination is already putting to test the self-proclaimed first EU ‘geopolitical’ Commission, which has lost in few hours the major EU foreign policy legacy of @JunckerEU @FedericaMog : the nuclear deal #JCPOA | the EU will be bystander of #iran situation
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Lessons for India
From the UK's @UKSupremeCourt judgement today in the case of R v Prime Minister (On appeals from: [2019] EWHC 2381 (QB) and [2019] CSIH 49).
In a landmark Judgement today, 11 Justices ruled unanimously that Prime Minister @BorisJohnson had acted unlawfully..
when he advised the Queen to prorogue Parliament for a period of 6 weeks from a date betn 9-12 Sep to 14 Oct 2019.
This is a landmark judgement and the fact that it is unanimous lends further to its weight. It led immediately to calls to @BorisJohnson to 'consider his position'
That phrase is code for "Resign!". Most Constitutional experts agree that under its unwritten Constitution the British Prime Minister wields great power - far more than say the US President. But #BoJo has been stymied ever since he became PM.
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