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A small but extraordinarily petty thing twitter has done.

#BlackLivesMatter and #BlackTransLivesMatter both used to have little icons when the hashtags were used (for quite some time). At some point in the past week, Twitter got rid of the one for BTLM (see: screenshot)
As you can see, I took this screenshot on the day the tweet was posted, so this is a change that Musk & Co. seems to have pushed through the removal of the icon within the last week, following the right-wing call to "eradicate transgenderism."

Unbelievably petty and gross, Elon.
Read 6 tweets
I promise you that what BIPOC zinesters don’t need is white academics making data viz projects of zines by BIPOC.
We can make those ourselves. What we need is increased access to resources & funding & a seat at the table as project leaders, not being your research topic.💯🧵
Also pay attention to the ways that white allies have been tangibly supporting discovery of BIPOC zines for years: @qzap @BarnardZineClub @BarnardCollege @zinecat are just some examples. If your goal is to support BIPOC zine search ability taxonomy, support @zinelib & @zinecat.
Don’t be a yt person in academia contacting @POCZineProject requesting access to our data to use for yr research projects w/out being transparent in the 1st sentence re: budget for compensation & w/out providing BIPOC references w/your inquiry. Respect BIPOC labor & our time.💯
Read 20 tweets
Today, I want to tell you all a story. I tell a lot of stories, but this one is much more important. This story hasn't had the end written yet. And depending on how we act, right now, we could change and save lives.
If you care about Black trans women, please read and RT. 🧵
The fight for trans liberation is often seen as a purely western phenomenon, but this view does a massive disservice to those who are fighting to exist and thrive all over the world. These people matter, and their stories matter.
I want to introduce you to Richard. An illustration of Richard,...
I had the incredible privilege of speaking to Richard personally, and I was absolutely blown away by her courage, her resilience, and her tenacious optimism. She inspires me and humbles me.
She is a trans woman living in rural Uganda and she is a defender of human rights.
Read 32 tweets
I stopped posting vulnerable stuff about my transition because of my stalker but I’m gonna continue now. One thing I experience is bathroom anxiety . And when I really thought through it , it made me sadder for you her trans people . What I’m referring to is that, when I’m not
Dressing high femme and worry about passing, I go into the bathroom of the gender associated with the cis people whose disdain I’m most willing to handle in that moment. Usually I’m less afraid of cis men in the bathroom than cis women because of the type of harm they’ll inflict.
Men will more likely be physical or confused whereas in my experience women, particularly white women will say something crueler or put me in danger by suggesting their own victimization by my mere presence . Yesterday was an odd reversal because I was wearing a romper (ambiguous
Read 6 tweets
Olá. Começa a noite dos Oscars dos videojogos. Por causa do covid, os #TheGameAwards de 2020 são transmitidos exclusivamente online. Começa às 23:15 e podem assistir a em diferentes plataformas.

Nomeados para o melhor videojogo do ano:

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Doom Eternal
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Ghost of Tsushima
The Last of Us Part 2

A noite não é só de prémios. Também teremos algumas novidades sobre os próximos videojogos que sairão no mercado. Aposto que sairá um trailer do novo God of War e data de lançamento, trailer do novo Horizon Zero Dawn com gameplay e outro trailer do próximo Final Fantasy.
Read 48 tweets
Thread: There’s a UK account that claims to represent Gay, Bisexual & Lesbian people. It is, in fact, a Transphobic far right hate group. Many people follow it. I know some are monitoring the hate, but others prob think it’s just another Gay org. Let’s take a look. ImageImageImageImage
Firstly a v short history. The roots of modern gay liberation (many use the term ‘Queer’, but others find it offensive) are in the Stonewall Riots. Although the police were violently attacking Lesbians & Gay men, it was the Trans women present who had had enough & fought back. ImageImageImage
Without Trans women there would have been no riots & the fight for LGBTQI human rights probably would have taken significantly longer, more would have been imprisoned, tortured & murdered. (Marsha P Johnson & Sylvia Rivera)… Image
Read 15 tweets
Several hundred New Yorkers in Times Square right now gathering to rally in response to the shooting of Jacob Blake. Join us.
New Yorkers if you’re out tonight, legal aid number is 212-577-3300.

And will be threading here.
NYC #BlackLivesMatter march is moving south from Times Square on Broadway right now.
Read 18 tweets
Discrimination, harassment, and violence against Black trans, intersex, queer, & gender nonconforming (LGBTQ+) people pervade schools, workplaces, systems of policing, prisons, parole and probation, immigration, health care, and family and juvenile courts and more.
1/8 Black and Yellow Flyer with...
There is a war on Black trans people, and it will take all of us to collectively, consistently, & authentically work to end transphobia.
Anti-Blackness is rooted in ableism, patriarchy, and gender-based violence, yet organizing practices and policy demands often do not center those most marginalized.
Read 8 tweets
CHICAGO: “We Shall Not Be Moved: A Wake, A Vigil, A Celebration.”

Organizers granted me with advanced permission to live tweet. I agreed to hold off on pro photos. Being mindful of my privilege as a cis-man, I want to be highly respectful. This is not MY space.
#ChicagoProtests Image
This is the Beautiful singing of Shantel Cribbs. (IG/shanydrenee)

#BlackTransPower #defundCPD #BlackTransLivesMatter #ChicagoProtests
Read 9 tweets
Black Lives Matter Protest March, starts at Thomas Paine Park, Manhattan, New York City, 8:17 PM, Thursday, July 30, 2020.
This is a multiple tweet thread.
#BlackLivesMatter #NYC #NewYork #BLM #Protest #march #BlackTransLivesMatter #BTLM
Read 15 tweets
This will be my thread highlighting Trans Black people and calls for justice for them.

Despite all (yes, all) of our collective efforts to erase the lives and contributions of Trans Black people…
...they too have often been on the front lines for the struggle for Black lives.
No one understands better how interconnected systems of oppression are when it comes to Black people more than Trans Black people. And this should be stated plainly and without question.
Read 33 tweets
LONG THREAD. my Bassnectar story & how it affected me.please RT & share on other networks b/c despite being a "legend" i dont have a lot followers here or on FB. my ordeal with Lorin is yet another reason why you haven't seen new releases or me at events. #BlackTransLivesMatter
yesterday i learned about the allegations against Bassnectar. my heart breaks for every one of the women (girls at the time) that have been traumatized by what they described (2/25)
reading through their accounts hurt me for two reasons 1) i have my own Bassnectar story not involving these allegation which shows how he little regard he had for one women and her work as well as how hard it was to even get through to him. (3/25)
Read 25 tweets
As a trans non-binary femme using HRT (estradiol) and as a person with two advanced degrees and 20 years of practice in study design, I feel the need to share a few words about this study. (1/n)
First of all, after you look at the link that JK Rowling shared, please go look at the original study, "Occurrence of Acute Cardiovascular Events in Transgender Individuals Receiving Hormone Therapy," here…
The study authors retrospectively compared the rates of acute cardiovascular events between 2517 trans women, 1358 trans men, and "reference" rates among women and men in the general population. And (surprise surprise), they found...
Read 16 tweets
We know many of you are engaging with protests happening all across the country and the world. Read through our safety tips to make sure you are looking after yourselves and each other if you are planning to attend.
Plan how to get there and how you are getting home. If you are going with others, arrange a meet up spot away from the protest point in case you split up. Let a family member or close friend know you're going.
Try to wear plain clothing. Dress for the weather (Do you need a rain mac, sun cream... maybe both?). Wear a face mask/covering.
Read 9 tweets
Happy Canada Day!

Thanks to everyone doing their part to make our country a fairer and more just one, one that lives up to the ideals we celebrate on #CanadaDay.

Thanks first to the countless volunteers who have stepped up during this pandemic to help one another out.
1/3 Image
This #CanadaDay thanks too to all those fighting for the right to housing, defending our environment & working hard to see our institutions free of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism.

#blacklivesmatter #BlackTransLivesMatter #IndigenousLivesMatter
It can be hard to see sometimes, but a better country isn’t only possible – it is necessary and more urgent than ever.

Thank you for everything you’re doing to help get us there.

#CanadaDay2020 #onpoli #onted Image
Read 3 tweets
When I was 13 I was riding the train between Sacramento and SF by myself, like I did every weekend from 12 years old on (divorced parents, it was the 90s, save your judgement Im fine.) I would always sit in the dining car to find someone to talk to. (Thread)
If I rode on Friday nights, all the other divorced kids would be aboard, too, and we had formed a pack - we’d find each other and take over the dining car with homework, sodas, jokes, drawings, stories. It would get rowdy, in a sweet way. (Maybe not to other passengers, dunno)
One time I went on a Saturday morning instead (I think to attend a school dance), and I sat in the dining car doing homework. It was quiet and kind of boring. A woman asked if she could share the table. I said yes, and she was friendly and started chatting.
Read 12 tweets
A family I know had a brick through their window because one of their kids was transgender. They ended up having to move house. There are hypothetical bricks being 'chucked', & then there are the real & metaphorical ones that are thrown at trans people simply for existing.
I hesitated before posting, whether or not this reveals personal data, then realised this could easily apply to several families I know. Trans hate crimes recorded by police rose 81% last year. @stonewalluk estimated 2 in 5 trans people had experienced hate crime last year alone.
You rarely hear of these crimes. Speaking to media can put trans people at greater risk of harm. Sometimes brave kids speak out in the hope the abuse will stop. Like this young girl repeatedly attacked. The 3rd time at school she had her head stamped on.…
Read 19 tweets
Live Now: In celebrating the celebrate its 20th anniversary of the race directive, high-level decision-makers will discuss how equality has evolved in the past 20 years with the participation of @KMTaylorBerlin of ENAR. #Equinet

ENAR chair @KMTaylorBerlin is expected to speak at the high level discussion marking the 20th anniversary of the race directive.
Join the live stream now:

@EURightsAgency @helenadalli @EvinIncir @SilvanAgius @NBrnjac @equineteurope @MichaelCJT
If the #EU Institutions really want to walk the talk, they should recognise & include the movement demanding racial justice & anti-racist activists, said @KMTaylorBerlin

Therefore, we are today releasing a roadmap highlighting approaches & steps to take for the EU. #BLMprotest Many participants underline...
Read 6 tweets
For #BlackHistoryMonth, I wrote about the interconnectedness of Black and Queer histories. I want to reinforce that message, especially during this Pride Month, as we see Black, Queer and Trans people marching nationwide for dignity and justice.…
We follow in the steps of the Black & brown trans folks who led the Stonewall Riots. As stated in my piece, “For some, courage has to be summoned. For others, bravery comes without choice. For the Black queer community, our leadership has so often been tethered to our survival.”
The #QueerLiberationMarch reclaims #Pride & takes to the streets in support of #BlackLivesMatter #OccupyCityHall + #NYCBudgetJustice to invest in communities of color, youth, education, & healthcare programs & services that are integral to making & keeping our communities whole.
Read 5 tweets
1.Hace 50 años miles marcharon en NY bajo el lema:"La nueva fuerza y orgullo de la gente gay” en conmemoración de la revuelta entre clientes y policías en Stonewall.
Hoy la comunidad LGTBQ+ vuelva a salir a las calles para protestar contra la brutalidad policial y el racismo
🧵👇 Image
2. Esta marcha llena de color y ritmo se hace en el marco del movimiento #BlackLivesMatter
En circunstancias normales se hubiese celebrado el medio de siglo de #Pride con un multitudinario desfile, pero la pandemia ha hecho que se cancele el mítico evento. Image
3. Que en este año no participen la carrozas no significa que el evento sea multitudinario.
Me he subido a un andamio para que veáis la cantidad de gente que hay, y eso solo es un pedazo de la larga marcha de Nueva York.
Read 24 tweets
#BlackLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter
I've heard a lot of folks unsure about what to do +I just want to highlight some different ways we can protest, and remind us that activism can often be ableist + focus on a single visible physical event. I think this makes it easy for us to ask if (doubt) we're doing enough.
(I wrote this about pace, rest and movement cycles by #MovementNetLab you might find it a helpful tool with understanding what movements really look like)…
Read 13 tweets
Das ist Sylvia Rivera ~ trans Aktivistin und Veteranin der Stonewall Riots ~ die nur ein paar Jahre nach dem Uprising 1973 bei der Gay Pride Rally in NYC darum streiten muss, überhaupt sprechen zu dürfen. #wiederdonnerstag #queerdo 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Sie spricht über die unbequeme Wahrheit von Obdachlosigkeit, Vergewaltigung und Inhaftierung von trans Personen. 2020 wurden schon an die 20 trans Personen in den USA ermordet. Der Großteil der Opfern sind trans Women of Color. #BlackTransLivesMatter
Eine längere Version des Videos findet ihr hier...
Read 3 tweets
Today’s resources as we #dothework includes 2 recommendations.

1. “Pose” (the television series)
2. “Moonlight” (The Academy Award winning movie)

Bottom line: Stories humanize and counter the ignorant narratives often shaped by society about people. ImageImage
The protagonist, Blanca Evangelista, on Pose is, hands down, one of my sheroes.

As a mom, a sister, a woman, a leader, a protector, a human.

I’m a cis-het woman. I needed to see this. So grateful for this brilliant celebration of black and. brown #translives.

#teamblanca Image
Moonlight was more than just a movie. It was a pivotal moment. Beautiful Black same-gender loving boys . . . and underscoring that we all want the same things—love and support.

The last scene makes my heart stop. The tenderness, the complexity, the unspoken and spoken parts. Image
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CN: #Transfeindlichkeit #Sterilisation

Mich macht traurig und wütend, wie viele in unserer Community zwangssterilisiert wurden und nicht entschädigt werden. Mich macht wütend, dass Sterilisation in Medizin und Justiz bis heute unsere Lebensrealitäten prägt.

Warum? Thread 👇
CN: #Transfeindlichkeit #Sterilisation

Die Weigerung, trans, inter und nichtbinäre Personen in Gespräche um Schwangerschaft einzuschließen, gefährdet deren Gesundheit, weil es ihnen Aufklärung und Forschung verweigert. Aber es macht auch mitschuldig am "Sterilisationsparadigma":
CN: #Transfeindlichkeit #Sterilisation

Mit "Sterilisationsparadigma" meine ich den Teil transfeindlicher Vorstellungen, der seine Wurzeln in der Eugenik des letzten Jahrhunderts hat. Die Forderung, dass trans, nichtbinäre und inter Menschen keinen Zugang zu Reproduktion haben.
Read 19 tweets

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