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November 20 in the #History of #Eritrea.
1. On Nov. 20 1989, #EPLF & the #Ethiopian gov/Derg began peace talks in #Nairobi, #Kenya under the auspices of @CarterCenter & by the invitation of President Arap Moi of Kenya. The peace talks lasted until November 29.
2. At Nairobi Peace talks, they agreed on 3 issues that weren't agreed upon in #Atlanta, cleared the way for substantive negotiations, agreed to invite ex #Tanzanian Pres. Nyerere to be co-host wz Carter during the main talks & the 2 agreed to choose the sec & support staff.
3. The most difficult issue that the Parties discussed & finally agreed was "who would serve as int'l observer" during the main talks. 7 observers, 2 by each Party & 3 by mutual consent. #Kenya, #Sudan, #Tanzania, #OAU, #Zimbabwe & #Senegal were invited & accepted the invitation
Read 5 tweets
@uusisuomi Olipa kerran Dr. Xi O'Micron, ei päätä, ei häntää.
- Increases in #COVID19 are UNRELATED to levels of #vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the #UnitedStates
Eur J Epidemiol. 2021;…
@uusisuomi #Vastuullisuus #kokoomus #vihreät @THLorg @Rauhio
- #Maski, myös #N95 ovat kirurgisia kertakäyttöisiä (max. 15 min) suu- ja nenäsuojuksia, joiden tehtävä on LEIKKAUSSALISSA suojata veri- ja eriteroiskeilta.
- Se ei ole hengityksensuojain.
@uusisuomi @THLorg @Rauhio @Kokoomus @keskusta @Demarit @vasemmisto @vihreat @persut @sfprkp @KDpuolue
- Muunnos -tarinat loppuvat, kun plandemian perusta, vääriä positiivisia tuottavat testit poistetaan käytöstä, #CDC 31.12.2021, nolo totuus paljastuu.
Read 23 tweets
I was writing a rebuttal to Dr Grum’s article “The Case for GMOs” @Ethiobserver . But I have to break my silence as some people, out of their utter ignorance, are relentlessly making ad hominem attacks on #GMO opponents. #Ethiopia
You can search “@kebyes GMO” so that you will learn how enthusiastic I am about the issue. Unlike others who are bashing every opinion/evidence, I like to ask questions first. That is how you learn. So please ask before resorting to attacks, PEOPLE. #Ethiopia
Read 68 tweets
#SexWorkers remind us sex work is about work. Like all workers they #deserve #rights and #protection against violence at workplace, stigma and discrimination in society.

#EndGBV #accesstoredress #16days #AwarenessToAccountability #dignityatwork…
Current criminalisation (in majority of African countries) of sex work means #sexworkers are on the front-line of #GBV in that the perpetrator knows they are unlikely to report it, and that they are vulnerable and unprotected.

#EndGBV #accesstoredress #16days #dignityatwork
In the context of #MeToo: sex workers face judgement, stigma, blatant systematic discrimination. In media, they’re punished 4 their nonconforming sexuality by being criminalized/slut-shamed.

#EndGBV #accesstoredress #16days #dignityatwork #sexworkiswork…
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